

更新时间:2024-03-10 13:12:46作者:自考教育网




1. 拼写:gracefully,音标:[ˈɡreɪsfəli]

2. “gracefully”是一个由“graceful”和后缀“-ly”组成的副词,意为“优雅地”,可以用来形容某人的举止、动作或表现。

3. 单词“graceful”的意思是“优雅的”,它由前缀“grace”和后缀“-ful”组成,意为“充满优雅的”。在英语中,“-ly”后缀可以用来构成副词,表示某种方式或程度。

4. “gracefully”的发音相对比较简单,首先发音为[ˈɡreɪs],读作greis,注意不要把最后一个字母s读成z。然后在发音时将舌头放松,将气息顺畅地从嘴里吐出即可。最后加上后面的[-fəli]部分,读作[fəli],即fu-li。

5. 以下是更详细的发音步骤:

a) 将舌头放松,并将嘴唇微微张开。

b) 发出[ɡ]的声音时,舌头应该抵住上颚(牙龈),让气流通过舌尖和上颚之间的空隙。

c) 接着发出[r]的声音时,舌头应该向后卷起,与上颚接触。

d) 最后发出[eɪ]的声音时,将舌头放松,并让气流顺畅地从嘴里吐出。

e) 最后加上[-fəli]部分,读作[fəli],即fu-li。

6. 总结:gracefully的发音可以简单地理解为“greis-ful-li”,注意要将舌头放松,并顺畅地发出每个音节。练习多次后,就能轻松地说出这个单词了


1. 什么是gracefully


2. gracefully的使用场景

gracefully可以用来修饰动词,表示某人以一种优雅的方式做某事。例如,“She gracefully danced across the stage.”(她优雅地在舞台上跳舞。)除了修饰动词,它也可以用来修饰形容词、副词或名词。例如,“The actress moved gracefully and spoke eloquently.”(这位女演员动作优雅、言谈流畅。)

3. gracefully与其他同义词的区别


4. 在日常生活中遇到的场景

a. 舞蹈:当我们看到一位舞者优雅地跳舞时,我们可以说,“She dances gracefully.”(她跳舞优雅。)

b. 言谈:当我们听到某人用流畅的语言表达自己的观点时,我们可以说,“He spoke gracefully.”(他言谈优美。)

c. 外表:当我们看到一件漂亮的衣服或装饰品时,我们可以说,“The dress is gracefully designed.”(这件连衣裙设计得很优雅。)

5. gracefully的反义词



1. 什么是gracefully?


2. 如何使用gracefully?

我们可以使用gracefully来修饰动词,例如:walk gracefully(优雅地走),dance gracefully(优雅地跳舞)等。也可以用来修饰名词,如:a gracefully written letter(一封写得很优雅的信)。

3. 例句:

- She walked gracefully down the runway, catching everyone's attention.


- The ballerina moved gracefully across the stage, mesmerizing the audience.


- He spoke gracefully and with great eloquence, impressing the entire audience.


4. 为什么要用gracefully?



1. Elegantly

- Definition: In a graceful or stylish manner.

- Example: She moved elegantly across the room, her movements fluid and graceful.

2. Gracefully

- Definition: In a smooth, controlled, and attractive way.

- Example: The ballerina danced gracefully on the stage, her movements full of grace and poise.

3. Beautifully

- Definition: In a way that is pleasing to the senses or mind.

- Example: The flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden, their colors vibrant and their scents intoxicating.

4. Delicately

- Definition: In a way that is fragile or easily broken.

- Example: She handled the delicate china teacup delicately, afraid of breaking it.

5. Sophisticatedly

- Definition: In a manner that shows worldly knowledge and refinement.

- Example: He dressed sophisticatedly for the gala, wearing a tailored suit and designer watch.

6. Refinedly

- Definition: In an elegant or cultured manner.

- Example: The aristocrat spoke refinedly, his words carefully chosen and his accent posh.

7. Graciously

- Definition: In a kind and courteous manner.

- Example: The hostess welcomed her guests graciously, offering them drinks and appetizers.

8. Charmingly

- Definition: In an enchanting or delightful manner.

- Example: The children laughed charmingly as they played in the park, their innocence shining through.

9. Gently

- Definition: In a calm and soothing manner.

- Example: She stroked her cat gently, its purring bringing her comfort after a long day.

10. Effortlessly

- Definition: With ease or without difficulty.

- Example: The model walked down the runway effortlessly, exuding confidence with every step.

