

更新时间:2024-03-10 10:31:57作者:自考教育网

金矿是什么?如何发音?它有哪些同义词?这些问题可能会让你感到困惑,但不要担心,接下来我将为你解答所有疑问。金矿,即goldmine,是指富含黄金或其他贵重金属的地区或矿藏。它的发音为[gohld-mahyn]。在使用中,我们可以说“这个地区是一个潜在的金矿”,或者“她的创意就像一座金矿”。除了goldmine外,还有一些同义词可以用来形容这种珍贵的资源,比如treasure trove、bonanza、rich vein等。而与goldmine相关的词组和短语也非常丰富,比如strike gold、dig for gold、gold rush等。想要了解更多关于goldmine的定义、发音及用法例句吗?那就继续阅读下文吧!







接下来,让我们来看看goldmine的同义词。根据不同语境和含义,它可以被替换成treasure trove(财富库)、bonanza(富矿)、mother lode(主要来源)等词语



1. goldmine的发音:[ˈɡoʊldmaɪn],其中,“gold”读作[ɡoʊld],“mine”读作[maɪn]。

2. goldmine的意思:指金矿或富含黄金的地方,也可用于比喻指具有巨大价值的事物或地方。

3. goldmine怎么读:根据发音规则,可以将“goldmine”拆分成两个部分来读。首先是“gold”,读作[ɡoʊld],注意这里的“o”发音是长音;然后是“mine”,读作[maɪn]。

4. goldmine同义词:treasure trove、bonanza、mother lode等。

5. 例句:

- This abandoned mine turned out to be a real goldmine for the lucky explorer.


- The internet is a goldmine of information, you just need to know where to look.




1. goldmine的意思是金矿,指的是富含黄金或其他贵重矿物的地方。例如:The miners discovered a huge goldmine in the mountains.(矿工们在山区发现了一处巨大的金矿。)

2. goldmine的同义词包括treasure trove, bonanza, mother lode等,都指的是富含宝藏或财富的地方。例如:The old man's attic was a treasure trove of antiques and valuable items.(老人的阁楼是一处古董和贵重物品的宝库。)

3. goldmine也可以用来比喻指潜在利润丰厚的事业或机会。例如:The tech industry is a goldmine for young entrepreneurs.(科技行业对年轻企业家来说是一片潜力巨大的金矿。)

4. 例句:

- The abandoned mine turned out to be a goldmine for the local economy, creating jobs and boosting tourism.


- This new app is a real goldmine for its creators, generating millions of dollars in revenue every month.


- The old bookstore may not look like much, but it's a goldmine for book lovers, with rare and out-of-print books waiting to be discovered.



1. Treasure trove - 藏宝地,指有价值的东西聚集的地方,与goldmine意思相同。

例句:The old abandoned mine turned out to be a treasure trove, with gold and precious gems hidden inside.

2. Bonanza - 意为“意外的发现或收获”,也可指富矿或其他有价值的东西。

例句:The discovery of oil in the small town brought about a bonanza for the local economy.

3. Mother lode - 指最大、最丰富的金矿,也可比喻为“宝藏”。

例句:The miners finally struck the mother lode after months of searching.

4. Jackpot - 意为“巨额奖金”,也可指意想不到的成功或收获。

例句:Investing in that company turned out to be a jackpot for him.

5. Rich vein - 指富含某种物质的地层,也可比喻为“丰富的资源”。

例句:The region is known for its rich vein of natural resources, including gold and silver.

6. El Dorado - 意为“黄金之城”,常用来形容一个充满机会和财富的地方。

例句:Many people see New York City as the El Dorado of opportunities.

7. Pot of gold - 指象征性的财富,通常与彩虹相关联。

例句:Winning the lottery felt like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

8. Riches - 意为“财富”,也可指其他有价值的东西。

例句:The country is blessed with abundant natural riches, including oil and minerals.

9. Wealth - 意为“财富”,通常指大量的金钱或财产。

例句:The wealthy businessman donated a large portion of his wealth to charity.

10. Bounty - 意为“慷慨的赠予”,也可指丰富的资源。

例句:The land was known for its bounty of crops and fertile soil


1. Goldmine的意思

- Goldmine是一个英语单词,意为“金矿”。它由“gold”(金)和“mine”(矿)两个词组合而成。

2. Goldmine的发音

- Goldmine的发音为[ˈɡoʊldmaɪn],读作“高德迈恩”。

3. Goldmine的同义词

- treasure trove:财富之窟

- mother lode:主脉,富矿脉

- bonanza:大富矿,致富机会

4. Goldmine的例句

- The discovery of a goldmine brought great wealth to the small town.


- This business opportunity is a real goldmine for investors.


5. 与Goldmine相关的词组及短语

5.1 找到金矿:

- strike gold:找到金子,意为获得成功或利润。

例句:After years of struggling, he finally struck gold with his new business venture.


5.2 开采金矿:

- mine for gold:开采金矿。

例句:The company has been mining for gold in this area for over a decade.


5.3 金矿潜力:

- goldmine potential:金矿潜力。

例句:This region is known for its goldmine potential, attracting many investors to explore and invest.


5.4 挖掘更多的财富:

- mine more wealth:挖掘更多的财富。

例句:The company plans to expand their operations in order to mine more wealth from the goldmine.


5.5 寻找新的金矿:

- prospect for new goldmines:寻找新的金矿。

例句:Geologists are constantly prospecting for new goldmines in this area.


5.6 财富之源:

- source of wealth:财富之源。

例句:The discovery of oil has become a new source of wealth for this country, just like a goldmine.


5.7 黄金时代:

- golden age:黄金时代,指一个时期或某个领域的繁荣和成功。

例句:The 1920s was known as the golden age of Hollywood.


5.8 黄金机会:

- golden opportunity:黄金机会,指一个难得的机会或有利的时机。

例句:This project is a golden opportunity for us to expand our business overseas.


5.9 黄金标准:

- gold standard:黄金标准,指一种通货标准,也可以用来形容最高质量或最佳实践。

例句:Our company always strives to maintain a gold standard in our products and services.


5.10 一掷千金:

- spend money like water:像流水一样花钱,形容花钱非常大方或浪费。

例句:He spent money like water on his extravagant lifestyle, until he realized he was not a goldmine.


goldmine指的是一个富含黄金或其他贵重矿物的矿山,也可以用来比喻为一个富有利润的事业或资源。它的发音为[gohld-mahyn],读者们可以在日常生活中多加练习。使用goldmine这个词汇时,可以用作名词或动词,例如:The company has discovered a goldmine in the mountains.(这家公司在山区发现了一座金矿。)同义词包括treasure trove、bonanza等。与goldmine相关的常用词组和短语还有strike gold(意为“发现财富”)、hit the mother lode(意为“取得巨大成功”)等。我是网站编辑小张,希望今天的内容能够帮助到大家更好地理解并使用goldmine这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的单词解析和语言学习知识!


