

更新时间:2024-03-10 12:17:02作者:自考教育网




1. Gor的词性


2. Gor的词源


3. Gor在不同语言中的同义词

- 英语:mountain, peak, summit, hill

- 法语:montagne, sommet, colline

- 德语:Berg, Gipfel, Hügel

- 西班牙语:montaña, cumbre, colina

4. Gor的例句

- The gor in the distance was covered in snow.


- She climbed to the top of the gor to take in the breathtaking view.


- The village was nestled at the foot of the gors.




1. Gor的发音


2. Gor的读音指南


3. Gor同义词


4. Gor例句

- The gorilla is a large primate found in the forests of Africa.


- The gorilla beat its chest to show dominance.


- The gorilla's habitat is being threatened by deforestation.





1. 名词:Gor指的是一种巨大而强壮的黑猩猩,也可以指代类似的动物。例如:The gorilla at the zoo is very playful.(动物园里的大猩猩很调皮。)

2. 动词:作为动词时,Gor意为“咆哮”、“怒吼”,通常用于形容动物发出的声音。例如:The lion gorred loudly in the jungle.(雄狮在丛林中发出了震耳欲聋的怒吼。)

3. 形容词:当Gor作为形容词时,意为“强壮的”、“巨大的”,常用来形容人或事物。例如:He has a gor-like build, which makes him perfect for playing football.(他体格像个大猩猩一样,非常适合踢足球。)


1. 同义词:ape、primate、gorilla

例句:The famous scientist Jane Goodall has dedicated her life to studying apes in the wild.(著名科学家简·古道尔一生致力于研究野生猿类。)

2. 同义词:roar、bellow、shout

例句:The angry gorilla let out a deafening roar.(愤怒的大猩猩发出了震耳欲聋的吼叫。)

3. 同义词:strong、powerful、muscular

例句:The bodybuilder's gor-like physique was the result of years of hard work in the gym.(健美运动员像大猩猩一样强壮的身材是多年来在健身房里苦练的结果。)


1. "Gor"的意思是什么?

- What does "Gor" mean?

例句:Can you explain to me what "Gor" means in this context?

2. "Gor"怎么读?

- How do you pronounce "Gor"?

例句:Could you please tell me how to pronounce "Gor"?

3. "Gor"的同义词有哪些?

- What are the synonyms of "Gor"?

例句:Are there any other words that can be used instead of "Gor"?

4. 这个词与"Gor"有相似之处吗?

- Is this word similar to "Gor"?

例句:Does this word have any similarities with "Gor"?

5. 用"Gor"造一个句子。

- Make a sentence with "Gor".

例句:I'm not sure what Gor is trying to say in his speech.

6. 我不太了解这个词,你能给我举个例子吗?

- I'm not very familiar with this word, could you give me an example?

例句:Can you give me an example of how to use the word Gor in a sentence?

7. 在这种情况下,你会怎么理解"Gor"?

- How would you interpret "Gor" in this situation?

例句:In this context, I would interpret Gor as a slang term for a large and powerful person.

8. 你认为"Gor"有什么隐含意义吗?

- Do you think there is any implied meaning behind "Gor"?

例句:I believe that Gor may have some underlying meaning related to strength and dominance.

9. "Gor"通常用来描述什么类型的人?

- What type of person is "Gor" usually used to describe?

例句:From what I've heard, Gor is often used to describe someone who is physically strong and intimidating.

10. 我在字典中找不到"Gor"这个词,它是一个新词吗?

- I can't find the word "Gor" in the dictionary, is it a new word?

例句:I think Gor may be a slang term or a regional dialect that is not yet included in standard dictionaries


1. 同义词:猩猩、大猩猩、黑猩猩

示例:Gor is a species of great apes native to the forests of central and western Africa. (Gor是一种生活在非洲中部和西部森林中的大型灵长类动物。)

2. 同义词:巨人、庞然大物、巨无霸

示例:The gorilla is known for its massive size and strength, making it one of the largest primates in the world. (大猩猩以其巨大的体型和强壮的力量而闻名,是世界上最大的灵长类动物之一。)

3. 同义词:野性、原始、未开化

示例:Gorillas are often portrayed as wild and untamed creatures, living in remote and untouched areas of the jungle. (大猩猩通常被描绘为野性和未开化的生物,生活在偏远和未触及的丛林地区。)

4. 同义词:强壮、有力、雄健

示例:Male gorillas are known for their impressive physical strength and muscular build, often using their large size to intimidate potential threats. (雄性大猩猩以其令人印象深刻的体力和肌肉发达而闻名,经常利用其巨大的体型来威慑潜在的威胁。)

5. 同义词:智慧、聪明、精明

示例:Despite their wild nature, gorillas are highly intelligent animals, capable of using tools and exhibiting complex social behaviors within their groups. (尽管它们具有野性,大猩猩是非常聪明的动物,能够使用工具并展现复杂的社会行为。)



