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What does gorgon mean?

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在现代英语中,Gorgon一词通常被用作名词,表示具有令人恐惧或可怕外貌的女性。它也可以用作形容词,表示令人害怕的、可怕的或威严的。例如,“The woman's cold, unfeeling gaze made her seem like a gorgon.”(这个女人冷漠无情的目光让她看起来像个恐怖的女巫。)

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4. 同义词及例句

除了Gorgon外,还有一些与其相关的同义词,包括gorgoneion、gorgonian和gorgona。它们都指代与Gorgon有关的形象或故事。例如,“The shield was adorned with a gorgoneion, a symbol of protection and power.”(盾牌上装饰着一个gorgoneion,这是保护和力量的象征。)


How do you pronounce gorgon?






Usage and examples of gorgon

1. What does gorgon mean?

Gorgon refers to a mythical creature in Greek mythology, often depicted as a woman with snakes for hair and the ability to turn people into stone with just one look.

2. How do you pronounce gorgon?

Gorgon is pronounced as "GOR-guhn", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for gorgon

Other words that can be used to describe a gorgon include monster, hag, crone, and harpy.

4. Examples of gorgon in literature

- In the epic poem "The Odyssey" by Homer, the hero Odysseus encounters a gorgon named Medusa who turns his men into stone.

- In the book "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan, Medusa is portrayed as one of the villains who can turn people into stone with her gaze.

- The movie "Clash of the Titans" features Medusa as one of the main antagonists, known for her ability to petrify anyone who looks at her.

5. Usage of gorgon in everyday language

While gorgons are creatures from Greek mythology, their name is sometimes used metaphorically to describe someone who has a terrifying or unattractive appearance.

6. Fun fact about gorgons

In some versions of Greek mythology, there were three Gorgon sisters - Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa - all with snakes for hair and the power to turn people into stone

Phrases with gorgon

1. "Turned to stone by the gorgon's gaze" - 被蛇发女妖的凝视所石化

2. "A gorgon of a boss" - 一个让人恐惧的老板

3. "As fierce as a gorgon" - 像蛇发女妖一样凶猛

4. "Gorgon-like features" - 蛇发女妖般的特征

5. "A face like a gorgon" - 脸像蛇发女妖一样可怕

6. "The gorgon's lair" - 蛇发女妖的巢穴

7. "Fighting against the gorgons of society" - 与社会上的恶毒人物作战

8. "Beware the gorgon's wrath" - 小心惹怒蛇发女妖

9. "A voice that could charm even a gorgon" - 一个能迷惑连蛇发女妖的声音

10. "Gazing at her reflection, she felt like a gorgon" - 她看着自己的倒影,感觉自己像是个蛇发女妖

Synonyms of gorgon with examples

1. What does gorgon mean?

- What is the meaning of gorgon?

- What is the definition of gorgon?

2. How to pronounce gorgon?

- How do you say gorgon?

- What is the correct pronunciation of gorgon?

3. Synonyms for gorgon

- Other words for gorgon

- Similar terms to describe a gorgon

4. Examples of using gorgon in a sentence

- Instances of using the word gorgon in a phrase

- Sentences with the word gorgon in context

5. Alternative words for gorgon

- Different expressions for a gorgon

- Variations of the term gorgon

6. Gorgonian synonyms and examples

- Similar words and instances related to a gorgonian creature

- Other terms used to describe a mythical creature like a gorgonian




