

更新时间:2024-03-10 15:24:44作者:自考教育网




1. greasy的定义


2. greasy的含义


3. greasy与其他同义词的比较


- Oily:意为“油状的”、“多油的”,通常用来描述物体表面覆盖了大量油类物质。

- Fatty:意为“脂肪的”、“富含脂肪的”,常用来形容食物或身体组织。

- Slick:意为“光滑的”、“平整的”,可以指物体表面具有油腻感,也可以指人的行为具有欺骗性。

- Slippery:意为“滑溜的”、“光滑的”,常用来形容物体表面具有光滑感,也可以指人的行为狡猾。

4. greasy的例句

- The mechanic's hands were greasy from working on the car all day.


- The pizza was so greasy that it left an oil stain on the paper plate.


- He had a greasy smile on his face, which made me doubt his sincerity.



1. greasy的发音:[ˈɡriːsi]

2. greasy的读法:格里西

3. 同义词:oily, fatty, slick

4. 例句:

- My hands feel greasy after cooking with oil.


- The mechanic's hands were covered in grease after fixing the car.


- The pizza was too greasy for my liking.



1. greasy的意思是油腻的,通常用来形容食物或表面有油脂的感觉。

例句:The pizza was too greasy for my liking. (这个披萨太油腻了,我不喜欢。)

2. greasy也可以用来形容人或行为,意为不诚实或狡猾。

例句:I don't trust him, he always has a greasy smile on his face. (我不信任他,他总是一副狡诈的笑容。)

3. greasy的同义词包括oily、slick、slippery等,都有油腻的含义。

例句:The road was slick after the rain, so I had to drive carefully. (雨后路面很滑,所以我得小心驾驶。)

4. 另外,greasy也可以指质量差或低劣。

例句:I wouldn't recommend that restaurant, their food is usually greasy and tasteless. (我不会推荐那家餐厅,他们的食物通常都很油腻而且没有味道。)

5. 在俚语中,greasy也可以指性骚扰或色情内容。

例句:I can't believe he sent me such a greasy message, it's disgusting! (我简直不能相信他发给我这样色情的信息,太恶心了!)


1. Oily - "Greasy" and "oily" are often used interchangeably to describe something that is covered in oil or has a slick, shiny appearance. For example: "The mechanic's hands were greasy from working on the car all day."

2. Slick - This word can also be used to describe something that is greasy or oily, but it often has a negative connotation and implies that the substance is slippery and hard to handle. For example: "The floor was slick with grease, making it difficult to walk without slipping."

3. Fatty - When referring to food, "greasy" and "fatty" can be used synonymously. Both words describe something that is high in fat content and may leave an oily residue on your hands or lips. For example: "I couldn't resist the greasy, fatty goodness of the deep-fried chicken wings."

4. Smeared - This word can be used to describe something that has been covered in a greasy substance and appears messy or dirty as a result. It can also refer to the act of spreading grease or oil onto something. For example: "The cook smeared butter onto the hot pan before frying the eggs."

5. Shiny - While not always directly related to grease or oil, this word can be used to describe something that has a similar appearance due to being coated in a slick substance. For example: "The sun glinted off the shiny surface of the greased car engine."


1. Greasy hair: 油腻的头发

例句:I need to wash my hair, it's getting greasy. 我需要洗头,它变得很油腻了。

2. Greasy spoon: 廉价的小餐馆

例句:Let's grab a quick bite at that greasy spoon over there. 我们去那边那家廉价小餐馆吃点东西吧。

3. Greasy food: 油腻的食物

例句:I can't eat too much greasy food, it upsets my stomach. 我不能吃太多油腻的食物,会让我胃不舒服。

4. Greasy hands: 沾满油污的手

例句:Don't touch me with your greasy hands! 用沾满油污的手别碰我!

5. Grease monkey: 汽车修理工

例句:My brother is a grease monkey, he can fix any car problem. 我哥哥是个汽车修理工,他可以解决任何汽车问题。

6. Grease the wheels: 贿赂,讨好

例句:He tried to grease the wheels with the boss to get a promotion. 他试图贿赂老板以获取升职机会。

7. Grease someone's palm: 贿赂某人

例句:The politician was caught greasing someone's palm for votes. 这位政治家因为贿赂选民而被抓住。

8. Grease up: 涂油,涂抹

例句:He greased up his bike chain to make it run smoother. 他给自行车链条涂了油以使其更顺畅运转。

9. Grease the skids: 准备好,做好准备

例句:We need to grease the skids before launching our new product. 在推出我们的新产品之前,我们需要做好准备。

10. Greasy talk: 虚伪的说辞

例句:Don't believe his greasy talk, he's just trying to manipulate you. 别相信他虚伪的说辞,他只是想操纵你



