
go over 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-02-14 12:17:17作者:自考教育网

今天我们将探讨一个行业标题——“go over 是什么意思”。这个标题听起来似乎很简单,但实际上却有着丰富的内涵。在这篇文章中,我们将一起来揭开“go over”的面纱,探究它的发音、含义、用法和例句,以及与它相关的短语搭配和同义词示例。让我们一起来探索这个引人入胜的话题吧!

go over 是什么意思

"go over"的发音

"Go over"是一个常见的英语短语,意思是“复习、检查、审阅”。它由两个单词组成,分别是"go"和"over",发音为[ɡoʊ ˈoʊvər]。

1. "go"的发音:[ɡoʊ]


2. "over"的发音:[ˈoʊvər]


3. "go over"连读时的发音:[ɡoʊvər]

当"go over"作为一个整体被连续快速地说出时,会出现连读现象。这时,长元音/o/和短元音/ə/会合并成一个音,即[əʊ],读起来更加流畅。

4. "go over"的重音:[ɡoʊ ˈoʊvər]


"go over"是什么意思

你是否经常听到别人说"go over"这个词,但却不知道它的具体含义是什么?别担心,今天我就来为你解开这个谜团。

1. "go over"的基本含义

首先,让我们来看一下"go over"最基本的含义。它可以指"检查、复习"某样东西,比如说你可以对一篇文章进行"go over",也就是检查它是否有错别字或语法错误。此外,它还可以表示"浏览、阅读"某样东西,比如你可以"go over"一份报告来了解其中的内容。

2. "go over"的衍生意思

除了基本含义外,"go over"还有一些衍生意思。它可以指"重温、回顾"某件事情,比如你可以跟朋友"go over"过去发生的趣事。此外,它也可以表示"通过、穿过"某个地方,比如说你要去朋友家,在路上会经过一个桥,那么你就可以说"go over the bridge(穿过桥)"

3. "go over“与其他短语搭配使用

除了单独使用外,”go over“还常常与其他短语搭配使用。比如说,在商业场景中我们经常会听到"go over the budget(审查预算)"、"go over the details(仔细检查细节)"等等。此外,在口语中,我们也常会听到"go over to(过来)"这个短语的使用。

4. "go over"的反义词

现在你已经知道"go over"的具体含义了吧?它不仅仅是一个简单的短语,还有很多衍生意思和搭配用法。希望今天的介绍能够帮助到你,让你更加熟练地使用这个表达。记得多多练习哦!

"go over"的用法和例句

1. "go over"的意思是什么?

"Go over"是一个常见的短语,通常指复习、检查或审查某样东西。它可以用作及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词使用。

2. "go over"的用法

- 作为及物动词,"go over"通常指仔细检查或审查某样东西。例如:"I need to go over this report before submitting it."

- 作为不及物动词,"go over"通常指复习或回顾某样东西。例如:"I need to go over my notes before the exam."

3. "go over"的例句

- Could you please go over this document and make sure there are no errors?

- I need to go over my presentation one more time before the meeting.

- Let's go over the lesson from last week before starting a new one.

- He went over his speech again and again to make sure he didn't forget anything.

- I always go over my work before submitting it to avoid any mistakes

"go over"的短语搭配

1. "go over"的意思是什么?

"Go over"是一个常见的短语,通常用来表示“检查、复习、审查”等意思。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,具体含义取决于上下文。

2. "go over"的同义词有哪些?

如果你想要换一种表达方式,可以使用以下同义词替换“go over”:

- Review:强调对内容的全面检查和复习。

- Check:侧重于核对细节和确认正确性。

- Examine:强调仔细观察和研究。

- Inspect:侧重于仔细检查和审视。

- Scrutinize:更加强调细致的检查和分析。

3. "go over"与其他短语搭配有哪些?

除了以上提到的同义词外,“go over”还可以与其他短语搭配使用,例如:

- Go over something in detail:详细检查某事物。

- Go over someone's work:审阅某人的工作。

- Go over the details:复习细节。

- Go over the plan:审视计划。

- Go over a report:审阅报告。

4. "go over"在口语中有哪些常见用法?

在口语中,“go over”也经常被使用,例如:

- Let's go over the plan together:让我们一起来审视计划。

- I need to go over my notes before the exam:我需要在考试前复习笔记。

- Can you go over the details one more time?:你能再把细节检查一遍吗?

- I'll go over the report and get back to you with my thoughts:我会审阅报告,然后给你我的想法。

5. "go over"在不同语境下有什么不同的含义?

除了以上提到的意思外,根据不同的语境,“go over”还可以表示其他含义,例如:

- 越过、跨越:The bridge goes over the river(这座桥梁跨越着河流)。

- 被接受或通过:The proposal went over well with the committee(这个提案得到了委员会的认可)。

- 检查并修正错误:Please go over your essay for spelling mistakes(请检查你的文章是否有拼写错误)

"go over"的同义词示例

1. Review - This is a commonly used synonym for "go over", meaning to examine or study something in detail.

2. Check - Another synonym for "go over" that implies carefully looking at something to ensure accuracy or completeness.

3. Study - This word can also be used as a synonym for "go over", emphasizing the need for thorough examination and understanding.

4. Analyze - To analyze something means to break it down and study its individual parts, which is similar to the idea of going over something in detail.

5. Scrutinize - This word carries a connotation of intense examination, making it a strong synonym for "go over".

6. Inspect - Similar to "check", this word implies a careful examination of something, often with the intention of finding potential problems or flaws.

7. Examine - To examine something means to look at it closely and carefully, which aligns with the idea of going over something in detail.

8. Go through - This phrase can also be used as a synonym for "go over", suggesting the process of thoroughly reviewing or studying something.

9. Revisit - To revisit something means to go back and look at it again, which can be seen as another way of going over it.

10. Delve into - This phrase conveys the idea of digging deeper and exploring more deeply, similar to how one might go over a topic in more detail

"go over"是一个常见的短语,意为“复习,检查,审阅”。它可以用于各种场合,如学习、工作、旅行等。它的发音也很特别,需要注意。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个短语。我是网站编辑小明,如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!谢谢!

