

更新时间:2024-03-10 16:37:55作者:自考教育网




1. grill的含义


2. grill的定义


3. grill怎么读


4. grill同义词


5. grill例句

- Could you help me grill the steaks for dinner tonight?


- The chef is grilling the vegetables on the barbecue.


- We need to clean the grill before we use it.


- The grill marks on the chicken make it look more appetizing.



1. grill的发音及读法


2. grill的同义词

grill作为名词时,可以有以下几种同义词:barbecue, broiler, roaster。作为动词时,则可以用barbecue, broil, roast来替换。

3. grill的例句

(1) I love to cook on the grill during summer.


(2) Can you help me clean the grill after the barbecue?


(3) The restaurant is famous for its grilled seafood.


4. 关于grill


grill作为名词时,发音为/grɪl/,同义词有barbecue, broiler, roaster;作为动词时,发音仍为/grɪl/,同义词有barbecue, broil, roast。需要注意的是,在不同语境下,grill的意思可能会有所不同


1. grill的意思是烤架,通常用于烧烤食物。

例句:We had a barbecue last night and used the grill to cook our burgers.

2. grill的同义词包括barbecue, broil, roast等。

例句:The chef grilled the steak to perfection on the barbecue.

3. grill也可以指“询问、盘问”,常用于警方或调查人员。

例句:The police grilled the suspect for hours before finally getting a confession.

4. 同样可以用作名词,表示“烤肉店”或“烧烤设备”。

例句:Let's go to that new grill down the street for some delicious ribs.

5. 在美国俚语中,grill还可以指“面部表情”,通常是指严肃、愤怒或不满的表情。

例句:Her boss gave her a serious grill when she showed up late for work again.

6. 另外,grill也可以指“格子式铁栅栏”,常用于防盗或安全目的。

例句:The windows of the jewelry store were protected by iron grills.

7. 最后,grill还可以作为动词,表示“在高温下烤制食物”或“盘问某人”。

例句:We grilled some vegetables on the hot coals for a healthy side dish.

The detectives grilled the witness in order to get more information about the crime


1. barbecue - 烧烤,指用炭火或木炭来烤食物的一种方式,常见于户外聚会或野餐。

例句:We had a great time grilling and barbecuing in the backyard.


2. roast - 炙,指用高温直接加热食物的一种方式,通常用于肉类。

例句:The chef is roasting a whole pig on the spit.


3. broil - 炙,与roast类似,但是使用的是上方加热的方式。

例句:I prefer to broil my steak instead of grilling it.


4. sear - 煎,指在高温下迅速地将食物表面焦化。

例句:The chef seared the scallops to perfection.


5. sizzle - 发出嘶嘶声,指食物在高温下发出的油脂溅开的声音。

例句:The bacon sizzled in the pan, making my mouth water.


6. char - 烤焦,指将食物烤到表面黑色的程度。

例句:The marshmallows were slightly charred, but still delicious.


7. toast - 烤面包,也可以指将食物放在高温下使其变得脆脆的。

例句:I like to toast my bagels in the oven before adding cream cheese.


8. cookout - 户外聚餐,通常指在户外用炭火或木炭来烧烤食物的聚会。

例句:We're having a cookout this weekend, would you like to join us?



1. To grill someone: 盘问某人

例句:The police grilled the suspect for hours, trying to get a confession out of him.

2. To put someone on the grill: 盘问某人

例句:The reporter put the politician on the grill, asking tough questions about his policies.

3. To be under the grill: 处于被盘问的状态

例句:The CEO was under the grill during the shareholders' meeting, as they demanded answers about the company's financial losses.

4. To have a grilling session: 进行一次盘问

例句:The job interview turned into a grilling session as the interviewer asked challenging questions.

5. To give someone a grilling: 盘问某人

例句:The lawyer gave his client a grilling before they went into court, making sure they were prepared for any questions from the prosecution.

6. To be grilled by someone: 被某人盘问

例句:The witness was grilled by the defense attorney, trying to poke holes in their testimony.

7. To go through a grilling: 经历一次盘问

例句:The new employee went through a grilling from their boss during their first performance review.

8. To get grilled with questions: 被大量提问

例句:During the press conference, the celebrity got grilled with questions about their recent scandal.

9. A grilling interview: 严厉的面试

例句:She was nervous about her upcoming job interview because she heard it was known for being a grilling interview.

10. Grilled food: 烤食物

例句:At the BBQ party, we enjoyed various types of grilled food, such as burgers, hot dogs, and vegetables



