

更新时间:2024-03-10 12:10:56作者:自考教育网



The meaning of gorilla in English

1. Introduction to gorilla

Gorillas are large, powerful primates that are native to the forests of central and eastern Africa. They belong to the taxonomic family Hominidae, along with humans, chimpanzees, and orangutans. Gorillas are known for their distinctive physical features, including their muscular build, dark fur, and prominent brow ridges.

2. The meaning of gorilla

In English, the word "gorilla" refers to a specific species of primate within the Hominidae family. It comes from the Greek word "gorillai," which was used by ancient Greek explorer Hanno to describe a tribe of hairy women he encountered during his travels in West Africa. The scientific name for gorillas is Gorilla gorilla.

3. How to pronounce gorilla

The correct pronunciation of gorilla is guh-RIL-uh or guh-REE-luh. The emphasis is on the second syllable.

4. Synonyms for gorilla

Some common synonyms for gorilla in English include:

- Ape: This is a general term for any primate without a tail.

- Great ape: This refers specifically to the four species in the family Hominidae (gorillas, chimpanzees, humans, and orangutans).

- Silverback: This term is used for adult male gorillas who have silver-colored hair on their backs.

- King Kong: This is a fictional character who has become synonymous with giant apes.

5. Example sentences using "gorilla"

Here are some examples of how "gorilla" can be used in sentences:

- The zoo has a new exhibit featuring a family of western lowland gorillas.

- Jane Goodall spent years studying wild chimpanzees and later extended her research to include mountain gorillas.

- The silverback gorilla beat its chest as a warning to any potential threats.

- King Kong is often depicted as a giant gorilla who falls in love with a human woman.

- The gorilla's powerful grip and large size make it one of the strongest primates in the animal kingdom.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "gorilla" is a word that refers to a specific species of primate and has its roots in ancient Greek. It is pronounced guh-RIL-uh or guh-REE-luh and has several synonyms, including ape, great ape, silverback, and King Kong. Hopefully, this article has provided you with a better understanding of the meaning of gorilla in English

How to pronounce gorilla

1. Gorilla的意思是什么?


2. Gorilla怎么读?


3. Gorilla同义词有哪些?


- Ape:指所有非人类灵长类动物,包括大猩猩、黑猩猩、长臂猿等。

- Primate:指所有灵长类动物,包括人类在内。

- Silverback:指雄性成年大猩猩胸部和背部具有银色毛发的特征。

- King Kong:指虚构电影角色“金刚”,也常被用来形容巨大的力量或野蛮的行为。

4. gorilla的例句有哪些?

- The gorilla beat its chest and roared, showing its dominance.


- Jane Goodall has dedicated her life to studying gorillas in the wild.


- The zoo recently welcomed a new baby gorilla to their family.


- Don't underestimate the strength of a gorilla, they can easily overpower a human.


Gorilla是一个指代大猩猩的英文单词,发音为/gəˈrɪlə/,同义词包括ape、primate、silverback和King Kong。在例句中,我们可以看到gorilla作为动物、科学和娱乐等方面的常用词汇。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解并正确使用gorilla这个单词

Usage and examples of gorilla in sentences

1. What does "gorilla" mean?

- "Gorilla" is a noun that refers to a large, powerful, and intelligent primate found in the forests of central Africa. It is also often used to describe a person who is physically strong and intimidating.

2. How do you pronounce "gorilla"?

- The correct pronunciation for "gorilla" is guh-ril-uh, with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for "gorilla"

- Some common synonyms for "gorilla" include ape, chimpanzee, and monkey. These words can be used interchangeably to refer to different types of primates.

4. Example sentences using "gorilla"

- The gorilla at the zoo was swinging from branch to branch.

- Don't mess with him, he's built like a gorilla.

- The company's new CEO is a gorilla in the boardroom, making tough decisions and driving profits.

- She felt like a caged gorilla in her small office cubicle.

- The gorillas were observed using tools in their natural habitat, showing their high level of intelligence.

In conclusion, "gorilla" can refer to both a specific type of primate and a metaphor for someone who is strong or powerful. Its synonyms include other primates such as apes and monkeys. In everyday usage, it can be used in various contexts such as describing an animal or referring to a person's physical strength or behavior

Phrases related to gorilla

1. What does "gorilla" mean?

- "Gorilla" is a noun that refers to a large and powerful ape found in Africa, known for its strength and intelligence.

2. How do you pronounce "gorilla"?

- It is pronounced as "guh-ril-uh", with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for gorilla

- Some synonyms for gorilla include ape, primate, chimpanzee, and monkey.

4. Example sentences:

- The gorilla at the zoo was swinging from branch to branch.

- The gorilla's strength was evident as it effortlessly lifted a heavy object.

- Don't mess with that guy, he's built like a gorilla!

Synonym examples for gorilla

1. What does gorilla mean?

- What's the meaning of gorilla?

- What's the definition of gorilla?

- What is the significance of gorilla?

2. How do you pronounce gorilla?

- How do you say gorilla?

- How is gorilla pronounced?

- What is the correct pronunciation of gorilla?

3. Synonyms for gorilla

- Other words for gorilla

- Similar terms for gorilla

- Alternatives to using the word "gorilla"

4. Examples of using "gorilla" in a sentence

- The zoo has a new baby gorilla.

- He's as strong as a gorilla.

- Don't act like a big, angry gorilla.

5. Different types of gorillas

- Species of gorillas

- Varieties of gorillas

- Kinds of gorillas

In conclusion, gorilla is a fascinating and powerful animal that is native to Africa. Its name comes from the Greek word "gorillai" which means "a tribe of hairy women". Despite their intimidating appearance, gorillas are gentle creatures and play an important role in their ecosystems. They are also a symbol of strength and intelligence.


