

更新时间:2024-03-10 14:35:24作者:自考教育网




1. graphical的定义:graphical是一个形容词,意为“图形的”、“图解的”,源自于英文单词“graph”,表示用图表或图像来展示信息或数据。

2. graphical的含义:在英语中,graphical通常指与文字相结合的可视化表达方式,可以更直观地呈现信息,使得阅读更加轻松愉快。它可以用于各种领域,如商业、科学、医学等。

3. graphical怎么读:graphical的发音为[ˈɡræfɪkl],其中重音在第一个音节上。可以简单地记忆为“格拉菲克尔”。

4. graphical同义词:visual、pictorial、illustrative均可作为graphical的同义词使用。它们都具有“视觉化”的含义。

5. graphical例句:

- This report is full of graphical representations, making it easier to understand the data.


- The new software has a more user-friendly interface with colorful and interactive graphical elements.


- The company's sales have increased significantly since they started using graphical marketing strategies.



1. 发音:[ˈɡræfɪkəl]

2. 读法:格拉菲卡尔(注:英语中的“ph”通常发[f]音,而不是汉语中的[p]音)

3. 同义词:visual, pictorial, illustrative

4. 例句:

- The report includes graphical representations of the data for better understanding.


- This software allows you to create your own graphical designs easily.


- The book is filled with beautiful graphical illustrations that enhance the reading experience.



1. graphical的意思是指使用图表、图像或图形来表示信息或数据的。例如:He used a graphical representation to explain the complex data.

2. graphical的读音为[ˈɡræfɪkl],其中的"g"发音为浊辅音,"ph"发音为[f],"i"发音为[ɪ]。

3. graphical的同义词有visual, pictorial, chart-based等。例如:The report includes both textual and graphical representations of the data.

4. 下面是几个关于graphical的双语例句:

- The students were asked to create a graphical display of their research findings.


- The new software allows for more advanced and interactive graphical capabilities.


- Can you explain this concept using a graphical representation?



1. Visual - 可视化的,与图形相关的。例如:This software provides a graphical representation of the data.

2. Pictorial - 图像的,图画的。例如:The report includes pictorial representations of the company's growth over the past year.

3. Diagrammatic - 图解的,用图表表示的。例如:The presentation was accompanied by a diagrammatic explanation of the new product.

4. Graphic - 图形的,生动的。例如:The graphic illustrations in the book make it more engaging for young readers.

5. Illustrative - 说明性的,用作说明的。例如:The use of illustrations makes the instructions more illustrative and easier to follow.

6. Charted - 绘制成图表的,记录在图表上的。例如:The progress of our project is charted on a graphical timeline.

7. Depicted - 描绘出来的,用图画展示出来的。例如:The artist depicted her emotions through graphical representations in her paintings.

8. Figurative - 比喻性的,形象化地描述。例如:His speech was full of figurative language and graphical descriptions, making it more impactful.

9. Symbolic - 象征性的,符号化表示。例如:The use of different colors in the graphical design has symbolic significance.

10. Imaginative - 富有想象力的,创造性地表现。例如:The designer used imaginative graphical elements to bring life to the advertisement campaign


1. Graphical user interface (GUI)


例句:The new software has a more user-friendly graphical interface.

2. Graphical representation


例句:The statistical data was presented in a graphical representation for easier understanding.

3. Graphical design


例句:The company hired a team of experts to create a new graphical design for their brand.

4. Graphical model


例句:The scientist developed a graphical model to explain the relationship between different variables.

5. Graphical illustration


例句:The children's book was filled with colorful graphical illustrations.

6. Graphical data


例句:The sales report included both numerical and graphical data to show the company's performance.

7. Graphical representation of information


例句:The infographic provided a graphical representation of the company's history and achievements.

8. Graphical user experience (UX)


例句:The new app has a sleek and modern graphical user experience.

9. Graphical analysis


例句:The financial team conducted a graphical analysis of the company's profits over the past year.

10. Graphical presentation


例句:The speaker used a graphical presentation to explain the company's future plans



