

更新时间:2024-03-10 14:04:32作者:自考教育网





1. grand的同义词


- magnificent:华丽的、壮观的

- splendid:辉煌的、灿烂的

- majestic:雄伟的、威严的

- impressive:令人印象深刻的

- glorious:光荣的、辉煌的

2. grand在句子中怎么用?


- The grand palace was a sight to behold.(那座宏伟的宫殿令人惊叹)

- She looked absolutely grand in her evening gown.(她穿着晚礼服显得非常优雅)

- The grand finale of the concert left the audience in awe.(音乐会最后一曲让观众惊叹不已)

3. grand的用法小贴士

- grand也可以作为名词,意为“一千英镑”。

- 在美国英语中,grand也可以用来表示“一千美元”。

- grand也可以作为副词使用,意为“非常、极其”


1. grand的发音为[ɡrænd],读作“格兰德”。

2. 同义词包括:magnificent, splendid, impressive等。

3. 例如:“The grand palace is a symbol of the country's rich history and culture.”(这座宏伟的宫殿是国家丰富历史和文化的象征。)


1. grand的意思是“宏伟的”,通常用来形容壮观的建筑、伟大的成就或雄伟的景色。例如:The grand cathedral took over 200 years to build.(这座宏伟的大教堂花费了200多年才建成。)

2. grand也可以表示“豪华的”、“高贵的”,特别是用来形容富裕阶层或高级社会。例如:She lives in a grand mansion with a pool and tennis court.(她住在一座豪华的大厦里,里面有游泳池和网球场。)

3. 作为名词,grand还可以指“一千美元”。例如:He paid a grand for that watch.(他花了一千美元买下那块手表。)

4. 同义词包括magnificent、impressive、splendid等,都可以用来形容壮观、豪华或令人印象深刻的事物。

5. 英文例句:

- The view from the top of the mountain was simply grand.


- She wore a grand gown to the ball, looking every bit the queen.


- My grandparents gave me a grand for my birthday.


- The grand palace was a symbol of the country's wealth and power.



1. Grand finale:最后的高潮,大结局。例句:The grand finale of the concert left the audience in awe.


2. Grand entrance:盛大的进场,华丽的入场。例句:The bride made a grand entrance in her beautiful wedding dress.


3. Grand opening:隆重开幕,盛大开张。例句:The grand opening of the new store attracted a lot of customers.


4. Grand gesture:豪迈的姿态,宏大的手势。例句:His grand gesture of donating all his wealth to charity impressed everyone.


5. Grand design:宏伟的设计,巨大的规划。例句:The architect's grand design for the new building won many awards.


6. Grand total:总计,总数。例句:After adding up all the expenses, the grand total came out to be much higher than expected.


7. Grand scale:宏大的规模,巨大的范围。例句:The movie was shot on a grand scale, with stunning special effects and elaborate sets.


8. Grand prize:大奖,特等奖。例句:The winner of the competition will receive a grand prize of $10,000.


9. Grand ceremony:盛大的仪式,隆重的典礼。例句:The grand ceremony for the inauguration of the new president was attended by many important figures.


10. Grand vision:宏伟的愿景,远见卓识。例句:The company's grand vision is to become a global leader in sustainable energy solutions.



1. Magnificent - The grand palace was a sight to behold.

2. Splendid - The grand ballroom was filled with elegant decorations.

3. Majestic - The grand mountains stood tall and proud.

4. Glorious - The grand parade was a celebration of the nation's independence.

5. Stately - The grand manor exuded an air of sophistication.

6. Impressive - The grand display of fireworks lit up the night sky.

7. Regal - The grand throne room was fit for a king.

8. Noble - The grand gesture of forgiveness touched everyone's hearts.

9. Lavish - The grand banquet featured a variety of decadent dishes.

10. Exquisite - The grand artwork in the museum left visitors in awe.



