

更新时间:2024-03-10 11:22:23作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of Goodluck

Goodluck这个词的发音是什么样的呢?是不是有些难以捉摸?别担心,我来教你如何正确地发音Goodluck这个单词。首先,它的读音是 [ɡʊd lʌk],重音在第一个音节上。如果你觉得这个发音有点复杂,可以简化为 [gʊd lʌk],也是可以的哦。



除了Goodluck之外,还有一些同义词可以用来表示“好运气”,比如lucky、fortunate、blessed等等。例如,“I wish you good luck in your exam.”(祝你考试顺利)也可以说成“I wish you all the best in your exam.”(祝你一切顺利)。

当然,Goodluck这个词也可以用在日常对话中。比如,“I'm going to a job interview today. Wish me good luck!”(我今天要去面试工作了。希望我好运!)或者“Good luck with your presentation tomorrow!”(祝你明天的演讲顺利!)。在这些场合,Goodluck的含义就是希望对方取得成功和好运气

Is Goodluck an idiom?

Well, my dear friends, let me tell you something interesting about the word "Goodluck". Is it just a simple word or does it have a deeper meaning? Is it an idiom that we use in our daily conversations? Let's find out!

1. What does Goodluck mean?

Goodluck is often used as a wish or blessing to someone for success or good fortune. It is derived from the words "good" and "luck", and can be used in various situations such as before an exam, job interview, or any other important event.

2. How do you pronounce Goodluck?

Goodluck is pronounced as "good-luhk", with the stress on the first syllable. You can also hear people say "good-luck" with a slight pause between the two words.

3. Synonyms for Goodluck

There are many ways to express your wishes of good luck to someone. Some common synonyms for Goodluck are: best of luck, all the best, fingers crossed, break a leg (usually used in theatre), and may fortune smile upon you.

4. Examples of using Goodluck in sentences

- I have an important presentation tomorrow, I hope it goes well. Goodluck to me!

- My friend is going for an interview today, I told her to break a leg! Goodluck!

- May Goodluck be with you on your journey.

So, is Goodluck an idiom? Well, technically not! It is more of a phrase or expression that we use commonly in our daily lives. But hey, who knows maybe someday it will become an idiom if it gains enough popularity!

Now that you know all about Goodluck, go ahead and spread some good vibes by wishing someone good luck! Who knows, maybe they'll even thank you when they succeed!

Usage and examples of Goodluck


1. Goodluck作为名词时,意为“好运、幸运”。常见搭配有:“wish you Goodluck”(祝你好运)、“good luck charm”(吉祥物)等。


- I wish you Goodluck on your exam tomorrow.


- My lucky pen is my good luck charm.


2. Goodluck作为动词时,意为“祝福、祈求好运”。常见搭配有:“Goodluck with...”(在...方面祝你好运)、“Goodluck to...”(对...表示祝福)等。


- Goodluck with your new job!


- Goodluck to the newlyweds!


3. 同义词:Best of luck、All the best、Wish you well等。


- Best of luck on your presentation tomorrow!


- All the best for your future endeavors.


Antonyms and synonyms of Goodluck

1. Antonyms of Goodluck

- Misfortune: This is the opposite of good luck and refers to bad or unfavorable circumstances.

Example: Despite his good luck, he couldn't escape the misfortune that followed him.

- Bad luck: This is a common antonym for good luck and refers to unfortunate or unlucky events.

Example: She had a string of bad luck, but things finally turned around when she won the lottery.

- Ill-fortune: This term is used to describe bad luck or unfortunate events that happen to someone.

Example: He seemed to have a constant stream of ill-fortune, but he always managed to bounce back.

- Unlucky: This adjective means not having good fortune or being prone to bad luck.

Example: He was always the unlucky one in their group, but he never let it get him down.

- Jinxed: To be jinxed means to be under a spell of bad luck or misfortune.

Example: Ever since she broke that mirror, she felt like she was jinxed and couldn't catch a break.

2. Synonyms of Goodluck

- Fortune: This word has a similar meaning to good luck and refers to favorable circumstances or events.

Example: With a stroke of fortune, he landed his dream job and couldn't be happier.

- Serendipity: This term describes the occurrence of fortunate events by chance or luck.

Example: It was pure serendipity that led her to meet her future business partner at the coffee shop.

- Success: While not an exact synonym, success often implies achieving desired outcomes through some degree of good fortune.

Example: His hard work paid off, but he also had some success thanks to being in the right place at the right time.

- Prosperity: This word refers to having wealth and success in life, often due in part to good fortune.

Example: The town experienced a period of prosperity, thanks to the discovery of oil in their area.

- Blessing: This term has a more spiritual connotation and refers to receiving divine favor or protection.

Example: Winning the lottery was a blessing that changed her life for the better.

3. Example Sentences

- Despite his good luck, he couldn't escape the misfortune that followed him.

- She had a string of bad luck, but things finally turned around when she won the lottery.

- He seemed to have a constant stream of ill-fortune, but he always managed to bounce back.

- He was always the unlucky one in their group, but he never let it get him down.

- Ever since she broke that mirror, she felt like she was jinxed and couldn't catch a break.

- With a stroke of fortune, he landed his dream job and couldn't be happier.

- It was pure serendipity that led her to meet her future business partner at the coffee shop.

- His hard work paid off, but he also had some success thanks to being in the right place at the right time.

- The town experienced a period of prosperity, thanks to the discovery of oil in their area.

- Winning the lottery was a blessing that changed her life for the better

Explanation of the meaning of Goodluck


1. Goodluck的含义


2. Goodluck的发音


3. Goodluck的同义词


4. Goodluck的例句


- I wish you good luck in your new job!(我祝你在新工作中好运!)

- He had a stroke of good luck and won the lottery.(他得了一次好运气,中了彩票。)

- The team's good luck continued as they won their fourth game in a row.(球队的好运气持续了下去,他们连续赢得了第四场比赛。)


