
add-on用英语怎么说,add-on的英语翻译是:附加物 附加装置

更新时间:2024-02-27 04:56:50作者:自考教育网



1. 什么是add-on?

add-on用英语怎么说,add-on的英语翻译是:附加物 附加装置


2. add-on作为名词的含义


3. add-on作为形容词的含义


4. add-on在翻译行业中的意义




1. 发音:


2. 单词意思:

add-on作为一个名词,有两个意思。第一个意思是“附加物”,指的是附加在主体上的额外部分。例如:This computer comes with many add-ons, such as a printer and a scanner.(这台电脑配有许多附加物,比如打印机和扫描仪。)第二个意思是“附加装置”,指的是可以增强或改变主体功能的设备或软件。例如:The car has an add-on navigation system.(这辆车有一个附加导航系统。)

3. 同义词:


4. 用法示例:

a) Can you show me how to install this add-on?(你能告诉我如何安装这个附加装置吗?)

b) The new add-on for the game adds more levels and challenges.(游戏的新附加物增加了更多关卡和挑战。)

c) This bike comes with a lot of useful add-ons, such as a water bottle holder and a bike lock.(这辆自行车配备了许多实用的附加物,比如水瓶架和自行车锁。)

5. 注意事项:




1. 什么是add-on?


2. add-on的用法

a. 在计算机软件中,用户可以通过安装add-on来增加特定功能。例如,在浏览器中安装广告拦截器add-on可以阻止网页上的广告显示。

b. 在游戏中,玩家可以通过下载和安装add-on来扩展游戏内容,例如新的地图、任务或角色。

c. 在汽车行业,add-on指的是车辆上额外安装的部件,例如车顶行李架、后备箱储物盒等。

3. add-on的双语例句

a. I just downloaded an add-on for my browser that blocks all ads.


b. The game developer released a new add-on with additional levels and characters.


c. The car dealership offers various add-ons for customers to customize their vehicles.




1. Extra features: 额外的功能

2. Supplementary device: 补充装置

3. Bonus module: 奖励模块

4. Add-on equipment: 附加设备

5. Optional component: 可选部件

6. Accessory attachment: 附件连接件

7. Extension add-on: 扩展附加物

8. Upgrade extension: 升级扩展件

9. Supplemental apparatus: 辅助装置

10. Additional tool: 额外工具


1. Extension - This word can be used interchangeably with add-on, as it also refers to something that is added to enhance or expand the capabilities of something else.

2. Attachment - Another synonym for add-on, attachment implies that the item is attached or added onto something else.

3. Supplement - Similar to an add-on, a supplement is something added to make up for a deficiency or to enhance the existing thing.

4. Accessory - This word can also be used to describe an add-on, as it refers to something that complements or enhances the main item.

5. Upgrade - An upgrade is a type of add-on that improves or enhances the performance or features of the original item.

6. Expansion - Just like an add-on, an expansion adds new elements or features to something existing.

7. Addendum - This word can also be used as a synonym for add-on, as it refers to something added at the end of a document or piece of writing.

8. Appendage - Similar to an attachment, appendage describes something attached or added onto something else.

9. Peripheral - This word can be used in technology-related contexts, referring to an external device that is added onto a computer system for additional functions.

10. Supplemental device - Another way to describe an add-on is by using this phrase, which emphasizes its function as a supplementary item.

11. Enhancement - An enhancement is any type of addition that improves or adds value to the original item.

12. Modification - A modification can also be considered an add-on if it alters or improves the existing item in some way.

13. Extra feature - This phrase can be used to describe an additional function that has been added onto something else.

14. Bonus component - Another way to refer to an add-on is by using this phrase, which emphasizes its role as an extra component of the main item.

15. Plug-in - In technology, a plug-in is a type of add-on that can be installed to provide additional features or functions to a software program



