

更新时间:2024-03-10 16:08:57作者:自考教育网




1. "Greet"作为动词时,意思是“打招呼”、“问候”。例如:


- Every morning, I greet my neighbors with a smile.(每天早上,我都会用微笑向邻居们打招呼。)

- When you meet someone for the first time, it's important to greet them politely.(当你第一次遇见某人时,礼貌地问候对方很重要。)

2. "Greet"作为名词时,意思是“问候”、“祝福”。例如:

- She sent me a warm greet on my birthday.(她在我的生日时给我发了一条温馨的祝福。)

- Our team received a warm greet from the fans after winning the game.(我们队赢得比赛后收到了球迷们的热烈祝贺。)


1. “greet”是一个英语单词,读作/griːt/,音标为[ɡriːt]。

2. 它的词性为动词,意为“问候;致意;欢迎”,常用于日常交流和正式场合。

3. “greet”的同义词有:welcome, salute, hail, acknowledge等。

4. 下面是一些“greet”的例句,帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个单词:

- When you meet someone for the first time, it's polite to greet them with a smile and a handshake.


- The president greeted the foreign guests with a warm speech.


- As soon as I walked in the door, my dog greeted me with wagging tail.


- The villagers gathered at the entrance of the village to greet their returning hero.


5. 总结:单词“greet”读作/griːt/,意为“问候;致意;欢迎”,常用于日常交流和正式场合。它的同义词有welcome, salute, hail, acknowledge等。在实际使用中,我们可以根据不同的场合和语境选择合适的同义词来替换“greet”,以丰富语言表达


1. greet的意思是什么?


2. 怎么读greet?


3. greet的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- When I entered the room, everyone greeted me with a warm smile.


- The mayor greeted the visitors at the airport.


- She greeted her old friend with a hug.


- The host greeted us with a glass of champagne.


5. 双语例句:

- As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by a group of singing children.


- He was warmly greeted by his colleagues when he returned to work after his vacation.



1. Greet with a smile: 笑脸相迎

例句:The host greeted us with a warm smile.


2. Greet someone warmly: 热情地问候某人

例句:He greeted me warmly when I arrived at the party.


3. Greet someone with open arms: 热情地欢迎某人

例句:The villagers greeted the travelers with open arms.


4. Greet someone by name: 用名字来问候某人

例句:The receptionist greeted each guest by name as they entered the hotel.


5. Greet someone in passing: 路过时向某人打招呼

例句:She just greeted me in passing, without stopping to talk.


6. Greet someone cordially: 亲切地问候某人

例句:The mayor greeted the citizens cordially at the town hall meeting.


7. Greet someone with a hug: 用拥抱来问候某人

例句:She greeted her long-lost friend with a warm hug.


8. Greet someone with a handshake: 用握手来问候某人

例句:It is customary to greet someone with a handshake in Western cultures.


9. Greet someone at the door: 在门口迎接某人

例句:The doorman greeted us at the door and showed us to our table.


10. Greet someone at the airport: 在机场迎接某人

例句:The family greeted their relative at the airport with balloons and signs.



1. Welcome: 欢迎

例句:I greeted my guests with a warm welcome.

2. Salute: 敬礼

例句:The soldiers saluted their commander as he walked by.

3. Acknowledge: 承认,接受

例句:He greeted the news of his promotion with great enthusiasm.

4. Embrace: 拥抱,欢迎

例句:The community embraced the new members with open arms.

5. Hail: 称颂,欢呼

例句:The crowd hailed the victorious team as they entered the stadium.

6. Meet and Greet: 迎宾,见面会

例句:The company organized a meet and greet event for their new employees.

7. Receive: 接待,接收

例句:The ambassador was received by the president at the airport.

8. Gush: 热情地迎接,倾注赞美

例句:She gushed over her favorite celebrity when she met him in person.

9. Address: 招呼,致意

例句:He addressed his colleagues with a friendly greeting before starting the meeting.

10. Salutation: 致敬,问候语

例句:In her email, she ended with a formal salutation to show respect for her boss



