

更新时间:2024-03-10 16:50:39作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of gripper

1. What does "gripper" mean?

- "Gripper" is a noun that refers to a device or tool used for holding or gripping objects firmly. It can also refer to a person or thing that grips or grasps something tightly.


2. How do you pronounce "gripper"?

- The word "gripper" is pronounced as /ˈɡrɪpər/. The first syllable is stressed, and the "i" is pronounced as a short vowel sound.

3. Synonyms for "gripper"

- Some synonyms for "gripper" include: clamp, vise, pincer, holdfast, clip, grasp, clutch.

4. Example sentences

- She used a gripper to hold the fabric in place while she sewed.

- The monkey's hands were like grippers, able to tightly grip onto branches.

- The new phone case has a gripper on the back to prevent it from slipping out of your hand.

- His handshake was surprisingly strong; he must have been using some kind of gripper device.

- The car's tires had special grippers that helped it stay on the road even in wet conditions

Is gripper an idiom?

1. What does gripper mean?

- Gripper is a noun that refers to a device or tool used for gripping or grasping objects. It can also refer to a person or thing that grips or holds onto something tightly.

2. How do you pronounce gripper?

- Gripper is pronounced as "GRIP-er."

3. Synonyms for gripper

- Some synonyms for gripper include clamp, vise, tongs, pliers, and pincers.

4. Examples of using gripper in a sentence

- The mechanic used a gripper to hold onto the small parts while repairing the engine.

- The rock climber relied on his strong grip and grippers to scale the steep cliff.

- The robot's grippers were designed to pick up delicate objects without causing damage.

- The baby's tiny fingers were like little grippers as she held onto her mother's hand tightly.

5. Is gripper an idiom?

- No, gripper is not considered an idiom. It is a commonly used term in the English language with a straightforward meaning.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the term "gripper" refers to a tool or device used for gripping objects and can also describe someone or something that holds onto something tightly. It is pronounced as "GRIP-er" and has synonyms such as clamp, vise, tongs, pliers, and pincers. Gripper is not an idiom but rather a commonly used term in English with a specific meaning related to gripping or holding onto something firmly

Usage and examples of gripper

1. Definition of gripper

A gripper refers to a mechanical device that is used to grasp and hold objects securely. It is commonly used in industrial settings, such as manufacturing and assembly lines, to handle various materials and products.

2. How to pronounce gripper?

The word "gripper" is pronounced as [GRIP-er], with the emphasis on the first syllable. It is derived from the verb "grip", which means to hold firmly or tightly.

3. Synonyms of gripper

Some common synonyms for gripper include clamp, pincer, vise, pliers, and tongs. These words also refer to tools or devices used for grasping and holding objects.

4. Examples of gripper in use

- In a factory setting, a robotic arm equipped with a gripper can pick up and move heavy objects with precision.

- A carpenter may use a pair of pliers as a makeshift gripper to hold small nails while hammering them into place.

- A rock climber relies on their strong grip and specialized gripping techniques to ascend steep cliffs.

- A dentist uses different types of dental instruments, including grippers, to hold and manipulate small tools during procedures.

5. Applications of grippers

Grippers have a wide range of applications in various industries, such as:

- Manufacturing: Grippers are used in assembly lines for picking and placing parts during production.

- Logistics: Grippers are used in warehouses for handling packages and loading/unloading goods.

- Healthcare: Grippers are used in surgical procedures for holding delicate instruments or tissue.

- Agriculture: Grippers are used in farming equipment for harvesting crops or handling livestock.

6. Considerations when choosing a gripper

When selecting a gripper for a specific task, some factors to consider include:

- Material: The material of the object being handled should be compatible with the material of the gripper to ensure a secure grip.

- Size and weight: The gripper should be able to handle the size and weight of the object without causing any damage.

- Grip strength: The gripper should have enough strength to hold the object securely, but not too much that it causes damage.

- Precision: For tasks that require precise movements, a gripper with adjustable grip force and sensitivity may be necessary.

In conclusion, a gripper is a versatile tool used for grasping and holding objects in various industries. It offers precision and efficiency in handling different materials, making it an essential device in many workplaces

Antonyms and synonyms of gripper

1. Antonyms of gripper

- Release: This word is the opposite of gripper, as it means to let go or set free. For example, "The gripper tightly held onto the object until it was ready for release."

- Loosen: This term refers to making something less tight or firm. It is the opposite of gripper, which holds things firmly. For instance, "He loosened his grip on the rope and it slipped from his fingers."

- Unclasp: To unclasp means to undo a clasp or fastening, which is the opposite of gripping onto something. An example sentence could be, "She unclasped her hand from his and walked away."

2. Synonyms of gripper

- Grasp: This word has a similar meaning to gripper, as it refers to taking hold of something firmly with one's hand. For example, "He grasped the handle of the door and pulled it open."

- Clutch: To clutch means to hold onto something tightly, just like a gripper does. A possible sentence using this word could be, "She clutched onto her bag as she ran through the crowded street."

- Clamp: This term can also be used as a synonym for gripper, as it means to hold something in place firmly. An example sentence could be, "The carpenter used a clamp to hold the wood in place while he worked on it."

3. Examples of how to use synonyms for gripper

- The new phone case had a strong grip on my phone.

Synonym: The new phone case had a tight grasp on my phone.

- She couldn't loosen her grip on the steering wheel.

Synonym: She couldn't release her clutch on the steering wheel.

- He struggled to unclasp his hands from hers.

Synonym: He struggled to unclamp his hands from hers.

- The rock climber's grip on the cliff was slipping.

Synonym: The rock climber's grasp on the cliff was slipping.

- The vice president clutched onto his position with all his might.

Synonym: The vice president gripped onto his position with all his might.

- The mechanic used a clamp to secure the part in place.

Synonym: The mechanic used a gripper to secure the part in place

Explanation of gripper

1. What is a gripper?

A gripper is a mechanical device that is used to grasp, hold, or manipulate objects. It typically consists of two or more jaws or fingers that can be opened and closed to grip an object securely.

2. How do you pronounce "gripper"?

The word "gripper" is pronounced as "GRIP-er". The stress is on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for gripper

- Clamp: A device used to hold objects firmly in place.

- Pincer: A tool with two arms that are joined at one end, used for gripping and pulling.

- Vice: A tool with two jaws that can be tightened together to hold an object in place.

- Grappler: A mechanical device used for gripping and moving objects.

4. Examples of using "gripper" in a sentence

- The robot's gripper was able to pick up and move the heavy objects with ease.

- The mechanic used a gripper to hold the small parts in place while he worked on them.

- The machine has interchangeable grippers for handling different types of materials.

- She had a firm grip on the handlebars thanks to the grippers on her gloves.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, a gripper is a versatile mechanical device that is essential in many industries such as manufacturing, robotics, and engineering. It allows for precise manipulation and movement of objects, making tasks easier and more efficient. With its various synonyms and examples of usage, it is clear that the term "gripper" has become an integral part of our vocabulary when it comes to handling objects


