

更新时间:2024-03-10 12:33:12作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of gotobed


1. 意思解释


首先,让我们来看看这个单词的意思。Gotobed其实是由两个单词组合而成的,即"go to bed"。它的意思就是"去睡觉",通常用于提醒或催促别人去休息。

2. 发音指南

那么,如何正确地发音呢?其实很简单,只需要把"go to bed"中的"go"和"to"连读起来就可以了,读作[gəʊtəbed]。如果觉得有难度,也可以简化为[gətəbed]。

3. 同义词替换

除了gotobed之外,我们还可以用其他的表达方式来表示同样的意思。比如说"go to sleep"、"hit the hay"、"hit the sack"等等。当然,在不同场合使用不同的表达方式也是很有趣的。

4. 例句展示

Is gotobed an idiom?

1. 简介

Gotobed是一个由两个单词组成的动词,由“go”和“to bed”组合而成。它的意思是“去睡觉”,通常用于建议或命令某人去休息。

2. 语法特点

Gotobed是一个及物动词,需要加上宾语才能完整表达意思。它也可以用于被动语态,形式为“be got to bed”。

3. 同义词及例句


- Go to sleep: 去睡觉(更常见)

- Hit the hay: 去睡觉(非正式用法)

- Catch some Z's: 睡一会儿(非正式用法)


- It's already midnight, you should go to sleep now.


- I'm so tired, I can't wait to hit the hay.


4. Is gotobed an idiom?


Usage and examples of gotobed

1. Understanding the meaning of gotobed

Gotobed is a compound word made up of "go" and "to bed". It is often used as a command or suggestion for someone to go to sleep or go to bed. In other words, it means to retire for the night and get some rest.

2. How to pronounce gotobed

The pronunciation of gotobed is "go-toh-bed". The first syllable "go" is pronounced with a long "o" sound, while the second syllable "toh" has a short "o" sound. The final syllable "bed" is pronounced with a short "e" sound.

3. Synonyms for gotobed

There are several synonyms for gotobed, such as:

- Go to sleep: This phrase has a similar meaning to gotobed, as it also suggests going to bed and getting some rest.

- Hit the hay: This informal phrase means to go to bed, often implying that the person will be sleeping soon.

- Turn in: This phrase means to go to bed, usually used when someone is tired and ready for sleep.

4. Examples of using gotobed in sentences

- It's getting late, you should probably gotobed soon.

- I have an early meeting tomorrow, so I need to gotobed early tonight.

- After a long day at work, all I want to do is gotobed and relax.

- My mom always tells me to gotobed at 10 pm on school nights.

- We had a great time at the party last night but now it's time for us all to go home and gotobed.

5. Additional notes on using gotobed

- Gotobed can be used both as a command or suggestion for someone else or as an action that you do yourself.

- It is commonly used in informal or casual conversations, particularly among friends and family.

- Gotobed can also be used in a humorous or playful way, especially when someone is not ready to go to sleep yet.

- It is important to note that gotobed is not just limited to going to sleep at night, but can also refer to taking a nap during the day

Antonyms and synonyms of gotobed

1. Antonyms of gotobed:

- Stay up: 熬夜

- Wake up: 醒来

- Get up: 起床

2. Synonyms of gotobed:

- Go to sleep: 睡觉

- Hit the hay: 上床睡觉

- Catch some Z's: 睡个好觉

3. Example sentences:

- I'm so tired, I can't wait to gotobed tonight.

- My mom always tells me to gotobed early, but I just can't fall asleep.

- Let's gotobed early tonight so we can wake up early and go for a hike tomorrow

Explanation of gotobed


1. gotobed的基本含义

作为一个动词短语,gotobed的基本含义就是“去睡觉”。当你感到疲惫、困倦时,可以对朋友说“I'm going to go to bed now.”或者简单地说“Gotobed!”来表示自己要休息了。

2. gotobed的同义词

除了常见的go to bed之外,还有一些同义词可以替代gotobed。比如:hit the hay, hit the sack, turn in, call it a night等等。它们都可以用来表示“去睡觉”的意思。

3. gotobed的其他用法


- “Gotobed!”也可以用来表示对某件事情感到失望或无奈。“I can't believe I lost my wallet again. Gotobed!”(我又把钱包丢了,真是没辙!)

- 在某些情况下,gotobed也可以表示放弃或结束某件事情。“I've been trying to fix this computer for hours, but I think it's time to gotobed.”(我已经试了几个小时都没能修好这台电脑,我想我该放弃了。)

4. gotobed的正确读音


5. gotobed的例句


- It's already midnight, let's gotobed.


- I'm so tired, I just want to hit the hay and sleep.


- After a long day at work, all I want to do is call it a night and relax.


In conclusion, gotobed is a commonly used phrase that means to go to bed or to get ready for bed. Its pronunciation is [goh-tuh-bed] and it is not an idiom. Some examples of using gotobed in sentences are "I'm exhausted, I think I'll gotobed early tonight" and "Don't forget to gotobed on time, you have an early meeting tomorrow." As for antonyms and synonyms, there are no direct substitutes for gotobed, but similar phrases could be "go to sleep" or "hit the hay." As the editor of this website, I hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you enjoyed reading it, please consider following me for more interesting language-related content. Thank you for your support!

