

更新时间:2024-03-10 15:19:28作者:自考教育网



1. 拼写:grav

2. 发音:[græv]


3. 字母组合:grav这个词根由5个字母组成,分别是g、r、a、v、e。

4. 音标解读:根据国际音标,grav的发音为[græv],其中g为浊辅音/g/,r为清辅音/r/,a为短元音/æ/,v为清辅音/v/,e为短元音/e/。

5. 重读位置:在grav这个词根中,重读位置在第一个音节上。

6. 音节划分:grav一词只有一个音节,因此不需要进行音节划分。

7. 同义词:没有严格意义上的同义词,但可以用其他含有相同意思的前缀来替代,如graft(移植)、graph(写、画)等。

8. 反义词:没有严格意义上的反义词,在某些情况下可以用un-或dis-来表示反向含义,如ungrateful(忘恩负义的)、disagree(不同意)等。

9. 语源:grav一词来自拉丁语“gravis”,意为“重要的、沉重的”,后来演变为“重力”的意思。它也是许多英语单词的前缀和后缀,如gravity(重力)、grave(严重的)、aggravate(加重、恶化)等。

10. 常见搭配:grav一词常与表示“重要的、沉重的”含义相关的词汇搭配使用,如grave danger(严重危险)、gravitas(庄重、严肃)等。

11. 用法示例:

- The gravestone was carved with the deceased's name and date of birth.


- The doctor warned the patient about the gravity of their condition.


- The teacher's gravitas commanded respect from her students.


12. 衍生词:除了上述提到的常见搭配外,grav一词还可以衍生出其他相关词汇,如gravitation(引力)、graveness(沉重、严肃)、degrade(降低、贬低)等。

13. 相关词根:在英语中,有许多以“gr”开头的词根,它们都与“重要的、沉重的”含义相关,如great(伟大的)、gross(总共的)、grit(勇气)等。

14. 总结:grav一词是一个非常常用且具有多种含义的词根,它可以用来表示“重要的、沉重的”含义,也可以衍生出其他相关词汇。掌握好grav的拼写和发音,有助于更好地理解和运用相关单词,提升英语水平



1. grav词根的来源


2. grav词根在单词中的运用


3. grav词根的英语单词听力课堂


4. grav词根带来的启示


1. grav词根的含义


2. grav词根的用法

- gravity:重力,地心引力。例如:The gravity of the moon is weaker than that of the Earth.

- grave:严肃的,庄重的。例如:He had a grave expression on his face.

- aggravate:使恶化,加重。例如:Stress can aggravate existing health problems.

- gravid:怀孕的。例如:The vet confirmed that the dog was gravid.

3. grav词根的例句

- The gravity of the situation was not lost on him, as he knew the consequences of his actions.


- The doctor's grave tone made me worry about my test results.


- The pollution in the city has aggravated my allergies.


- The gravid elephant gave birth to a healthy calf last night.


4. grav词根在英语单词听力课堂中的应用



1. Gravitate towards: 向某物倾斜或被吸引

2. Gravitation force: 重力作用力

3. Gravitational pull: 重力吸引力

4. Gravitational field: 重力场

5. Gravitate away from: 远离或不受吸引

6. Gravitational waves: 重力波

7. Grave consequences: 严重的后果

8. Gravely ill: 病危的

9. Gravity-defying: 不受重力影响的

10. Graveyard shift: 夜班,通宵班

11. Gravestone: 墓碑

12. Gravity center: 重心,中心点

13. Grave matter: 严肃的问题,大事情

14. Grave digger: 掘墓人,挖坟人

15. Gravity feed system: 自然流量系统(无需外部动力)

16.Grave accent/Grave mark/Grave accent mark:(语法)抑音符号(`)

17.Gravimetric analysis:重量分析法(一种化学分析方法)



20.Gravity assist:引力助推(利用行星或卫星的引力来改变飞船轨道)

21.Gravity bong:水烟壶(一种吸食大麻的工具)

22.Gravure printing:凹版印刷(一种印刷方法)

23.Grave goods:殉葬品(古代用来陪葬的物品)

24.Gravity knife:重力刀(一种折叠式刀具)

25.Grave clothes:殓衣(用来包裹尸体的衣物)

26.Gravity dam:重力坝(利用重力抵抗水压的大型水坝)

27.Gravitational lensing:引力透镜效应(天文学现象)

28.Gravity survey:重力测量(地质勘探方法)

29.Gravitational potential energy:重力势能

30.Gravity separation:重力分离(物理分离技术)

31. Gravitate towards success: 向成功靠拢

32. Grave mistake: 严重的错误

33. Gravitate towards each other: 相互吸引

34. Gravity-defying stunts: 不可思议的特技表演

35. Grave concern: 严肃关注的问题

36. Gravitational collapse: 重力坍缩

37. Gravitate towards a particular group: 倾向于某个特定群体

38. Graveyard humor: 黑色幽默,冷笑话

39. Gravity-assisted landing: 引力助降落(航天器着陆方式之一)

40. Gravitationally bound system: 有引力束缚的系统

41. Gravity-defying hairdo: 不可思议的发型

42. Graveyard shift worker: 夜班工人

43. Gravitational potential: 重力势

44. Gravity-driven flow: 重力驱动流动

45. Gravitate towards a certain type of music: 倾向于某种类型的音乐

46. Grave robbing: 盗墓,掘坟

47. Gravitational constant: 引力常数

48. Gravity-powered device: 重力驱动装置

49. Gravitate towards the truth: 向真相靠拢

50. Graveyard silence: 墓地的寂静


1. Weighty - This word comes from the Latin root "grav" meaning heavy or weighty. So, when something is weighty, it has a significant amount of gravity or importance.

2. Burdensome - Another synonym for "grav" is burdensome, which refers to something that is difficult to carry or handle due to its weight or significance.

3. Serious - The word serious also has its roots in "grav," as it originally meant full of gravity or importance. Now, it is commonly used to describe something that is important, significant, or severe.

4. Momentous - This word comes from the Latin phrase "momentum gravitas," which means serious moment. It refers to something that is of great importance or significance.

5. Grave - The word grave can be used as both an adjective and a noun, and it also comes from the Latin root "grav." As an adjective, it means serious or solemn, while as a noun it refers to a place where dead bodies are buried.

6. Weighted - When something is weighted, it has a certain amount of heaviness or importance attached to it. This can also refer to adding extra weight to an object for a specific purpose.

7. Severe - Another synonym for "grav" is severe, which means harsh or strict and often carries a sense of seriousness and importance.

8. Crucial - This word comes from the Latin word "crucis," meaning cross, and was used in reference to important decisions made by Roman magistrates while standing on a crossroads. Now it refers to something that is extremely important and decisive.

9. Critical - When something is critical, it means that it has reached a crucial stage where action must be taken immediately due to its significance or severity.

10. Significant - Lastly, significant comes from the Latin word "significare," meaning to make known or indicate. It refers to something that is important or meaningful


