

更新时间:2024-03-10 10:49:03作者:自考教育网



The pronunciation of gong

When it comes to the word "gong", many people may have different interpretations. Some might think of the traditional Chinese instrument, while others may associate it with the sound of a bell. But have you ever wondered about its pronunciation?

1. The "g" sound

First and foremost, let's talk about the "g" sound in "gong". It is pronounced as a hard /g/ sound, similar to the "g" in "go". So when you say "gong", make sure to emphasize on that hard /g/ sound.

2. The long "o" sound

Next, we have the letter "o" in "gong". Unlike other words where it can be pronounced as a short /ɑ/ or /ə/, in this case, it is pronounced as a long /o/. Think of the word "long" or "boat", and elongate that vowel sound.

3. The silent "n"

Yes, you read that right. The letter "n" in "gong" is actually silent. So don't try to pronounce it like you would normally do with other words. Just focus on saying the first two letters and you've got it!

4. Putting it all together

Now that we've broken down each letter's pronunciation, let's put them all together. It should be pronounced as /ɡɔːŋ/, with emphasis on the first syllable and a longer vowel sound on the second syllable.

5. Gong vs Gang

One common mistake people make when pronouncing gong is confusing it with another word - gang. Make sure to differentiate between these two words by emphasizing on that hard /g/ sound and elongating the vowel sound.

So there you have it! The pronunciation of gong explained in just 5 simple points. Next time someone asks you what gong means, not only can you tell them, but you can also impress them with your knowledge of its correct pronunciation. Keep practicing and soon enough, you'll be sounding like a pro!

How to pronounce gong

1. Introduction to "gong"

"Gong" is a word that has been used in various languages and cultures throughout history. It can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In this article, we will focus on the English pronunciation of "gong" and explore its various meanings.

2. Pronunciation of "gong"

The word "gong" is pronounced as /ɡɑːŋ/ in American English and /ɡɒŋ/ in British English. The first syllable is stressed, and the "o" sound is similar to the one in the word "long". To pronounce it correctly, start with your mouth open and your tongue relaxed, then make a deep "g" sound at the back of your throat followed by a long "o" sound.

3. Definition of "gong"

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a gong (noun) is a metallic disk that produces a loud, resonant sound when struck with a mallet or stick. It can also refer to any other instrument that makes a similar sound, such as a tam-tam or cymbal.

4. Origin of "gong"

The word "gong" originated from the Javanese language, where it was used to describe an instrument made of bronze or brass. It was later adopted by other languages and cultures, including Chinese and English.

5. Different meanings of "gong"

In addition to its literal meaning as an instrument, the word "gong" can also be used figuratively to describe something loud or resonant. For example, we often hear people say things like "the gong of thunder" or "the gong of applause". In these cases, it refers to a loud or booming noise.

6. How to use "gong" in sentences

- I heard the sound of a gong coming from the temple.

- The orchestra used a large gong to create a dramatic effect.

- The gong went off signaling the end of the match.

- She hit the gong with all her might, producing a loud and resounding sound.

- The teacher used a small gong to get the students' attention.

7. Common phrases with "gong"

- Gong show: A chaotic or disorganized event or situation.

- Gongfu: A Chinese term for martial arts, often associated with Kung Fu movies.

- Gong bath: A form of sound therapy that uses gongs to create healing vibrations.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, "gong" is a versatile word with multiple meanings and uses. It is commonly used in English to refer to an instrument that produces a loud and resonant sound when struck. Remember to use the correct pronunciation /ɡɑːŋ/ or /ɡɒŋ/ depending on your location

Usage and examples of gong

1. Introduction to gong

Gong is a Chinese word that can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and can be seen in various forms such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. In this section, we will explore the different usages and examples of gong to better understand its meaning.

2. Noun form of gong

As a noun, gong can refer to a large flat metal disc that produces a deep resonating sound when struck with a mallet. This type of gong is often used in traditional Chinese music and ceremonies.

Example: The musician played the gong to signal the beginning of the performance.

3. Verb form of gong

In its verb form, gong can mean "to hit" or "to strike". It is often used to describe hitting something with force or intensity.

Example: The boxer gonged his opponent with a powerful punch.

4. Adjective form of gong

As an adjective, gong can describe something that is large, grand, or magnificent.

Example: The newly built palace was a grand structure with towering pillars and intricate designs, truly a gong-worthy sight.

