
go ahead是什么意思,go ahead同义词及例句

更新时间:2024-02-14 12:02:06作者:自考教育网

在行业中,我们经常会遇到一些专业术语,它们有着丰富的含义和用法。今天,我们就来探讨一个常见的行业标题——“go ahead是什么意思?”或许你已经听说过这个词汇,但它的真正含义和用法可能并不为人所知。那么,让我们一起来揭开这个神秘面纱吧!下面将为您介绍go ahead的词性和定义、用法和例句、同义词示例以及反义词示例,让您更加全面地了解这个行业术语。敬请期待!

go ahead是什么意思,go ahead同义词及例句

go ahead的词性和定义

go ahead的词性:动词

go ahead的定义:继续前进,继续做某事,允许或鼓励某人做某事。


1. "Don't wait for me, go ahead and start eating." (不要等我了,开始吃吧。)

2. "I'm giving you the green light to go ahead with your plan." (我允许你继续执行你的计划。)


1. proceed

2. continue

3. move forward

4. carry on

5. advance

go ahead的用法和例句

1. go ahead的意思

Go ahead是一个常用的短语,通常用作动词短语,意为“继续,前进,进行”,也可以作为名词短语,表示“许可,允许”。它可以表示一种肯定的、鼓励性的语气,也可以表示一种礼貌性的请求或询问。

2. go ahead的同义词

- Proceed:与go ahead相同,可以表示继续进行。

- Continue:与go ahead含义相近,也可以表示继续进行。

- Carry on:与go ahead含义相近,也可以表示继续进行。

- Move forward:与go ahead含义相近,也可以表示前进。

- Go on:与go ahead含义相似,也可以表示继续进行。

3. go ahead的例句

- Please go ahead with your presentation. (请开始你的演讲。)

- I'm going to go ahead and book the tickets now. (我现在要去预订票了。)

- You have the green light to go ahead with the project. (你有权利继续进行这个项目。)

- Can I go ahead and use your computer? (我可以使用你的电脑吗?)

- The meeting will go ahead as planned. (会议将按计划进行。)

4. 使用注意事项

在正式场合使用时,建议使用更正式的表达方式如proceed、continue等;在日常口语中使用时,则可随意选择go ahead的同义词。另外,使用时需要注意语气和语境,避免产生误解

go ahead的同义词示例

1. Proceed

例句:You can proceed with the project, I have given you the green light.

2. Move forward

例句:Let's move forward with our plan to expand our business.

3. Continue

例句:Please continue with your presentation, we are interested in hearing more.

4. Carry on

例句:We need to carry on with our research in order to find a solution.

5. Go on

例句:The meeting will go on as planned, despite the bad weather.

6. Press ahead

例句:We must press ahead with our plans, despite any challenges that may arise.

7. Forge ahead

例句:Our company is determined to forge ahead and become a leader in the industry.

8. Push forward

例句:Let's push forward and finish this project before the deadline.

9. Keep going

例句:Don't give up, keep going until you reach your goal.

10. Advance

例句:We need to advance our technology in order to stay competitive in the market

go ahead的反义词示例

1. Hesitate - 踌躇、犹豫

例句:She hesitated before making the decision to go ahead with the project.(在决定要不要继续这个项目之前,她犹豫了一下。)

2. Stop - 停止、阻止

例句:He asked me to stop and think before I go ahead with my plan.(他要我在继续计划之前停下来思考。)

3. Retreat - 撤退、后退

例句:The company decided to retreat from the market rather than go ahead with their failing product.(公司决定从市场撤出,而不是继续推出失败的产品。)

4. Halt - 停止、暂停

例句:The construction was halted due to budget issues, but they plan to go ahead once the funds are available.(由于预算问题,建设被暂停了,但一旦资金到位就会继续进行。)

5. Cancel - 取消、作废

例句:The event was cancelled at the last minute, so we couldn't go ahead with our plans to attend it.(活动在最后一刻被取消了,所以我们无法按计划参加。)

6. Give up - 放弃、放手

例句:He refused to give up on his dream and decided to go ahead despite all the obstacles in his way.(尽管面临种种困难,他仍然决定坚持自己的梦想。)

7. Back down - 让步、退缩

例句:She didn't want to back down from the challenge and decided to go ahead with the difficult task.(她不想在挑战面前退缩,决定继续进行这项艰巨的任务。)

8. Stay put - 停留、保持原地

例句:The team was advised to stay put and not go ahead with their plan until further instructions were given.(团队被建议保持原地,直到收到进一步的指示再继续计划。)

9. Postpone - 延期、推迟

例句:The meeting was postponed due to unexpected circumstances, so they couldn't go ahead with their discussions as planned.(由于意外情况,会议被延期了,所以他们无法按计划进行讨论。)

10. Abandon - 放弃、抛弃

例句:They had to abandon their plans to go ahead with the project when they realized it was too risky and not worth the effort.(当他们意识到这个项目太冒险且不值得投入精力时,他们不得不放弃计划。)

本文介绍了go ahead的词性和定义,以及它的用法和例句。同时还提供了go ahead的同义词和反义词示例,让读者更加深入地理解这个短语。希望通过阅读本文,读者对go ahead有了更加清晰的认识,并能在日常生活中更加灵活地运用它。作为网站的编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识,希望大家能够关注我,一起学习进步!

