

更新时间:2024-03-10 14:46:41作者:自考教育网









1. "grasp"的词性是动词。

2. "grasp"是一个不规则动词,过去式为"grasped",过去分词为"grasped"。

3. "grasp"的主要含义是抓住、抓紧,也可以表示理解、掌握。

4. 除了作为动词外,"grasp"还可以作为名词使用,意为抓住、掌握的能力或方式。

5. "grasp"的同义词包括:grab, seize, clutch, hold等。

6. "grasp"的反义词包括:release, let go, surrender等。

7. 以下是一些常用短语和搭配:

- grasp at sth: 试图抓住某物

- grasp for sth: 想方设法得到某物

- grasp the opportunity/chance: 抓住机会

- grasp the concept/idea: 理解概念/想法

- have a good/better grasp of sth: 对某事有很好/更好的理解

- lose one's grasp on sth: 失去对某事的掌控力

8. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词。比如:

- He grasped my hand tightly.


- It took me a while to grasp the concept.


- She has a good grasp of the English language.


- He grasped at the opportunity to study abroad.


9. 总的来说,"grasp"是一个常用的动词,通常用来表示抓住、抓紧、理解或掌握某事物。它也可以作为名词使用,表示抓住、掌握的能力或方式。在写作中,我们可以使用它来丰富句子结构,表达更准确的意思


1. "grasp"的基本含义


2. "grasp"作名词的用法和例句

- He has a good grasp of English grammar. (他对英语语法有很好的掌握。)

- She lost her grasp on the rope and fell into the river. (她松开了绳子,掉进了河里。)

- The baby's tiny hands couldn't get a good grasp on the toy. (婴儿小小的手无法牢牢抓住玩具。)

3. "grasp"作动词的用法和例句

- It took me some time to grasp the concept of quantum physics. (我花了一些时间才理解量子物理学的概念。)

- The police finally grasped the criminal after months of investigation. (经过数月的调查,警察终于抓住了罪犯。)

- She grasped my hand tightly as we walked through the dark forest. (我们走过黑暗的森林时,她紧紧抓住了我的手。)

4. "grasp"在其他场景中的用法和例句

- He has a good grasp of the situation. (他对情况有很好的把握。)

- The child grasped the concept quickly and solved the math problem correctly. (孩子很快就理解了概念,并正确解决了数学问题。)

- I can't seem to grasp what you're trying to say. (我似乎无法理解你想要表达的意思。)

5. "grasp"的同义词和反义词

- 同义词:understand, comprehend, grip, seize

- 反义词:lose, release, misunderstand

7. 延伸阅读


- "grasp"的详细解释:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/grasp

- "grasp"的例句:https://sentence.yourdictionary.com/grasp


1. Grasp the concept (掌握概念)

- This phrase is often used in educational and academic contexts, indicating the understanding and comprehension of a particular concept or idea.

- Example: It took me a while to grasp the concept of quantum physics, but with practice and guidance from my professor, I finally understood it.

2. Grasp the opportunity (抓住机会)

- This phrase means to take advantage of an opportunity or chance that presents itself.

- Example: She was quick to grasp the opportunity to study abroad and expand her horizons.

3. Grasp the meaning (理解含义)

- Similar to "grasp the concept," this phrase refers to understanding the meaning or significance behind something.

- Example: It's important to grasp the meaning behind this poem in order to fully appreciate its beauty.

4. Grasp at straws (抓住稻草)

- This idiom is used to describe someone who is desperately trying to find a solution or hope, even if it seems unlikely or futile.

- Example: The company was struggling financially and their CEO was grasping at straws for ways to turn things around.

5. Grasp the basics (掌握基础知识)

- To grasp the basics means to have a good understanding of the fundamental principles or skills of a subject.

- Example: Before moving on to more advanced topics, it's important for students to grasp the basics of grammar in their language studies.

6. Grasp for air (挣扎呼吸)

- This phrase describes someone who is struggling or suffocating and trying desperately to breathe.

- Example: After falling into the water, she grasped for air as she struggled to stay afloat.

7. Grasp at an idea (抓住一个想法)

- Similar to "grasp the concept," this phrase refers to understanding or accepting a new idea or concept.

- Example: It took some time for the team to grasp at the idea of changing their marketing strategy, but once they did, it led to great success.

8. Grasp someone's hand (抓住某人的手)

- This phrase can have literal or figurative meanings, either physically holding onto someone's hand or seeking support or guidance from them.

- Example: She grasped her friend's hand tightly as they walked through the haunted house.

9. Grasp the handle (抓住把手)

- This phrase is often used when referring to holding onto something firmly in order to control or manipulate it.

- Example: The driver grasped the handle of the steering wheel tightly as he navigated through the winding roads.

10. Grasp for understanding (寻求理解)

- To grasp for understanding means to try and make sense of something that may be confusing or complex.

- Example: As she read through the difficult text, she found herself grasping for understanding and having to re-read certain passages


1. Understand the meaning of "grasp"

- Comprehend the definition of "grasp"

- Grasp the concept of "grasp"

2. Get a hold of "grasp"

- Get a grip on "grasp"

- Grapple with "grasp"

3. Master "grasp"

- Acquire proficiency in "grasp"

- Become skilled at "grasp"

4. Comprehend fully

- Fully understand "grasp"

- Have a complete grasp on "grasp"

5. Grasping the idea

- Grasping the concept of "grasp"

- Taking in the meaning of "grasp"