5. Gong as an honorific title

In Chinese culture, gong can also be used as an honorific title for someone who has achieved great success or has high social status. It is similar to the English term "sir" or "madam".

Example: Gong Li is a famous Chinese actress known for her award-winning performances in international films.

6. Idiomatic expressions using gong

There are also several idiomatic expressions in Chinese that use the word gong to convey different meanings.

- Gong zuo (工作) means "work" or "job".

Example: I have been looking for a new job (gōng zuò) for months.

- Gong fu (功夫) refers to "skill" or "effort".

Example: He has put a lot of effort (gōng fu) into mastering the art of calligraphy.

- Gong xi (恭喜) is used to express congratulations.

Example: Gong xi on your promotion! You truly deserve it.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, gong is a versatile word in the Chinese language that can have various meanings and uses. It is important to consider the context in which it is used to fully understand its intended meaning. Whether it's referring to a musical instrument, an action, a title, or an expression, gong adds depth and richness to the Chinese language

Phrases with gong

1. Gong is a type of musical instrument that originated in China and is used in many traditional Chinese performances.

2. The phrase "beat the gong" means to make a loud noise or create a disturbance, often used figuratively to describe someone causing chaos or trouble.

3. "Gong show" refers to a chaotic and disorganized event or situation, often used humorously.

4. In martial arts, the phrase "gong fu" (also known as kung fu) refers to skill and dedication in training and mastering techniques.

5. The expression "gong ho" means enthusiastic and eager, often used to describe someone who is very committed and motivated.

6. In Chinese culture, the gong is also associated with ceremonies and rituals, such as the phrase "gong xi fa cai" which is used during Chinese New Year celebrations to wish good luck and prosperity.

7. The phrase "gone gong" refers to something that has disappeared or vanished suddenly without explanation.

8. In music, a "gong roll" is a technique where the player strikes the gong repeatedly in quick succession, creating a sustained sound effect.

9. The term "gong bath" describes an immersive sound experience where multiple gongs are played simultaneously for therapeutic purposes.

10. The phrase "bang the gong" can mean to celebrate or announce something loudly and enthusiastically

Synonyms for gong

1. Bell - a hollow metal object that makes a ringing sound when struck, similar to a gong.

2. Chime - a musical instrument consisting of a set of tuned metal tubes or bars that produce a ringing sound when struck, often used in place of gongs.

3. Gonging - the act of striking a gong to produce a deep, resonant sound.

4. Clang - a loud, sharp metallic sound, similar to the sound produced by striking a gong.

5. Knell - the sound of a bell or gong rung slowly and solemnly, often used in funeral ceremonies.

6. Ding - the sound made by striking a bell or gong, usually with a small hammer.

7. Tolling - the act of ringing a bell or gong slowly and repeatedly, often used to mark the time or for religious purposes.

8. Resonance - the quality of being deep and full in sound, similar to the deep tone produced by hitting a gong.

9. Strike - to hit something with force, as one would strike a gong to produce its characteristic sound.

10. Resound - to make an echoing or reverberating sound, like the resounding tone of a large gong.

小标题:Similar Words for Gong


1. Cymbal - another percussion instrument made of metal that produces a loud crashing or clashing sound when struck.

2. Tam-tam - another type of gong that is larger and flatter than traditional round-shaped ones, often used in orchestras for its deep and mellow tone.

3. Clapper - an instrument made of two pieces of wood joined at one end and used for striking bells or other percussion instruments such as gongs.

4. Sounding board - part of an instrument that amplifies its sounds through resonance, similar to how the body of a gong amplifies its sound.

5. Knocker - a small hammer-like instrument used to strike bells or gongs, often used in door knockers.

6. Chiming - the act of playing a musical instrument, such as a gong or bell, by striking it with a hammer or mallet.

7. Tintinnabulation - the ringing or sound of bells or gongs, often used in literature to describe the sound of a large number of bells or gongs ringing together.

8. Percussion - musical instruments that are played by being struck, such as gongs, drums, and cymbals.

9. Reverberation - the prolongation of sound caused by repeated reflections, similar to the reverberating sound produced by striking a gong.

10. Thundering - the loud and deep rumbling noise that resembles the sound of a large gong being struck repeatedly

In conclusion, gong is a versatile instrument with a rich history and cultural significance. Its pronunciation may vary depending on the language and context, but its purpose remains the same – to create powerful and resonating sounds. Whether used in traditional ceremonies or modern music, gong continues to captivate and inspire audiences around the world.


