

更新时间:2024-03-10 14:09:23作者:自考教育网



1. 简介



2. 作形容词使用

当granted作为形容词使用时,它的意思是“被授予的”、“赋予”的意思。例如,“He was granted a scholarship to study abroad.”(他被授予了一项留学奖学金)。在这个例子中,granted表示这个奖学金是给予他的,是他获得了这个机会。

3. 作副词使用

当granted作为副词使用时,它的意思是“虽然如此”、“尽管如此”的意思。例如,“Granted, the project was challenging, but we managed to complete it successfully.”(虽然项目很具挑战性,但我们还是成功地完成了它)。在这个例子中,granted表示尽管项目具有挑战性,但还是成功完成了。

4. 作动词使用

当granted作为动词使用时,它的意思是“给予”、“授予”的意思。例如,“The government has granted permission for the construction of a new hospital.”(政府已经批准建造一座新医院)。在这个例子中,granted表示政府给予了允许,即批准建造新医院的许可。

5. 用法示例

a. I took it for granted that she would come to the party.(我认为她会来参加派对)。

b. Granted, he is a good player, but he still needs more practice.(尽管他是一个好球员,但他还需要更多的练习)。

c. The company has granted me a week off for my vacation.(公司给了我一周的假期)。

6. 同义词

a. Given:表示“考虑到”、“鉴于”的意思,与granted作为副词时的用法相同。

b. Awarded:表示“授予”、“给予”的意思,与granted作为形容词时的用法相同。

c. Allowed:表示“允许”、“准许”的意思,与granted作为动词时的用法相同。



1. 真的要读成“格兰特德”吗?


2. 为什么会有这样的发音?


3. 还有其他类似的例子吗?

当然有啦!比如:wanted(想要), needed(需要), played(玩耍),每个单词都遵循了上面说的规则。所以,如果你想要正确地读出这些单词,就要记住把最后一个字母“d”也读出来,而且要和前面的元音字母连在一起读。

4. 那么,granted还有其他意思吗?

是的,除了作为动词表示“准许、承认”的意思之外,granted还可以作为形容词使用,表示“被赋予的、被授予的”。比如:I am grateful for the opportunities granted to me.(我很感激被赋予的机会)。所以,在不同的语境中,granted也可以有不同的含义哦!


1. granted的意思


- The teacher granted the student an extension on their assignment. (老师同意给学生延期完成作业。)

- The company granted her a promotion for her hard work. (公司因为她的努力工作而给她晋升。)

- He took his success for granted and didn't appreciate it. (他把他的成功当作理所当然,没有珍惜。)

- The team was granted access to the restricted area. (团队被允许进入受限制区域。)

2. granted的读音

Granted 的发音为[ˈɡræntɪd],重音在第一个音节上。

3. granted的中文翻译


4. 双语例句

- She took it for granted that her parents would always support her decisions.


- The scholarship was granted to students who excelled in their studies.


- Granted, it's a difficult task, but I believe we can accomplish it together.


- The court granted the divorce to the couple after months of legal battles.



1. take for granted:认为理所当然

例句:Don't take your parents' love for granted, appreciate them while they're still here.

2. granted that:假设

例句:Granted that the weather is good, we can have a picnic in the park.

3. granted permission:获得许可

例句:She was only allowed to leave the country after she was granted permission from the government.

4. take something for granted:对某事视而不见

例句:We often take our health for granted until we get sick.

5. grant someone's wish:满足某人的愿望

例句:The fairy godmother granted Cinderella's wish and she went to the ball.

6. grant someone an opportunity:给予某人机会

例句:The scholarship granted her an opportunity to study abroad.

7. by no means be taken for granted:绝不可被忽视

例句:The importance of education should by no means be taken for granted.

8. grant someone a favor:帮助某人

例句:I asked my friend to grant me a favor and lend me some money until I get paid next week.

9. take something at face value: 相信表面的东西,不加怀疑地接收信息

例句: Don't just take everything at face value, do some research and think critically.

10. grant someone's request: 同意某人的请求

例句: The teacher kindly granted my request for an extension on the assignment deadline


1. Granted的同义词包括:given, provided, allowed

2. 想要了解granted的意思吗?那就给你说说它的同义词吧!

3. Granted怎么读?其实它的同义词也可以是admitted或者acknowledged。

4. granted翻译成中文可以是“授予”的意思,也可以是“承认”或者“允许”。

5. 不管你用什么同义词,granted都是指经过授权或者许可后得到的东西