11. Daintily

- Definition: With delicate beauty or gracefulness.

- Example: The ballerina balanced daintily on her toes, her tutu swaying with each movement.

12. Serenely

- Definition: In a calm and peaceful manner.

- Example: She meditated serenely, finding inner peace and tranquility.

13. Majestically

- Definition: In a grand and impressive manner.

- Example: The eagle soared majestically in the sky, its wings spread wide and its gaze fierce.

14. Polishedly

- Definition: In a refined and polished manner.

- Example: The businessman spoke polishedly during the meeting, his presentation flawless and his demeanor confident.

15. Exquisitely

- Definition: In a way that is extremely beautiful or delicate.

- Example: The jewelry was crafted exquisitely, with intricate details and sparkling gemstones.

16. Suavely

- Definition: In a smooth and charming manner.

- Example: He greeted her suavely, kissing her hand and complimenting her dress.

17. Statuesquely

- Definition: In a way that resembles a statue; still and graceful.

- Example: She posed statuesquely for the artist, her body sculpted like a work of art.

18. Harmoniously

- Definition: In a pleasing or agreeable way.

- Example: The choir sang harmoniously, their voices blending together in perfect harmony.

19. Politefully

- Definition: In a courteous or well-mannered way.

- Example: He thanked his host politefully before leaving the party, grateful for the invitation.

20. Rhythmically

- Definition: With a regular or harmonious pattern of movement or sound.

- Example: The dancers moved rhythmically to the beat of the music, their bodies swaying in perfect sync.



1. Awkwardly

Awkwardly是gracefully的反义词,意为笨拙地、不灵活地。当一个人行动或表现不够优雅、流畅时,可以用awkwardly来形容。例如:She danced awkwardly on stage, making everyone cringe.(她在舞台上笨拙地跳舞,让所有人都感到尴尬。)

2. Clumsily

Clumsily也是gracefully的反义词,意为笨拙地、不灵活地。与awkwardly类似,clumsily也可以用来形容一个人的行动或表现缺乏优雅和流畅。例如:He clumsily spilled his drink all over the table.(他笨拙地把饮料洒满了桌子。)

3. Gracelessly

Gracelessly是gracefully的反义词,意为不优雅地、不文雅地。它强调了缺乏优雅和美感的表现。例如:She stumbled and fell gracelessly on the runway, much to the amusement of the audience.(她在T型台上摔倒了,让观众非常好笑。)

4. Clunkily

Clunkily是gracefully的反义词,意为笨重地、粗糙地。它强调了缺乏轻盈和流畅的感觉。例如:The old man walked clunkily with his cane, struggling to keep up with the rest of the group.(老人拄着拐杖笨重地走着,努力跟上其他人。)

5. Ungainly

Ungainly是gracefully的反义词,意为笨拙的、不优雅的。它强调了缺乏优雅和美感的表现。例如:The giraffe moved ungracefully through the trees, its long legs and neck making it look awkward.(长颈鹿笨拙地穿过树林,它那长长的腿和脖子让它看起来很别扭。)

6. Inelegantly

Inelegantly是gracefully的反义词,意为不优雅地、粗俗地。它强调了缺乏优雅和品味的表现。例如:He spoke inelegantly, using slang and curse words in his speech.(他说话很粗俗,演讲中使用了俚语和脏话。)

7. Cloddishly

Cloddishly是gracefully的反义词,意为粗笨地、愚蠢地。它强调了缺乏灵活和敏捷的表现。例如:The elephant moved cloddishly through the jungle, knocking over trees and bushes as it went.(大象在丛林中笨拙地移动,撞倒了树木和灌木丛。)

8. Ungracefully

Ungracefully是gracefully的反义词,意为不优雅地、粗鲁地。它强调了缺乏优雅和礼貌的表现。例如:She ungracefully pushed her way through the crowded room, not caring about anyone else.(她粗鲁地挤过拥挤的房间,不在乎其他人。)

9. Clumsily

Clumsily也可以作为gracefully的反义词,意为笨拙地、不灵活地。它强调了缺乏优雅和流畅的表现。例如:The toddler walked clumsily, still learning how to control his body.(小孩笨拙地走着,还在学习如何控制自己的身体。)

10. Ineptly

Ineptly是gracefully的反义词,意为不熟练地、不得体地。它强调了缺乏技巧和优雅的表现。例如:He played the piano ineptly, hitting all the wrong notes and making a terrible sound.(他笨拙地弹钢琴,按错了所有音符,发出可怕的声音。)


