
go out是什么意思,go out同义词及例句

更新时间:2024-02-14 12:14:50作者:自考教育网

你是否经常在英语学习中遇到一些难以理解的词汇?比如,go out是什么意思?它的同义词又有哪些?今天,我们就来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱,让你轻松掌握它的发音、用法和例句。不要错过这篇文章,让我们一起来探索go out的世界吧!

The pronunciation of go out

1. 英语中的"go out"是一个动词短语,意为“外出,出门”。它的发音可以分为两个部分来理解,即"go"和"out"两个单词的发音。

go out是什么意思,go out同义词及例句

2. "go"一词的发音为/gəʊ/,其中"g"发音为/dʒ/,与字母"j"相似。而字母"o"发音为/əʊ/,类似于汉语拼音中的字母“o”。

3. "out"一词的发音为/aʊt/,其中字母“o”发音同上。而字母“u”则发音为/aʊ/,类似于汉语拼音中的字母“ou”。

4. 综上所述,整个短语"go out"的正确发音应该是/gəʊ aʊt/。

5. 同义词及例句:

- go outside:外出

例句:I want to go outside and enjoy the sunshine.


- leave the house:离开家

例句:She always leaves the house early in the morning.


- head out:出门

例句:Let's head out for a walk in the park.


- step out:走出去

例句:He stepped out of the car and waved goodbye.


- venture out:冒险外出

例句:I decided to venture out and explore the new city by myself.


6. 总的来说,"go out"的同义词都是指离开室内或者原来所在的地方,前往室外或者其他地方。因此,在使用这些同义词时,需要根据具体语境来选择最合适的词汇。

7. 此外,"go out"也可以作为短语动词使用,表示“熄灭”或者“结束”。例如:"The fire went out."(火灭了。)"The party went out with a bang."(聚会以轰轰烈烈的方式结束。)

8. 总的来说,"go out"是一个常用且容易理解的短语,在日常生活中经常会遇到。希望本小节能够帮助读者更好地理解和正确发音这个短语

How to read go out

1. Understanding the meaning of "go out"

- "Go out" is a phrasal verb that can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

- In general, it means to leave or exit a place or to stop being indoors and go outside.

- However, it can also mean to stop functioning or to be extinguished, as in "The light went out."

2. Synonyms for "go out"

- There are several synonyms for "go out" that can be used interchangeably in certain situations.

- Some examples include: leave, depart, exit, go forth, step out, withdraw, and vacate.

- In the context of relationships, "break up" or "split up" can also be used as synonyms for "go out."

3. Examples of using "go out"

- To better understand the usage of "go out," here are some examples:

a) We should go out for dinner tonight.

b) The fire went out because there was no more wood.

c) I need to go out and get some fresh air.

d) They decided to go their separate ways and break up.

4. Tips for reading "go out"

- When reading a sentence with "go out," pay attention to the context in which it is used to determine its specific meaning.

- If it is referring to leaving a place or being outdoors, it will often be followed by a location or destination.

- If it is referring to something stopping functioning or ending, it will often be followed by an object or cause.

5. Common mistakes with "go out"

- One common mistake when using "go out" is confusing it with the phrasal verb "get out." While both can mean leaving a place, they are used differently in a sentence.

- Another mistake is using it as a noun instead of a verb. For example: The go out was a disaster. This should be: The going out was a disaster.

6. Practice using "go out"

- Now it's your turn to practice using "go out" in different contexts.

- Rewrite the following sentences, replacing "go out" with an appropriate synonym:

a) I'm going to go out for a walk.

b) The fire went out suddenly.

c) They always go out on Saturday nights.

d) We decided to go our separate ways and break up.

7. Conclusion

- In summary, "go out" is a versatile phrasal verb that can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

- It can mean leaving a place or being outdoors, or it can refer to something stopping functioning or ending.

- By paying attention to the context and using appropriate synonyms, you can effectively read and use "go out" in your writing and conversations

Usage and examples of go out

1. Meaning of go out

The phrase "go out" has multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Generally, it means to leave a place or to be extinguished. However, it can also refer to dating or socializing with someone.

2. Synonyms for go out

- Leave: This is the most common synonym for go out, as it also means to depart from a place.

- Exit: Similar to leave, exit means to go out of a place.

- Depart: This word emphasizes the act of leaving or going away from a place.

- Cease: When used in the context of a fire or light, cease is a synonym for go out.

- Date: In the context of socializing with someone, date can be used as a synonym for go out.

3. Examples of usage

a) To leave a place:

- I need to go out and buy some groceries.

- The kids are going out to play in the park.

- The fire went out after we poured water on it.

b) To be extinguished:

- The candle went out when the wind blew.

- The lights went out during the storm.

- Don't forget to blow out all the candles before you leave.

c) To date or socialize with someone:

- Are you two going out now?

- She's been going out with him for over a year now.

- They've been going out together every weekend.

In conclusion, "go out" can have different meanings depending on its usage. It can mean leaving a place, being extinguished, or dating/socializing with someone. Some synonyms for this phrase include leave, exit, and date. It is important to understand the context in which it is used in order to fully comprehend its meaning

Phrases with go out

1. Go out - 出去

- I'm going to go out for a walk.


2. Go out - 外出

- She goes out every weekend with her friends.


3. Go out - 离开

- He went out of the room when the meeting ended.


4. Go out - 熄灭

- The fire went out after we poured water on it.


5. Go out - 结束

- Our relationship went out after that big fight.


6. Go out - 发生

- The news of the accident went out quickly.


7. Go all out - 全力以赴

- We need to go all out to win this competition.


8. Go in and out - 进进出出

- The kids were going in and out of the house all day.


9. Go without - 没有...也能行动/生活

- We had to go without electricity for a week due to the storm.


10. Go off - 响起/爆炸

- The alarm went off at 6 am.


11. Go out of one's way - 特意做某事

- She went out of her way to help me with my project.


12. Go for it - 放手一搏/尽力

- You should go for it and apply for that job.


13. Go against the grain - 违背习惯/逆流而上

- It goes against the grain for him to wake up early.


14. Go hand in hand - 密切相关

- Hard work and success go hand in hand.


15. Go through - 经历/经受

- She went through a lot of hardships before achieving her dream.


Synonyms for go out with examples

1. Hang out - to spend time with someone in a casual and relaxed manner

Example: Let's hang out at the park this weekend.

2. Date - to go out with someone romantically or socially

Example: She asked me out on a date to the movies.

3. Chill - to relax and spend time with friends

Example: We're just going to chill at home tonight.

4. Step out - to go out for a short period of time

Example: I'm just going to step out for some fresh air.

5. Head out - to leave or go somewhere

Example: We're planning to head out for dinner later.

6. Go on a night out - to go out and have fun at night, usually involving drinking and dancing

Example: Let's get dressed up and go on a night out in the city.

7. Paint the town red - to go out and have an exciting and enjoyable time, often involving partying or celebrating

Example: It's my birthday tomorrow so we're going to paint the town red tonight!

8. Hit the town - similar meaning as "paint the town red"

Example: We hit the town last night and had a blast!

9. Step outside - similar meaning as "step out"

Example: I need some fresh air, I'm going to step outside for a bit.

10. Go for a stroll/walk - to take a leisurely walk outside

Example: It's such a beautiful day, let's go for a stroll in the park

go out是一个常用且多义的短语,它可以表示出门、约会、熄灭等含义。通过本文的介绍,相信大家对go out这个词语有了更深刻的理解。如果你喜欢本文,可以关注我们网站的更多文章哦!我是网站的编辑,将为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识。祝愿大家在学习英语的道路上越走越远,取得更大进步!

