

更新时间:2024-03-10 10:17:24作者:自考教育网






1. Golden Rule(黄金法则)


2. Golden Age(黄金时代)


3. Golden Opportunity(黄金机会)


4. Golden Medal(金牌)


5. Golden Ratio(黄金分割率)


6. Golden Touch(金色之手)



1. Golden的发音

Golden一词的发音为 [ˈɡoʊldən],其中重点在于第一个音节的元音发音为长音[o],第二个音节为短音[ən]。可以通过拼读每个字母的发音来帮助正确读出Golden这个单词。

2. Golden的意思


3. Golden在不同语境下的用法

- 形容词:Golden作为形容词时,通常放在名词前面,表示某物具有金色或类似金子般珍贵、重要、优美等特征。例如:a golden ring(一枚金戒指)、golden opportunity(难得的机会)、golden age(黄金时代)。

- 名词:Golden也可以作为名词使用,表示“黄金”或“金子”。例如:The treasure was made of pure golden.(这个宝藏是纯黄金制成的。)

- 动词:作为动词,Golden通常用来描述某件事物变得像金子般闪耀或珍贵。例如:The sun was golden on the horizon.(太阳在地平线上闪耀着金光。)

- 成语:Golden还可以组成一些常用的成语,如golden rule(黄金法则,也就是“己所不欲,勿施于人”)、golden mean(中庸之道)等。

4. Golden的相关词汇

- Gold:黄金

- Goldsmith:金匠

- Gilded:镀金的,富丽堂皇的

- Gold digger:淘金者,拜金女

- Golden retriever:黄金猎犬

5. Golden作为人名

Golden也可以作为一个人名,在英文国家并不常见,但也有一些知名人物使用这个名字。例如美国小说家Golden Richards和加拿大歌手Golden Bough。

6. Golden在乐队名称中的应用


- The Golden Boys(黄金男孩)

- The Golden Girls(黄金女孩)

- The Golden Trio(黄金三重奏)

- The Golden Nuggets(黄金块)

7. 常见错误发音及纠正方法


- 错误发音:[ɡəʊldən],将第一个音节的元音[o]读成短音[ə]。


- 错误发音:[ɡɔːldən],将第一个音节的元音[o]读成[ɔː]。


- 错误发音:[ɡolden],省略了第二个字母[o]。



1. Golden的含义


2. Golden的用法

- 用作形容词,表示珍贵、重要、光辉、美好等含义。比如:a golden opportunity(难得的机会)、golden moments(美好时刻)、golden age(黄金时代)。

- 用作名词,指代金子或者黄金色。比如:The statue was made of solid gold(这座雕像是纯金制作的)。

3. 双语例句

- This is a golden opportunity for us to expand our business in the international market.


- The sunset over the ocean was a truly golden moment that I will never forget.


- The Golden Age of Hollywood is often considered the pinnacle of American cinema.


- The Olympic medals were made of solid gold, silver, and bronze.


- Her hair shone like spun gold in the sunlight.



1. Golden opportunity: 黄金时机,指的是难得的、有利的机会。

2. Golden rule: 黄金法则,指的是“己所不欲,勿施于人”,即待人如己。

3. Golden age: 黄金时代,指的是最辉煌、最繁荣的年代。

4. Golden ticket: 金票,指的是特殊、珍贵或难得获得的入场券。

5. Golden touch: 金手指,指的是能够带来成功和财富的能力。

6. Golden ratio: 黄金比例,指的是大自然中最完美、最和谐的比例关系。

7. Golden medal: 金牌,指体育比赛中获得第一名的奖牌。

8. Golden boy/girl: 金童/女神,通常用来形容年轻、有天赋且备受关注的人物。

9. Golden years: 老年黄金时期,指人生中享受退休生活和养老生活的阶段。

10. Going for the gold: 追求黄金,在体育比赛中表示追求冠军或最高荣誉


1. Gilded - This word is often used to describe something that is covered in gold or has a golden appearance. For example, "The gilded statue shone in the sunlight."

2. Aureate - This word is derived from the Latin word for gold, "aureus." It can be used to describe something that is golden in color or appearance. For example, "The aureate leaves of the autumn trees were a sight to behold."

3. Gilt - Similar to gilded, this word also refers to something that has been covered in gold or has a golden sheen. It can also be used figuratively to describe something that appears attractive or impressive on the surface but may not have much substance. For example, "The gilt-edged invitation promised an extravagant event."

4. Auric - This adjective describes something that is related to or resembling gold. It can also be used to refer to someone who has a golden personality or aura. For example, "Her auric hair caught the light and seemed to glow."

5. Lustrous - This word means having a shiny or glossy quality, often associated with precious metals like gold and silver. It can also be used figuratively to describe something that is impressive or radiant. For example, "The lustrous finish of the car made it stand out on the road."

6. Resplendent - This adjective describes something that is dazzlingly beautiful and radiant, often with a sense of grandeur and magnificence. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who possesses great talent or qualities. For example, "The resplendent sunset painted the sky with shades of gold and pink."

7. Gleaming - This word means shining brightly and can be used specifically for things that reflect light like metal surfaces or jewels. It can also be used more broadly to describe anything that appears bright and polished. For example, "The gleaming chandelier added a touch of elegance to the room."

8. Radiant - This adjective means emitting or reflecting light or heat, often in a bright and warm way. It can also be used to describe someone who is glowing with happiness or beauty. For example, "The radiant bride walked down the aisle in her golden gown."

9. Glittering - This word means sparkling and shining brightly, often associated with things that have a reflective surface like jewels or sequins. It can also be used figuratively to describe something that is glamorous or impressive. For example, "The glittering lights of the city skyline were a sight to behold."

10. Splendid - This adjective means magnificent or grand in appearance and can be used to describe something that is visually impressive or striking. It can also be used to describe something that is excellent or outstanding in quality. For example, "The splendid palace was adorned with golden decorations."


