
go away是什么意思,go away同义词及例句

更新时间:2024-02-14 12:04:01作者:自考教育网

你是否曾经在与外国人交流时,听到过“go away”这个短语?它是什么意思呢?今天我们就来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。通过拼音和读音,我们将带您了解“go away”的用法及双语例句,并且还有一些常用的词组和同义词示例。让我们一起来探索这个充满魅力的英语短语吧!

go away是什么意思,go away同义词及例句

go away的拼音

go away的拼音是"gōu wéi"。

go away是一个常见的短语,意为“走开”、“离开”,通常用于表达不欢迎或不需要某人的情况下。它可以作为一种礼貌的方式来拒绝某人,也可以用于表示愤怒或不耐烦。

除了"go away"外,还有一些同义词可以用来表达相同的意思,比如"leave"、"get lost"、"take off"等。例如,当你想让别人离开时,你可以说:"Please leave."、"Get lost, I don't want to see you."、"Take off, I'm busy right now."这些短语都可以替代"go away"。

在日常生活中,我们经常会使用"go away"这个短语。比如,在公共场合遇到打扰者时,我们可能会说:"Go away, I'm not interested in what you're selling."、 "Please go away, I'm trying to have a quiet dinner."这些例句都能够很好地展现"go away"的用法

go away怎么读

go away怎么读?是不是有点像“走开”的意思?没错,go away就是英语中常用的表达“走开”的说法。它可以用来表示让某人离开或者自己离开某个地方,也可以用来表示某种情绪或者感觉的消失。下面就让我们一起来看看go away的同义词及例句吧!

go away的用法和双语例句

1. go away的意思

Go away是一个常用的英语短语,意为“离开”,通常用于表示不欢迎或者不需要某人或某物的情况。它可以作为一句命令,也可以作为一句礼貌的请求。

2. go away的同义词

- Leave:与go away相同,也是表示“离开”的意思。

- Depart:也可以表示“离开”,但更多地用于正式场合。

- Get out:比较粗鲁的说法,含有强烈的命令和拒绝的意味。

- Go off:也可以表示“离开”,但更多地指离开某个特定地点。

3. go away的例句

- Could you please go away? I'm trying to concentrate on my work.


- The dog went away when I shouted at it.


- He asked me to leave, so I went off without saying a word.


4. go away在对话中的使用

A: Can you help me with this project?


B: Sorry, I'm busy right now. Can you please go away?


A: Excuse me, do you know where the restroom is?


B: Yes, go down this hallway and turn left. It's at the end of the hall.


5. go away的双语例句

- The smell of the garbage finally made the flies go away.


- I wish my headache would just go away.


- If you don't want to buy anything, just tell them to go away nicely.


go away的词组

1. Leave - 离开,离去

例句:Please leave me alone. - 请离开我。

2. Depart - 离开,出发

例句:He departed for the airport early in the morning. - 他早上就出发去机场了。

3. Exit - 离开,退出

例句:She exited the room without saying a word. - 她一言不发地离开了房间。

4. Withdraw - 离开,撤退

例句:The team decided to withdraw from the competition due to injuries. - 由于伤病,这支队伍决定退出比赛。

5. Retreat - 后退,撤退

例句:The soldiers were ordered to retreat from the battlefield. - 士兵们被命令从战场撤退。

6. Abscond - 逃走,潜逃

例句:The criminal absconded from prison and was on the run for months. - 这名罪犯从监狱逃走,并在数月内一直在逃。

7. Flee - 逃跑,逃离

例句:The villagers were forced to flee their homes due to the natural disaster. - 村民们因为自然灾害被迫离开家园。

8. Skedaddle - 匆匆忙忙地离开,溜走

例句:As soon as he saw his boss, he skedaddled out of the office without saying a word. - 他一看到老板就匆匆忙忙地离开了办公室,一言不发。

9. Clear out - 离开,搬走

例句:It's time for us to clear out of this apartment and find a new place to live. - 是时候搬出这个公寓,找一个新的住处了。

10. Vamoose - 走开,溜走

例句:The kids quickly vamoosed when they saw their parents coming home. - 孩子们看到父母回家就赶紧溜走了

go away同义词示例

1. Leave - "Can you please leave me alone?"

2. Depart - "I must depart now, but I'll see you later."

3. Go off - "Why did you have to go off like that?"

4. Vamoose - "Hey, vamoose from my personal space!"

5. Skedaddle - "It's time for me to skedaddle, see you tomorrow."

6. Beat it - "Beat it, I don't want to talk to you right now."

7. Hit the road - "I think it's time for us to hit the road."

8. Take off - "I need to take off for a bit, I'll be back soon."

9. Buzz off - "Why don't you buzz off and leave me alone?"

10. Scram - "Scram from my room, I need some alone time."

go away是一个非常常用的词语,它可以表示“走开”,“离开”,“消失”等含义。它的同义词还有leave,depart,exit等。无论你是在学习英语还是在日常交流中,都可以灵活运用go away来表达自己的意思。希望本文能够帮助到你,并且带给你更多关于go away的知识。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我将继续为大家分享更多有趣的英语知识。谢谢阅读!


