

更新时间:2024-03-10 14:13:51作者:自考教育网



1. grant的含义:grant是一个动词,意为“授予,给予”,也可作为名词使用,表示“补助金,津贴”。它来自古法语的单词“graunter”,意为“同意,准许”。

2. grant的发音:grant的发音为/grænt/,读起来像是“格兰特”的缩写版。


3. grant的同义词:grant的同义词包括bestow、confer、endow等。例如:“The university granted her a scholarship.”(该大学给予了她一笔奖学金。)

4. grant的例句:

a) The government has granted funding to support the development of renewable energy sources.


b) The company has decided to grant all employees an extra day off for their hard work.


c) The foundation grants scholarships to students from low-income families.




2. 音标:/ɡrænt/

3. 同义词:give, bestow, confer, award

4. 例句:

- The organization has decided to grant scholarships to five outstanding students.


- The government has granted permission for the construction of a new hospital.


- The king granted land to his loyal followers as a reward for their service.



1. grant的意思


2. grant的读音


3. grant的同义词

- award:奖励、授予

- bestow:赐予、授予

- confer:授予、颁发

- give:给予、授予

4. grant的例句

① The government has granted funds for the construction of a new school.


② The university granted her a scholarship for her outstanding academic performance.


③ The judge granted the plaintiff's request for a retrial.


④ The company has been granted permission to use the patented technology.


5. 用于特定场合的短语搭配

- grant permission:允许、批准

- grant a wish:满足一个愿望

- grant an interview:接受采访

- grant a request:同意一个请求

- grant a pardon:赦免、宽恕

6. grant的常见搭配

- grant access:允许进入、使用

- grant rights:授予权利

- grant approval:批准、同意

- grant a loan:发放贷款

- grant a patent:授予专利权

7. 不同场景中的用法差异



1. Award - 授予

例句:The organization granted him an award for his outstanding contribution to the community. (这个组织授予他一项奖励,表彰他对社区的杰出贡献。)

2. Bestow - 赋予

例句:The government granted him the title of "Knight" for his bravery in saving a child from a burning building. (政府赋予他“爵士”头衔,以表彰他在救出一名儿童脱离火灾中的勇敢行为。)

3. Confer - 授予

例句:The university granted her an honorary degree for her achievements in the field of science. (这所大学授予她荣誉学位,以表彰她在科学领域的成就。)

4. Endow - 赋予

例句:Her parents' wealth allowed her to be endowed with a luxurious lifestyle. (她父母的财富让她拥有了奢华的生活方式。)

5. Allocate - 分配

例句:The government granted funds to schools in underprivileged areas to improve their education system. (政府向贫困地区的学校拨款,以改善他们的教育体系。)

6. Authorize - 授权

例句:The company's board of directors granted the CEO the authority to make important decisions on behalf of the company. (公司董事会授权CEO代表公司做出重要决策。)

7. Permit - 允许

例句:The landlord granted the tenants permission to have pets in the apartment. (房东允许租客在公寓内养宠物。)

8. Accord - 给予

例句:The judge granted the plaintiff financial compensation for the damages caused by the defendant's negligence. (法官给予原告经济赔偿,以弥补被告疏忽造成的损失。)

9. Vouchsafe - 赐予

例句:The king vouchsafed him a piece of land as a reward for his loyalty and service. (国王赐予他一块土地,作为对他忠诚和服务的奖励。)

10. Sanction - 批准

例句:The government granted sanctions on imports from that country due to their violation of human rights. (政府因该国违反人权而对其进口商品实施制裁。)


1. 授予 (grant) - 赋予 (bestow), 给予 (give), 经给 (endow)

例句:The scholarship grants students financial aid to pursue their studies.(这项奖学金为学生提供经济援助,以继续他们的学业。)

2. 批准 (grant) - 同意 (approve), 认可 (endorse), 授权 (authorize)

例句:The committee granted the proposal for the new project.(委员会批准了这项新项目的提案。)

3. 拨款 (grant) - 捐赠 (donate), 资助 (fund), 出资 (contribute)

例句:The government granted a large sum of money to support the development of education in rural areas.(政府拨出了一大笔资金来支持农村教育的发展。)

4. 允许 (grant) - 同意 (agree), 许可 (permit), 准许 (allow)

例句:My parents finally granted me permission to go on a trip with my friends.(我的父母最终同意我和朋友一起去旅行。)

5. 授予权利/权威/特权/豁免等(grant) - 委任 (appoint), 授权授予(authorize), 赋予特权(confer privileges)

例句:The company granted its employees the authority to make important decisions on behalf of the company.(公司授权其员工代表公司做出重要决策。)

6. 赠予 (grant) - 赠送 (give), 赏赐 (bestow), 送给 (present to)

例句:The king granted the knight with a piece of land as a reward for his bravery in battle.(国王授予这位骑士一片土地,以表彰他在战斗中的勇敢。)

7. 承认/同意/接受 (grant) - 认可 (acknowledge), 确认 (confirm), 同意 (concede)

例句:The judge granted the defendant's plea for leniency and reduced his sentence.(法官批准了被告人的宽大请求,减轻了他的刑罚。)

8. 慷慨给予(grant) - 慷慨赠与(generously give), 大方给予(generously provide), 慷慨解囊(generously donate)

例句:The charity organization granted food and supplies to the victims of the natural disaster.(慈善组织慷慨地向自然灾害的受害者提供食物和物资。)



