
gracefully 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-10 13:11:11作者:自考教育网


How do you pronounce gracefully?

1. Introduction

gracefully 是什么意思

Gracefully is a commonly used adverb in the English language, but its meaning and pronunciation may be unclear to some. In this article, we will explore the definition and pronunciation of gracefully.

2. Definition of Gracefully

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, gracefully means "showing grace in form or movement; pleasingly graceful; marked by tact and delicacy." In simpler terms, it can be described as doing something with elegance, charm, and poise.

3. Pronunciation of Gracefully

The word gracefully is pronounced as /ˈɡreɪsfəli/ or "gray-sful-lee." It has two syllables and the stress falls on the first syllable.

4. Tips for Pronouncing Gracefully

To pronounce gracefully correctly, follow these tips:

- Start with the "gray" sound, which is similar to the color gray.

- Then add the "s" sound before moving on to the next syllable.

- The second syllable is pronounced as "ful," which rhymes with words like "dull" or "full."

- Finally, end with the "lee" sound, which is similar to words like "me" or "see."

5. Examples of Using Gracefully in a Sentence

Here are some examples of using gracefully in a sentence:

- She danced gracefully across the stage.

- The ballerina moved gracefully with every step.

- Despite her age, she still moves gracefully.

- He handled the difficult situation with grace and spoke gracefully to his colleagues.

6. Other Forms of Gracefully

Gracefully can also be used as an adjective (graceful) or a noun (gracefulness). Here are some examples:

- The graceful movements of a dancer always mesmerize me.

- Her gracefulness in handling criticism is admirable.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, gracefully is an adverb that means doing something with elegance and charm. It is pronounced as /ˈɡreɪsfəli/ or "gray-sful-lee." Remember to stress the first syllable and follow the tips mentioned in this article for correct pronunciation

Definition and examples of gracefully


1. 定义


2. 例子

a. 她穿着一袭白色长裙,走路时优雅地摆动着裙摆。

b. 这个花园里种满了各种各样的花朵,看起来非常美丽而优雅。

c. 他说话时总是温文尔雅,给人留下了深刻的印象。

3. 使用场景

a. 在描述衣着打扮时,可以使用"gracefully"

b. 在赞美某人或物时,也可以使用这个词

c. 在谈论某人做事或说话时的态度和风格时,也可以用到这个副词

Phrases with gracefully

1. "Move gracefully" - 优雅地移动,指以柔和流畅的动作移动。

2. "Speak gracefully" - 优雅地说话,指以温柔、流畅和有韵律的方式表达自己的想法。

3. "Age gracefully" - 优雅地老去,指以自信和从容的态度面对年龄增长带来的变化。

4. "Dance gracefully" - 优雅地跳舞,指以轻盈、流畅和有节奏感的舞姿表现。

5. "Live gracefully" - 优雅地生活,指以谦逊、善良和慈爱的态度生活。

6. "Perform gracefully" - 优雅地表演,指以精湛的技艺和充满感情的表现方式呈现艺术作品。

7. "Accept gracefully" - 优雅地接受,指以平静和宽容的心态接受不如意或挑战。

8. "Behave gracefully" - 优雅地行为,指以礼貌、谦虚和尊重他人的方式行事。

9. "Handle gracefully" - 优雅地处理,指以镇定、冷静和有效率的方式应对困难或挑战。

10. "Retire gracefully" - 优雅地退休,指以平静、满足和感激的心态结束工作生涯

Synonyms for gracefully

1. Elegantly

Elegantly is a synonym for gracefully, meaning to move or act in a graceful and refined manner. It implies a sense of sophistication and poise, often associated with high society or royalty.

2. Gracefully

Of course, gracefully itself is also a synonym for gracefully. It suggests moving with ease and fluidity, without any awkwardness or clumsiness.

3. Graceful

Similar to gracefully, graceful describes someone or something that moves with smoothness and elegance. It can also refer to behavior that is polite and well-mannered.

4. Smoothly

Smoothly can be used as a synonym for gracefully when referring to movements that are fluid and without any sudden jolts or jerks.

5. Effortlessly

Effortlessly implies doing something with ease and without any strain or difficulty. When used as a synonym for gracefully, it suggests that the movement is natural and comes naturally to the person.

6. Poised

Poised refers to being calm, composed, and self-assured in one's movements. It can also imply being balanced and steady while moving.

7. Refined

Refined suggests being polished and cultured in one's movements. It can also refer to someone who has good taste and manners.

8. Daintily

Daintily describes someone who moves delicately and with lightness, often associated with graceful movements of the hands or feet.

9. Gracile

Gracile is an adjective used to describe something that is slender and graceful in appearance or movement.

10. Sprightly

Sprightly suggests being lively, energetic, and full of spirit while moving gracefully at the same time.

11. Statuesque

Statuesque refers to someone who has an elegant posture like that of a statue, implying gracefulness in their movements.

12. Lithe

Lithe describes someone who moves gracefully with flexibility and agility, often associated with dancers or athletes.

13. Suavely

Suavely is used to describe someone who moves in a smooth, charming, and sophisticated manner.

14. Nimble

Nimble suggests being quick and light in movement, often with a sense of agility and gracefulness.

15. Deftly

Deftly implies moving skillfully and with precision, often used to describe graceful movements of the hands or fingers.

16. Urbane

Urbane refers to someone who is refined, polished, and sophisticated in their movements and behavior.

17. Polished

Polished suggests being smooth and refined in one's movements, implying a sense of gracefulness and sophistication.

18. Delicately

Delicately describes someone who moves with gentleness and sensitivity, often associated with graceful movements of the body or hands.

19. Fluidly

Fluidly implies moving smoothly and effortlessly like water, without any abruptness or stiffness.

20. Majestically

Majestically suggests moving with grandeur and dignity, often associated with royal or regal movements that are also graceful at the same time

In conclusion, gracefully is a versatile word that can be used to describe both physical movements and behaviors. It is a desirable quality that conveys elegance, poise, and charm. Whether you are talking about dancing, speaking, or handling a difficult situation, doing so gracefully will leave a lasting impression on those around you.

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