

更新时间:2024-03-10 13:43:30作者:自考教育网



1. grain的发音:grain的发音为/ɡreɪn/,读作“格雷恩”。


2. grain的拼写:grain的拼写比较简单,由5个字母组成,分别是g-r-a-i-n。

3. 你可能会犯的错误:由于英语中有许多单词拼写相似,容易混淆,所以在拼写grain时要注意不要把它和以下单词混淆:

- green:意为“绿色”,发音为/ɡriːn/;

- grand:意为“宏伟的”,发音为/ɡrænd/;

- grin:意为“咧嘴笑”,发音为/ɡrɪn/。

4. 一句话总结:grain是一个由5个字母组成,读作“格雷恩”的单词。记住不要把它和green、grand、grin这几个单词搞混哦!


1. grain的词性


2. grain的词源


3. grain作为谷物的含义


4. grain作为颗粒的含义


5. grain作为纹理的含义


6. 其他引申含义




1. 究竟是什么东西?


2. 为什么它如此重要?


3. 它有哪些种类?


4. 如何种植和收获?


5. 为什么要关注grain?


1. 用法:作为名词,grain可以表示“谷物”、“粮食”、“谷粒”等含义。它也可以作为动词,表示“种植谷物”。

2. 例句:

a) The farmers harvested a large amount of grain this year. (农民们今年收获了大量的谷物。)

b) We need to store enough grain for the winter. (我们需要为冬天储存足够的粮食。)

c) The farmer is planting grains in the field. (农民正在田地里种植谷物。)

d) The price of grain has risen due to the drought. (由于干旱,谷物的价格上涨了。)

3. 用法:grain还可以表示“颗粒”、“纹理”等含义。

4. 例句:

a) The sand on the beach is very fine, almost like grains of sugar. (海滩上的沙子非常细腻,几乎像糖粒一样。)

b) She could see the grains of wood on the table from where she was sitting. (她能从坐在的位置看到桌子上的木纹。)

c) The fabric has a soft and smooth grain. (这块布料有一种柔软光滑的纹理。)

5. 用法:在科学领域,grain也可以指代“度量单位”,等于0.0648克。

6. 例句:

a) The scientist measured the weight of the sample in grains. (科学家用grains作为单位测量样品的重量。)

b) One ounce is equivalent to approximately 437.5 grains. (一盎司约等于437.5 grains。)

7. 用法:除了上述含义,grain还可以表示“特征”、“特点”。

8. 例句:

a) She has a strong independent streak, it's just her grain. (她有强烈的独立个性,这就是她的特点。)

b) The film captures the gritty grain of city life in the 1970s. (这部电影捕捉到了1970年代城市生活的粗糙特征。)

9. 用法:在摄影术语中,grain指代“胶片颗粒”。

10. 例句:

a) The photographer used a high-speed film to capture the fine grain of the subject's skin. (摄影师使用高速胶卷来捕捉被摄物皮肤上细小的胶片颗粒。)

b) The grainy texture of this photo gives it a vintage feel. (这张照片的颗粒质感赋予它一种复古的感觉。)

11. 用法:作为动词,grain可以表示“使变得有纹理”、“使具有谷物特征”。

12. 例句:

a) The carpenter grained the wood to give it a rustic look. (木匠使木头具有纹理,赋予它一种乡村风格。)

b) The artist grained the paper to create a unique texture. (艺术家使纸张具有谷物特征,创造出独特的质感。)

13. 用法:在化学领域,grain可以指代“晶粒”。

14. 例句:

a) The metal has a fine grain structure, making it strong and durable. (这种金属具有细小的晶粒结构,使其坚固耐用。)

b) The scientist studied the grain size of the mineral under a microscope. (科学家在显微镜下研究了这种矿物的晶粒大小。)

15. 用法:在语言学中,grain可以表示“语气”、“口吻”。

16. 例句:

a) He spoke with a grain of sarcasm in his voice. (他说话带有一丝讽刺的语气。)

b) She always speaks with a friendly grain, making people feel at ease around her. (她总是带着友好的口吻说话,让人感到轻松自在。)

17. 用法:作为形容词,grain可以表示“细腻的”、“光滑的”。

18. 例句:

a) The fabric has a soft and smooth grain, perfect for making delicate clothing items. (这块布料柔软光滑,非常适合做精致的服装。)

b) The painter used a fine-grained brush to create intricate details in his artwork. (画家使用细腻的画笔在作品中创造复杂的细节。)

19. 用法:在数学和物理学中,grain可以指代“极小量”。

20. 例句:

a) The measurement has a margin of error of only a few grains. (这个测量结果只有几个极小量的误差。)

b) The scientist discovered a new particle with a grain size of less than 10 nanometers. (科学家发现了一种粒子,其尺寸小于10纳米。)


1. A grain of truth: 一点真相

例句:Don't believe everything you hear, there may only be a grain of truth in it.

2. Grain by grain: 一粒一粒地

例句:She saved up money for her dream vacation, grain by grain.

3. Against the grain: 违反常规

例句:His unconventional approach to problem-solving often goes against the grain.

4. Take with a grain of salt: 半信半疑

例句:She tends to exaggerate, so take what she says with a grain of salt.

5. Grain of sand: 沙粒,微小的东西

例句:In the grand scheme of things, our problems are just grains of sand.

6. Grains and greens: 谷物和蔬菜

例句:A healthy diet should include plenty of grains and greens.

7. Whole grains: 全谷物

例句:Whole grains are an important source of fiber in our diet.

8. Grain-free diet: 无谷物饮食

例句:Some people choose to follow a grain-free diet for health reasons.

9. Grain elevator: 谷物升降机

例句:The farmer took his harvest to the local grain elevator to be stored and sold.

10. Ingrained habits: 根深蒂固的习惯

例句:It's hard to break ingrained habits, but it's not impossible with determination and effort


1. 同义词:seed、kernel、cereal

- 例如:这种谷物的种子非常小,我们称之为grain。

- 换句话说,这种谷物的核心部分就是grain。

2. 反义词:whole、entire、complete

- 例如:如果你想要享用健康的早餐,可以选择全谷物食品而不是仅仅吃grain。

- 换句话说,只吃grain并不能提供全面的营养


