

更新时间:2024-03-10 14:42:08作者:自考教育网




1. “graphite”这个词的发音是“GRA-fite”,重音在第一个音节上。

2. 它的发音和“graph”这个词很相似,但是结尾的“ite”部分要轻一些。

3. 如果你不确定如何发音,可以把它分解成两个部分来读,“gra”和“fite”,再合起来读就是正确的发音了。

4. 和其他英文单词一样,它也有不同的口语发音,但是大多数人都会使用上面提到的标准发音。

5. 如果你想更加准确地学习如何发音,可以在网上搜索相关的视频或者听力材料来练习。

6. 总之,记住“graphite”的发音就像念“gra-fite”,这样你就可以和其他人流利地交流关于它的意思了


1. 简介


2. 源自古希腊语


3. 物理性质


4. 工业应用


5. 其他应用




1. graphite的定义和用途


2. graphite在不同语境下的含义


3. graphite的双语例句

- Graphite is a good conductor of electricity and heat, making it useful in many industrial applications.


- The pencil marks were made with graphite, not ink.


- The artist used graphite to create a realistic portrait.


- The electrodes are made of graphite, which is a form of carbon.


- Graphite is often added to clay to improve its strength and heat resistance.



1. "In the black": This phrase refers to being financially successful or having a positive balance in one's finances. It comes from the fact that graphite is often used in pencils to create the color black.

2. "Lead the way": This phrase can be used to describe someone who is taking charge or leading a group, similar to how graphite leads the way when writing or drawing with a pencil.

3. "Leave your mark": Graphite is often associated with leaving a mark on paper, so this phrase can be used to encourage someone to make their mark or leave a lasting impression.

4. "Write it down": Similar to how graphite is used for writing, this phrase can be used as a reminder for someone to write something down or take notes.

5. "Pencil pusher": This humorous phrase refers to someone who has a desk job or works in an office, as they may use pencils frequently and push them across paper while working.

6. "Draw the line": Graphite is often used for drawing, so this phrase can be used to set boundaries or make a clear distinction between two things.

7. "No lead in my pencil": This playful phrase can be used when someone is feeling tired or lacking energy, as graphite (also known as lead) is what gives pencils their ability to write.

8. "The power of the pencil": This phrase highlights the importance and effectiveness of using pencils (and therefore graphite) for writing and drawing.

9. "Think outside the lines": Since graphite is often used for drawing lines, this phrase encourages people to think creatively and go beyond traditional boundaries.

10. "On point": This slang term means being fashionable or trendy, but it also has ties to graphite pencils being sharpened to a point for precise writing and drawing


1. Carbon: Graphite is a form of carbon, so it can be used as a synonym for carbon in certain contexts.

2. Pencil lead: Graphite is commonly used in pencils as the main component of the "lead" that leaves marks on paper.

3. Black lead: This is another term for graphite, often used in the context of pencils or other writing instruments.

4. Plumbago: This is an older term for graphite, derived from the Latin word for "lead," plumbum.

5. Mineral carbon: Graphite is classified as a mineral and can be referred to as mineral carbon in scientific or technical discussions.

6. Gray iron: This type of iron contains graphite, giving it its distinctive gray color and making it easier to machine.

7. Black diamond: Graphite has also been called black diamond due to its shiny appearance and similar properties to diamonds.

8. Lead ore: While not technically correct, graphite has been referred to as lead ore due to its similar appearance and use in pencils.

9. Black gold: In some industries, such as lubricants, graphite has been nicknamed black gold due to its valuable properties and uses.

10. Plumbago crucible: A crucible made from graphite is often called a plumbago crucible due to the use of the old term for graphite.

11. Artificial coal: Graphite has also been called artificial coal due to its high carbon content and ability to be used as a fuel source.

12. Fossilized charcoal: In some cases, graphite can be formed from fossilized charcoal, making this term an accurate synonym in certain instances.

13. Mineral oil black lead: This term was commonly used in the 19th century to refer to graphite, highlighting its dark color and mineral origins.

14. Carbonaceous shale: Shale that contains high levels of organic material may contain small amounts of graphite and can be referred to as carbonaceous shale.

15. Mineral plumbago: This term has been used to distinguish graphite from other forms of plumbago, such as black lead or white lead.

16. Mineral black lead: Similar to mineral plumbago, this term is used to specify that the substance being referred to is graphite and not another type of plumbago.

17. Amorphous carbon: Graphite is a form of amorphous carbon, meaning it does not have a defined crystal structure like other forms of carbon.

18. Natural graphite: This term is used to differentiate between naturally occurring graphite and synthetic forms, which may have different properties and uses.

19. Flake graphite: One of the most common forms of natural graphite, this type has a flaky structure that makes it useful for lubricants and other applications.

20. Crystalline carbon: While not technically correct, this term has been used to refer to graphite due to its crystal-like structure when viewed under a microscope


