

更新时间:2024-03-10 12:07:29作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of gorillas

1. Gorillas是什么意思


- Gorillas是指大型灰猩猩科动物,属于人类最近的亲戚之一。它们生活在非洲的雨林地区,是陆地上体型最大的灵长类动物。

- Gorillas一词来自希腊语“gorillai”,意为“毛茸茸的女人”。这个名称可能是由于雄性大猩猩发育时胸部和肩部会长出毛发,使得它们看起来像女性。

2. Gorillas怎么读

- Gorillas的发音为[guh-ril-uhz],其中重音在第二个音节上。注意要轻读最后一个音节“uhz”。

- 如果你想更准确地了解如何发音,可以在网上搜索“gorilla pronunciation”的视频或录音,并跟着练习。

3. Gorillas同义词及例句

- 大猩猩 (chimpanzee):这个词也可以用来指代大型灰猩猩科动物。

例句:The chimpanzee is closely related to the gorilla.

- 灵长类 (primate):这个词包括所有灵长目动物,如大猩猩、黑猩猩、人类等。

例句:Gorillas are one of the largest primates in the world.

- 它们的发音为[guh-ril-uhz],重音在第二个音节上。

- 同义词包括大猩猩和灵长类,它们都是与人类关系最近的动物。

- 学习正确的发音可以帮助你更准确地了解和交流有关gorillas的知识

Is gorillas an idiom?

1. Gorillas are not an idiom.

Gorillas are a species of large apes that are native to the forests of central and eastern Africa. They are known for their strength and intelligence, and are often featured in popular culture, including books, movies, and television shows.

2. Definition of "idiom"

An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. It is often unique to a particular language or culture and cannot be understood by translating each word individually.

3. Gorillas as an expression

While gorillas may be used as a metaphor or symbol in some contexts, it is not considered an idiom in the traditional sense. It does not have a hidden or symbolic meaning that differs from its literal definition.

4. Synonyms for gorillas

Some synonyms for gorillas include "apes," "primates," and "great apes." These terms refer to the same species of animals but may be used in different contexts or for different purposes.

5. Examples of using "gorillas" in sentences

- The zoo has a new exhibit featuring gorillas from Africa.

- Jane Goodall spent years studying the behavior of wild gorillas.

- The movie King Kong features a giant gorilla as the main character.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, while gorillas may have symbolic meanings in certain contexts, they do not qualify as an idiom according to its traditional definition. They remain a fascinating and important species in our natural world, known for their unique characteristics and behaviors

Usage and examples of gorillas

1. Meaning of gorillas:

Gorillas are large, powerful, and intelligent primates that are native to the forests of central and eastern Africa. They are the largest living primates and are closely related to humans, sharing 98% of our DNA. Gorillas are known for their distinctive physical features such as their muscular build, large size, and iconic black fur.

2. Pronunciation of gorillas:

The word "gorilla" is pronounced as "guh-ril-uh" with the emphasis on the first syllable. The plural form of gorilla is pronounced as "guh-ril-uhs."

3. Synonyms for gorillas:

Some common synonyms for gorillas include apes, primates, simians, and great apes. These terms can be used interchangeably to refer to gorillas.

4. Examples of usage:

- Gorillas live in family groups led by a dominant male called a silverback.

- The zoo has recently welcomed a new baby gorilla into their family.

- Scientists have observed that gorillas use tools such as sticks and rocks to help them gather food.

- Due to habitat destruction and poaching, the population of mountain gorillas has drastically decreased in recent years.

- In popular culture, gorillas are often portrayed as fierce and aggressive animals, but in reality, they are gentle creatures who only become aggressive when threatened.

5. Real-life examples:

Here are some real-life examples of how the word "gorilla" is used in different contexts:

- Jane Goodall is a renowned primatologist who has dedicated her life to studying chimpanzees and other great apes like gorillas.

- In the movie "King Kong," a giant fictional gorilla is depicted as a fearsome creature who terrorizes New York City.

- The Gorillaz is an English virtual band that uses animated characters to represent its members.

- In Rwanda, tourists can go on a gorilla trekking experience to see mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.

- Koko the gorilla was famous for her ability to communicate using sign language and was a beloved ambassador for her species.

In conclusion, gorillas are fascinating creatures that have captured the interest of humans for centuries. From their physical strength to their emotional intelligence, there is much to learn and admire about these majestic animals. By understanding the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and usage of the word "gorilla," we can appreciate these magnificent creatures even more

Antonyms and synonyms for gorillas

1. Antonyms for gorillas:

- Tiny

- Weak

- Fragile

- Delicate

- Petite

2. Synonyms for gorillas:

- Apes

- Primates

- Monkeys

- Chimpanzees

- Orangutans

3. Example sentences:


a) The gorilla towered over the tiny squirrel in the jungle.

b) The weak monkey was no match for the powerful gorilla.

c) The fragile bird was easily crushed by the heavy footsteps of the gorilla.

d) The delicate flowers wilted under the weight of the gorilla's massive hands.

e) The petite kitten was no match for the size and strength of the gorilla.


a) Gorillas are closely related to apes and chimpanzees.

b) Many primates, including gorillas, are endangered species.

c) Scientists have discovered that monkeys and gorillas share similar behaviors.

d) Orangutans and gorillas both inhabit tropical rainforests.

e) In some cultures, monkeys and other primates are considered sacred animals.

In conclusion, "gorillas" refers to a species of large, powerful apes found in Africa. They are often associated with strength, intelligence, and family bonds. Some antonyms for gorillas include tiny, weak, fragile, delicate, and petite. Synonyms for this word include apes, primates, monkeys, chimpanzees, and orangutans. These words can be used interchangeably to refer to these animals in different contexts

Explanation of the meaning of gorillas


1. gorillas的意思


2. gorillas怎么读


3. gorillas同义词及例句


- Ape(猿类):指的是一类具有人类特征的灵长类动物,包括gorillas、chimpanzees(黑猩猩)、orangutans(猩猩)等。

- Primate(灵长类动物):指的是一大类哺乳动物,包括人类在内,具有高度智力和灵活性。

- Great apes(大型猿类):指的是体型较大、智力发达的猿类动物,包括gorillas、chimpanzees、orangutans和bonobos(倭黑猩猩)。


- Gorillas are known for their strength and intelligence.(大家都知道gorillas以其强壮和智慧而闻名。)

- Some people believe that humans evolved from apes.(有些人认为人类是由猿进化而来。)

- Primates are fascinating creatures with complex social structures.(灵长类动物是具有复杂社会结构的迷人生物。)

- Great apes share many similarities with humans, including the ability to use tools.(大型猿类与人类有许多相似之处,包括使用工具的能力。)



