

更新时间:2024-02-14 11:51:56作者:自考教育网


Definition of "gnar"

1. 独特性强的原创内容



2. 不要出现超链接


3. 内容精准详细


A. 名词


B. 形容词


C. 动词


D. 同义词及例句


- The gnarly mountain road was a challenge even for experienced drivers.

- 那条崎岖的山路对于经验丰富的司机来说也是一个挑战。

- The surfer rode the gnarly wave with skill and grace.

- 冲浪者巧妙地驾驭着那股狂野的浪头。

- The gnarled branches of the old tree twisted in all directions.

- 那棵老树的粗糙枝干向各个方向扭曲。

- The wild horse was too gnarly for anyone to ride.

- 这匹野马太难以驾驭,没有人能骑它。

- The turbulent waters of the river made it difficult to navigate.

- 河水湍急,导航很困难

Pronunciation of "gnar"

1. What does "gnar" mean?

The word "gnar" is a slang term that originated in the skateboarding community. It is used to describe something that is cool, amazing, or impressive.

2. How do you pronounce "gnar"?

The correct pronunciation of "gnar" is /nɑːr/. It rhymes with the words "car" and "bar". Some people may also pronounce it as /nər/ or /nɑː/.

3. Synonyms for "gnar"

- Rad: This term is also commonly used in the skateboarding community and has a similar meaning to "gnar". It means something that is cool or awesome.

- Sick: This word can be used interchangeably with "gnar". It means something that is impressive or exciting.

- Epic: Another synonym for "gnar", this word describes something that is grand or spectacular.

4. Example sentences

- The skateboarder pulled off some gnarly tricks at the skate park.

- Did you see that gnarly wave? It was massive!

- The concert last night was so gnar, I can't wait to see them perform again.

5. Additional information

The word "gnar" can also be spelled as "nar" or "narly", but they all have the same meaning and pronunciation. It originated from the word "gnarl", which means to twist or contort, possibly referring to the movements of a skateboarder.

In addition to its use in skateboarding, the term has also become popular in other extreme sports such as snowboarding and surfing. It has also been adopted by teenagers and young adults as part of their slang vocabulary.

Overall, "gnar" is a versatile term that can be used to describe anything from a cool trick to an epic experience. Its use continues to evolve and spread beyond the skateboarding community, making it a popular slang term in modern language

Usage and Examples of "gnar"

1. "gnar"的含义和发音

- "gnar"是一个非正式的英语词语,通常用来形容事物或人具有粗糙、野性或难以控制的特点。

- 它的发音为/ˈnɑːr/,类似于“纳尔”。

2. "gnar"的同义词

- "rough": 指表面不平滑、粗糙或有棱角的。

- "wild": 指具有野性、狂野或难以驾驭的特点。

- "untamed": 指未经驯化、不受控制或放任自流的。

3. 例句

- The waves at the beach were gnarly, making it difficult for surfers to ride them.


- The skateboarder showed off his gnarly skills at the skate park.


- That mountain trail is known for its gnarly terrain, so be careful when hiking.


Phrases with "gnar"

1. What does "gnar" mean?

- "Gnar" is a slang term used to describe something that is cool, impressive, or intense.

- It can also be used to describe something that is rough or rugged in appearance.

2. How do you pronounce "gnar"?

- "Gnar" is pronounced as /nɑr/ (nar), with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "gnar"

- Other words that can be used instead of "gnar" include: awesome, sick, rad, epic, gnarly.

4. Example sentences:

- Dude, did you see that gnar wave? It was massive!

- The mountain biking trail was so gnarly, I almost wiped out.

- This new skateboard park has some seriously gnar features.

- That concert last night was totally gnar! The band rocked the stage

Synonyms and Examples of "gnar"

1. Synonyms of "gnar"

- rough

- rugged

- uneven

- gnarled

- knotty

2. Examples of "gnar"

- The tree's bark was gnarled and twisted, making it difficult to climb.

- The hiker struggled to make his way through the gnarled roots and rocks on the trail.

- The old man's hands were gnarled with age, but they still held a steady grip on his fishing rod.

- The skateboarder showed off his skills by navigating through the gnarled ramps and rails at the skate park.

- The mountain biker enjoyed the challenge of riding through the gnarly terrain in the forest.

3. Similar words for "gnar"

"gnar" is often used to describe something that is rough, uneven, or twisted. Other words that can be used in a similar way include:

- rugged: characterized by roughness or irregularity, often found in nature such as a rugged mountain landscape

- rough: having an uneven or irregular surface, can also mean harsh or unpleasant

- uneven: not smooth or regular, can also mean unequal or inconsistent

- gnarled: twisted or knotted, often used to describe trees or branches that have grown in a twisted manner

- knotty: having many knots or bumps, can also mean complex or difficult to solve

4. Examples using similar words for "gnar"

- The hiker had to navigate through the rugged terrain of the mountains.

- The carpenter sanded down the rough edges of the wooden table.

- The artist used an uneven brushstroke technique to create texture in her painting.

- The old oak tree had a gnarled trunk that seemed to tell a story of its long life.

-The sailor had to untangle the knotty ropes on deck before setting sail.

In conclusion, "gnar" is a versatile word that can be used to describe something rough, uneven, or twisted. It can also be used in a similar way to other words such as rugged, rough, uneven, gnarled, and knotty. Examples of its usage can be found in nature, sports, and everyday life

In conclusion, "gnar" is a versatile word that can be used to describe something cool, impressive, or intense. It has a unique sound and can add flair to your language. So next time you want to express excitement or admiration, consider using "gnar" in your vocabulary.

As the editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning and usage of "gnar". If you enjoyed reading this piece, please feel free to follow me for more interesting articles on language and culture. Thank you for reading and happy learning!


