

更新时间:2024-02-28 17:29:25作者:自考教育网



1. Asian的发音是 [ˈeɪʃən],读作“ey-shuhn”。

2. Asian一词来源于拉丁语中的“Asia”,意为“亚洲人”。


3. 同义词:Oriental、Asiatic、Eastern。

4. 例句:

- She is an Asian, born and raised in China.


- Asian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and spices.


- The company aims to expand its market to the Asian region.



1. Asian的定义


- 形容词:属于亚洲的,来自亚洲的,具有亚洲特色的

- 名词:指来自亚洲地区的人,也可以指与亚洲相关的文化、语言、风俗等

2. Asian的发音及读音

Asian一词在英语中发音为 /ˈeɪʒən/,其中第一个字母A发音为/eɪ/,后面三个字母sian发音为/ʒən/。在美式英语中,也可以简化为 /ˈeɪʃn/。

3. Asian同义词及例句

- Oriental:意为“东方的”,常用来指东亚国家(如中国、日本、韩国)和东南亚国家(如泰国、越南)。

例句:My friend is from an Oriental country.


- Asiatic:意为“属于亚洲的”,常用来指与亚洲有关联的事物。

例句:The Asiatic culture has a long history.


- East Asian:意为“东亚的”,常用来指中国、日本和韩国等东亚国家。

例句:East Asian cuisine is known for its use of rice and noodles.


- Far Eastern:意为“远东的”,常用来指与亚洲大陆相隔较远的地区,如日本、朝鲜半岛和东南亚国家。

例句:The Far Eastern countries have a diverse range of cultures.



1. Asian的意思是来自亚洲的,通常指代亚洲人或亚洲文化。

例句:I am proud to be an Asian. (我为自己是一个亚洲人感到骄傲。)

2. Asian的发音为/ˈeɪʒən/,注意第一个字母A发音为/eɪ/而不是/a/。

例句:How do you pronounce the word "Asian"? (你如何发音单词"Asian"?)

3. Asian的同义词包括Oriental、East Asian、Far Eastern等。

例句:The Asian culture is diverse and rich. (亚洲文化多样丰富。)

4. “Asian”一词也可以用作形容词,表示与亚洲有关的。

例句:She has a strong interest in Asian cuisine. (她对亚洲美食充满兴趣。)

5. 在日常口语中,有时也会用“Asian”来指代东南亚国家的居民。

例句:There are many Asians living in Singapore. (新加坡有很多东南亚国家的居民。)


1. 亚洲人 (Asian people)

例句:Asian people have diverse cultures and traditions.

2. 亚裔 (Asian descent)

例句:She is of Asian descent, but was born and raised in the United States.

3. 东方文化 (Asian culture)

例句:The festival celebrates the rich and vibrant Asian culture.

4. 亚洲国家 (Asian countries)

例句:Japan, China, and India are all Asian countries.

5. 东南亚地区 (Southeast Asia)

例句:Thailand is a popular tourist destination in Southeast Asia.

6. 太平洋岛国 (Pacific Islands)

例句:The Pacific Islands are home to many different ethnic groups, including Asians.

7. 新加坡式 (Singaporean-style)

例句:Their restaurant serves delicious Singaporean-style dishes.

8. 韩式护肤品 (Korean skincare products)

例句:Many people swear by Korean skincare products for their effectiveness.

9. 日本料理 (Japanese cuisine)

例句:Sushi is a popular dish in Japanese cuisine.

10. 印度教徒 (Hinduism followers)

例句:Many Asians are Hinduism followers and celebrate Diwali as a major holiday


1. Eastern - "Asian" is often used to refer to people or things from the eastern part of the world, such as China, Japan, and Korea. For example, "I love Asian food, especially sushi from Japan."

2. Oriental - This word is sometimes used as a synonym for "Asian," but it can be considered offensive by some people. It is best to use "Asian" instead. For example, "My favorite cuisine is Oriental food, especially Thai dishes."

3. Far Eastern - Similar to "Eastern," this term refers specifically to countries in the far east like China, Japan, and Korea. For example, "I am fascinated by Far Eastern cultures and traditions."

4. Pan-Asian - This word describes something that encompasses or relates to all of Asia. For example, "The Pan-Asian cuisine at this restaurant includes dishes from China, India, and Thailand."

5. Asiatic - This term is often used in a historical or literary context and can be seen as outdated or offensive by some people. It is best to avoid using it unless necessary. For example, "The Asiatic cultures have a rich history and diverse traditions."

6. Orientalist - This word refers to a person who studies or has a strong interest in Asian cultures and societies. For example, "She is an Orientalist who has traveled extensively throughout Asia."

7. East Asian - This term specifically refers to countries in East Asia like China, Japan, and Korea. For example, "East Asian languages such as Chinese and Japanese are known for their complex writing systems."

8. ASEAN - This acronym stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations and refers to a regional intergovernmental organization that promotes economic growth and cooperation among its member countries.

9. Pacific Islander - While technically not a synonym for "Asian," this term refers to people from islands in the Pacific Ocean such as Hawaii and Guam which have cultural ties to Asia. For example, "She is a Pacific Islander with Chinese and Hawaiian heritage."

10. Mongoloid - This term is considered offensive and outdated and should not be used to refer to Asian people. It is best to use "Asian" instead


