

更新时间:2024-03-10 10:54:32作者:自考教育网




1. 简介


2. 指代角度单位


- This angle measures 45 gons. (这个角度测量出来是45个gon。)

3. 指代几何图形


- A square is a type of gon with four sides and four vertices. (正方形是一种有四条边和四个顶点的gon。)

4. 表示“去”

在英语中,“go on”的缩写形式就是“gon”,它表示“去”。这种用法通常出现在口语中,表示某人离开某地或者做某事。例如:

- I'll gon get some groceries for dinner. (我去买些晚餐的食材。)

5. 表示“继续”


- Let's gon with the plan. (让我们按计划继续做吧。)

6. 同义词


7. 例句

- The angle of the sun was about 30 gons. (太阳的角度大约是30个gon。)

- The shape of the building is a regular octagon, which means it has eight sides and eight vertices. (这座建筑物的形状是一个正八边形,也就是说它有八条边和八个顶点。)

- He said he would gon to the store to buy some milk. (他说他要去商店买些牛奶。)

- After a short break, we will gon with our work. (休息一下后,我们会继续工作。)


1. 发音简介


2. 发音解析

- g的发音为清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从喉部出来,发出轻微摩擦声。

- o的发音为开放元音,舌尖放松,嘴唇张开成圆形,气流从口腔中间出来。

- n的发音为鼻化清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从鼻腔出来。

3. 发音示范


- dragon [ˈdræɡən] 龙

- polygon [ˈpɒlɪɡən] 多边形

- gondola [ˈɡɒndələ] 纤夫船

- gonorrhea [ˌɡɒnəˈriːə] 淋病

4. 同义词及例句


- go on 继续前进/进行下去:Don't let anything stop you, just go on and keep chasing your dreams.


- proceed 前进/继续:After the meeting, we will proceed with the next step of the project.


- continue 继续/延伸:The road continues for another 10 miles before reaching the town.


5. 发音小贴士


- 将舌尖放在上齿龈后方,然后轻轻把舌头向后移动。

- 嘴唇要张开成圆形,并保持放松状态。

- 注意发出的声音要清晰而不模糊


1. gon的意思是什么?


2. 如何读音gon?


3. gon的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句1:I'm gon go to the gym after work.


例句2:Are you gon try out for the school play?


例句3:She's gon attempt the advanced level exam next year.



1. Definition of gon

Gon is a slang term that originated from the word "gone". It is used to describe something or someone who is extremely cool, impressive, or attractive. It can also be used to express disbelief or surprise.

2. Synonyms for gon

- Awesome: Gon is often used as a synonym for awesome, which means inspiring awe, admiration, or wonder.

Example: The new car my friend bought is totally gon!

- Amazing: Similar to awesome, amazing describes something that is extremely impressive or surprising.

Example: The magician's performance was simply gon!

- Incredible: This word can be used interchangeably with amazing and awesome to describe something that is hard to believe or highly impressive.

Example: The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely gon!

- Fantastic: Used to express enthusiasm and excitement about something that is excellent or extraordinary.

Example: The party last night was so much fun, it was totally gon!

- Phenomenal: This word means remarkable or exceptional and can be used as a synonym for gon in certain contexts.

Example: The singer's voice was phenomenal, it gave me goosebumps!

3. Example sentences using gon

- "Did you see the new movie? It was so gon!"

- "I can't believe she got a promotion after only working there for a month. That's just gon."

- "The concert last night was absolutely gon! I wish I could go again."

- "This new restaurant has the most incredible food, it's definitely worth trying."

- "I had no idea he could play guitar like that. He's really talented, it's just gon."


