

更新时间:2024-03-10 10:19:57作者:自考教育网



1. "golden"的拼音是"gōng dēn"。


2. "gōng"的发音类似于英语中的"gong",但是要注意舌头要卷起来,让声音更加圆润。

3. "dēn"的发音类似于英语中的"den",但是要注意舌头要放松,不要太用力。

4. 这个词的拼音虽然简单,但是它所代表的意思却非常丰富多彩。

5. 它可以指代黄金这种贵重金属,也可以用来形容某件事物或人具有非常高贵、珍贵、优雅的特质。

6. 当然,在当下年轻人中,它也经常被用来形容某件事物或人极其出色、完美无缺、令人羡慕的状态。

7. 不管在哪种情况下使用,都能够体现出一种光芒四射、耀眼动人的意味。

8. 所以说,不愧为一个词汇中最具有魅力和吸引力的部分



2.珍贵的、宝贵的意思:除了指代颜色外,golden还可以用来形容某个东西非常珍贵、宝贵。比如我们常说的golden opportunity(绝佳机会)、golden age(黄金时代)等等。这些短语都带有一种积极向上的含义,暗示着这些东西都是值得我们珍惜和追求的。

3.成功、优秀的意思:在现代英语中,golden也可以用来形容某人取得了巨大成功或者拥有出众才华。比如我们经常听到的golden boy(天才少年)、golden girl(完美女孩)等等。这些短语都带有一种赞美和羡慕的情绪,暗示着这些人具备了超凡能力和出众表现。

4.幸运、顺利的意思:除了以上几种含义外,golden还可以表示幸运和顺利。比如我们常说的golden ticket(幸运门票)、golden chance(顺利机会)等等。这些短语都带有一种乐观的情绪,暗示着某人或某事具备了成功的可能性。



1. golden的含义


2. golden作为形容词的用法

a. 用于描述颜色:The sunset was a beautiful golden color.(夕阳呈现出美丽的金色。)

b. 用于比喻:She has a heart of gold.(她有一颗金子般的心。)

c. 用于表示完美、优秀:He had a golden opportunity to prove himself.(他有一个完美的机会来证明自己。)

3. golden作为名词的用法

a. 指代黄金:The king's crown was made of pure golden material.(国王的王冠是用纯黄金制成的。)

b. 指代珍贵的东西:Her smile was worth its weight in gold, bringing joy to everyone around her.(她微笑如同黄金般珍贵,给周围每个人带来了快乐。)

4. 双语例句

a. The leaves turned a beautiful golden color in the fall.


b. The athlete won a golden medal at the Olympics.


c. The company's golden years were during the 1990s when they experienced rapid growth.


d. The golden rule is to treat others as you would want to be treated.



1. Golden age: 黄金时代,指某个领域或时期最为繁荣和兴盛的阶段。

2. Golden opportunity: 黄金机会,指难得的、具有极大潜力的机会。

3. Golden rule: 金科玉律,指道德准则或行为原则。

4. Golden ratio: 黄金分割比例,指数学中的一种比例关系,也被认为是最具美感的比例。

5. Golden mean: 中庸之道,指适度和谐的生活态度。

6. Golden handshake: 金握手,指公司解雇高级职员时给予的丰厚补偿金。

7. Golden parachute: 金降落伞,指高管离职时获得的巨额补偿。

8. Golden jubilee: 金禧年,指某项活动或事件举办50周年纪念庆典。

9. The golden state: 金州,指加利福尼亚州,在美国被称为“黄金国度”。

10. A golden opportunity knocks at the door only once: 天时不可失、时不再来


1. Gilded

- Definition: covered with gold or gold paint; wealthy and privileged

- Example: The gilded gates of the mansion shone in the sunlight.

2. Aurous

- Definition: made of or containing gold; golden in color

- Example: The aurous necklace was a family heirloom passed down for generations.

3. Aureate

- Definition: having a golden color or brilliance; grandiloquent, flowery, or elaborate in style or language

- Example: The aureate sunset painted the sky with shades of orange and pink.

4. Gilt-edged

- Definition: having a decorative edge of gold; of the highest quality or value

- Example: The gilt-edged invitation to the gala event was highly coveted by society's elite.

5. Glittering

- Definition: shining brightly with flashes of light; sparkling with beauty or excitement

- Example: The glittering chandelier cast a warm glow over the elegant ballroom.

6. Shimmering

- Definition: reflecting a soft, flickering light; glimmering with an ethereal beauty

- Example: The shimmering lake looked like liquid gold under the moonlight.

7. Splendid

- Definition: magnificent in appearance; excellent, impressive, or grandiose in character or quality

- Example: The splendid palace was adorned with intricate golden designs and lavish decorations.

8. Resplendent

- Definition: shining brilliantly; dazzlingly beautiful and impressive

- Example: The resplendent sunflower fields were a sight to behold on a sunny day.

9. Radiant

- Definition: emitting rays of light; bright and glowing with happiness, health, or beauty

- Example: Her radiant smile lit up the room like a ray of sunshine.

10. Glorious

- Definition: having great beauty and splendor; deserving admiration and praise

- Example: The glorious sunrise over the mountains was a breathtaking sight


