

更新时间:2024-03-10 12:41:17作者:自考教育网




1. "Gotten"的拼写

"Gotten"是英语中的一个动词,意为“得到”、“获得”。它是过去分词形式,也可以写作"gotten"或者"got". 在英式英语中,一般使用"gotten"这种拼写方式;而在美式英语中,则更常用"got"这种拼写方式。例如:

- I have gotten a new job. (我已经得到了一份新工作。)

- She got a promotion at work. (她在工作上得到了晋升。)

2. "Gotten"的发音


- 英式英语:[ˈɡɒtn] 或 [ˈɡɒtən]

- 美式英语:[ˈɡɑtn] 或 [ˈɡɑtən]


3. "Gotten"与其他动词形态的比较


- 与"got"的区别:"Gotten"和"got"都是过去分词形式,但它们在句子中的用法不同。"Gotten"通常用来表示完成时态或被动语态,而"got"则可以表示过去时态或现在完成时态。例如:

- I have gotten a new phone. (我已经得到了一部新手机。)

- I got a new phone last week. (我上周得到了一部新手机。)

- 与其他动词的区别:"Gotten"和其他动词的过去分词形式相比,具有更强的被动意味。例如:

- I have eaten breakfast. (我已经吃过早餐了。)

- I have gotten my hair cut. (我已经理了发。)

4. "Gotten"的使用场景


- He has gotten married and now has two children. (他结婚了,现在有两个孩子了。)

- She has gotten over her fear of heights. (她克服了对高处的恐惧。)


- I have gotten a cold. (我感冒了。)

- She has gotten angry at me. (她对我生气了。)


1. "gotten"的词性是动词,过去分词形式。

2. "gotten"的词义是获得、得到。它通常用来表示已经发生或完成的动作,强调结果而非过程。

3. 在英式英语中,"gotten"通常用作现在完成时和过去完成时的过去分词形式,而在美式英语中,它也可以用作一般现在时和一般过去时的过去分词形式。

4. 与"gotten"有相似意思的其他动词包括:acquire、obtain、attain等


1. "Gotten"是动词"get"的过去分词形式,通常用来表示"得到"或"获得"的意思。比如:"I have gotten a new job." (我找到了一份新工作。)

2. "Gotten"也可以用来表示"变得"或"变成"的意思。比如:"She has gotten much better at playing the piano." (她在弹钢琴方面进步很多。)

3. 在美国英语中,"gotten"是非常常见的用法,而在英国英语中则更倾向于使用动词"got"(过去分词形式)来表示相同的意思。

4. "gotten"也可以用作及物动词,需要搭配宾语来使用。比如:"I have gotten a new car." (我买了一辆新车。)

5. 有时候,人们会将"gotten"缩写为"got", 尤其是在口语中。比如:"I've got a surprise for you!" (我有一个惊喜给你!)

6. 在某些情况下,人们也会使用"gotten to do something"这样的结构来表示某件事已经被完成或发生了。比如:"I've finally gotten to see my favorite band in concert." (我终于有机会看到我最喜欢的乐队演出了。)

7. "gotten over something/someone"则表示克服或忘记了某件事或某人。比如:"It took me a long time to get over my fear of spiders." (我花了很长时间才克服我对蜘蛛的恐惧。)

8. "gotten"也可以用来表示某种情绪或感觉,通常搭配副词来使用。比如:"I've gotten really excited about the trip." (我对这次旅行非常兴奋。)

9. 有时候,"gotten"也可以用作形容词,表示某物已经变得陈旧或破旧。比如:"These shoes have gotten really worn out." (这双鞋子已经磨损得很厉害了。)

10. 总的来说,"gotten"是一个非常常见且多功能的词汇,在口语和书面语中都有广泛的应用,希望以上例句可以帮助你更好地理解它的用法


1. "gotten"的同义词

- Obtained

- Acquired

- Received

- Attained

- Procured

2. "gotten"的反义词

- Lost

- Forfeited

- Surrendered

- Abandoned

- Disposed

3. 同义词示例:

a) I have gotten a new job.

同义句:I have obtained/acquired a new job.

b) The team has gotten the victory.

同义句:The team has attained the victory.

c) She has gotten a lot of praise for her performance.

同义句:She has received a lot of praise for her performance.

d) He has gotten all the information he needs.

同义句:He has procured all the information he needs.

e) Have you gotten your driver's license yet?

同义句:Have you obtained/acquired your driver's license yet?

4. 反义词示例:

a) He had gotten lost in the forest.

反义句:He had abandoned/surrendered himself in the forest.

b) I have gotten rid of all my old clothes.

反义句:I have disposed all my old clothes.

c) The company had gotten into financial trouble.

反义句:The company had lost/forfeited its financial stability.

d) She had gotten away with cheating on the test.

反义句:She had been caught and surrendered her cheating on the test.

e) They had gotten rid of their old car and bought a new one.

反义句:They had abandoned/surrendered their old car and bought a new one


1. "gotten"在美国英语中的使用情况


- I have gotten a new job. (我已经得到一份新工作。)

- The book has gotten many positive reviews. (这本书获得了很多积极的评论。)

- He was gotten by the police for speeding. (他因超速而被警察抓住了。)

2. "gotten"在英国英语中的使用情况


- I've got a new car. (我有了一辆新车。)

- She's got a promotion at work. (她在工作中获得了晋升。)

- They got caught in the rain yesterday. (他们昨天被雨淋湿了。)

3. "gotten"在口语中的使用情况


- She's gotten much better at playing the piano since she started taking lessons. (自从开始学钢琴以来,她的弹奏水平有了很大的提高。)

- The weather has gotten colder in the past few days. (过去几天天气变得更冷了。)

- He's gotten quite successful in his career. (他的事业取得了相当大的成功。)

4. "gotten"在古英语中的使用情况


- I have gotten/got a new horse. (我有了一匹新马。)

- They had gotten/got married last year. (他们去年结婚了。)

5. "gotten"在短语中的使用情况


- get/got/gotten used to:习惯于

- get/got/gotten along with:与...相处融洽

- get/got/gotten over:克服、度过(困难或挑战)

- get/got/gotten away with:逃脱惩罚


“gotten”是一个常用的英语单词,它的拼写和发音可能会让人感到困惑,但它的词性和词义却十分简单明了。它可以作为动词使用,意为“获得”、“得到”,在口语和书面语中都有广泛的应用。例如,在日常生活中,我们常会听到这样的句子:“I have gotten a new job.”(我找到了一份新工作。)此外,“gotten”也有一些同义词,如“acquired”、“obtained”,反义词则可以是“lost”、“missed”。在不同的语境中,“gotten”的使用情况也会有所不同,但总体来说都是表示获得或得到某物或某种状态。作为网站编辑,我希望通过本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和掌握这个单词,并且希望大家能够关注我,继续阅读我精心准备的相关文章。谢谢!

