

更新时间:2024-03-04 16:43:01作者:自考教育网



1. "contradiction"的拼音为[kɒntrəˈdɪkʃən],发音为“kon-truh-dik-shuhn”。


2. "contradiction"一词由三个音节组成,分别是"con"、"tra"和"diction"。其中,"con"的发音为[kɒn],读作“kon”,意为“反对”;"tra"的发音为[trə],读作“truh”,意为“交叉”;而"diction"的发音为[dɪkʃən],读作“dik-shuhn”,意为“说话”。

3. 总体来说,“contradiction”的拼音和发音比较简单明了,但需要注意的是第一个音节中的"g"和最后一个音节中的"c"都是轻声。这意味着在发音时,这两个字母并不需要强调或者重读。

4. 由于英语中有很多相似或者相同的拼写单词,因此在学习和使用英语时,正确地掌握每个单词的拼写和发音非常重要。特别是对于类似于“contradiction”这样比较长且含有多个元音字母的单词来说,更需要我们花费更多的时间和精力去练习。

5. 对于想要提高自己英语水平的人来说,除了学习单词的拼写和发音外,还可以通过大量阅读、听力训练和口语练习来提高自己的语言能力。同时,也可以通过参加英语培训班或者找一位外教进行辅导来加快自己的学习进度。

6. 总之,“contradiction”是一个非常常用且重要的单词,在日常生活中我们经常会遇到这个词。因此,掌握它的拼音和发音不仅可以帮助我们更准确地理解它的意思,也有助于我们提高自己的英语水平。希望本小节对您有所帮助!


1. 定义:contradiction是一个英文单词,意为“矛盾”,通常指的是两个或多个相互冲突或对立的事物或观点。

2. 来源:该词源于拉丁语“contra”(相反)和“dicere”(说),字面意思为“相反的说法”。

3. 用法:contradiction可以作为名词或动词使用,名词形式表示矛盾的状态或事物,动词形式表示与某事物相矛盾。

4. 概念:在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的矛盾。例如,在某些情况下,我们可能需要做出艰难的抉择,因为两个选择都有其利弊。这种情况下就存在着矛盾。另外,在政治、文化、宗教等领域也经常会出现不同观点之间的矛盾。

5. 形成原因:矛盾的产生通常是由于不同事物之间存在着差异性和对立性。例如,在社会发展过程中,不同阶级之间、不同地区之间、不同民族之间等都可能存在着利益冲突和意识形态上的分歧,从而导致矛盾的产生。

6. 解决方式:针对矛盾,人们通常会采取不同的解决方式。有些矛盾可以通过双方协商、妥协来解决,有些则需要通过法律、政策等手段来调和。但也有一些矛盾无法得到有效解决,只能通过一方妥协或者暂时搁置来缓解。

7. 影响:矛盾的存在会对社会、个人和群体产生不同程度的影响。在社会层面,矛盾可能导致社会动荡、经济发展受阻等问题;在个人层面,矛盾可能给个人带来焦虑、压力等负面情绪;在群体层面,矛盾可能导致团队合作能力下降、团结凝聚力减弱等问题。

8. 总结:contradiction是一个普遍存在于生活中的概念,它指代着两个或多个相互冲突或对立的事物或观点。了解contradiction的含义可以帮助我们更好地认识和应对生活中遇到的各种矛盾


1. 什么是contradiction?


2. 如何使用contradiction?


3. 双语例句:

- There is a contradiction between what he says and what he does. (他所说的和他所做的存在矛盾)

- The author cleverly used contradictions to create tension in the story. (作者巧妙地运用矛盾来营造故事中的紧张气氛)

- The contradiction between tradition and modernity is a common theme in many literary works. (传统与现代之间的矛盾是许多文学作品中常见的主题)

4. 意义深远:


5. 幽默一点:



1. Inevitable contradiction 不可避免的矛盾

2. Internal contradiction 内部矛盾

3. Contradiction between theory and practice 理论与实践的矛盾

4. Contradiction between means and ends 目的手段的矛盾

5. Contradiction between individual and society 个人与社会的矛盾

6. Contradiction between ideal and reality 理想与现实的矛盾

7. Contradiction between appearance and essence 表象与本质的矛盾

8. Class contradiction 阶级矛盾

9. Economic contradiction 经济矛盾

10. Social contradiction 社会矛盾

11. Cultural contradiction 文化矛盾

12. Political contradiction 政治矛盾

13. Religious contradiction 宗教矛盾

14. Regional contradiction 地区性矛盾

15. International contradiction 国际性矛盾

16. Personal contradiction 个人内心的矛盾

17. Logical contradiction 逻辑上的矛盾

18. Moral contradiction 道德上的矛盾

19.Contradiction of interest 利益冲突

20.Contradiction of opinion 观点分歧


1. Paradox - a statement or situation that seems contradictory or absurd, but may actually be true.

Example: The concept of time travel is a paradox, as it suggests the possibility of changing the past, which would then change the future, making the time traveler's existence impossible.

2. Dilemma - a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two equally undesirable options.

Example: The protagonist in the story faced a dilemma when he had to choose between saving his family or saving innocent strangers.

3. Inconsistency - lack of compatibility or agreement between two or more things.

Example: The politician's statements were full of inconsistencies, making it difficult for the public to trust him.

4. Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument between two opposing ideas, beliefs, or people.

Example: There is often a conflict between what we want and what we need, causing us to make tough decisions.

5. Irony - an expression of meaning using language that normally signifies the opposite.

Example: It was ironic that the environmentalist's car broke down on his way to an important climate change conference.

6. Paradoxical - seemingly absurd or self-contradictory.

Example: It is paradoxical how some people claim to be open-minded but are actually very close-minded and judgmental.

7. Opposite - completely different; contrary to something else.

Example: The twins were complete opposites in terms of personality and interests.

8. Antithesis - a contrast or opposition between two things.

Example: The author used antithesis to highlight the differences between good and evil in his novel.

9. Contrary - opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.

Example: Her actions were contrary to her words, causing confusion among her friends.

10. Conundrum - a confusing and difficult problem or question.

Example: Solving this math conundrum requires both logic and creativity


