

更新时间:2024-02-14 11:32:55作者:自考教育网


Glutaraldehyde definition and meaning

Glutaraldehyde is a chemical compound that is commonly used as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent in various industries. It is also known by its chemical formula, C5H8O2, and its systematic name, pentanedial. Glutaraldehyde is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor and it is soluble in water.

Glutaraldehyde has many uses, but it is most commonly used as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent in the medical field. It is often used to disinfect medical equipment such as endoscopes, surgical instruments, and dialyzers. Glutaraldehyde works by destroying the proteins and enzymes of microorganisms, making it an effective way to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores.


Aside from its medical uses, glutaraldehyde also has applications in other industries such as water treatment, oil production, and leather tanning. In water treatment plants, glutaraldehyde is used to control algae growth in reservoirs and pipelines. In oil production, it is used to prevent bacterial growth in pipelines and tanks. In leather tanning, it is used as a cross-linking agent to improve the strength and durability of leather products.

Now let's move on to the pronunciation of glutaraldehyde. The word "glutaraldehyde" can be divided into three parts: glu-ta-ral-de-hyde. The first syllable "glu" rhymes with "blue", the second syllable "ta" sounds like "tah", the third syllable "ral" rhymes with "pal", the fourth syllable "de" sounds like "duh", and the last syllable "hyde" rhymes with "hide". Together it sounds like glue-tah-ral-duh-hide.

In conclusion, glutaraldehyde is a chemical compound that has many uses including disinfection, sterilization, and tanning. Its systematic name is pentanedial and it is commonly used in the medical field, water treatment, oil production, and leather tanning. Its pronunciation is glu-ta-ral-de-hyde

How to pronounce Glutaraldehyde

1. Introduction to Glutaraldehyde

Glutaraldehyde is a chemical compound that is commonly used in various industries, such as healthcare, agriculture, and water treatment. It is a colorless and pungent-smelling liquid that is highly reactive and has strong disinfectant properties. Glutaraldehyde is also known by its chemical formula C5H8O2 and its IUPAC name pentanedial.

2. Meaning of Glutaraldehyde

The word "glutaraldehyde" can be broken down into two parts - "glutara" and "aldehyde". The prefix "glutara" comes from the Greek word "glutaros", which means "four-sided". This refers to the four carbon atoms present in the molecular structure of glutaraldehyde. The suffix "-aldehyde" indicates that it belongs to the family of aldehydes, which are organic compounds containing a carbonyl group (C=O) attached to at least one hydrogen atom.

3. How to Pronounce Glutaraldehyde

The correct pronunciation of glutaraldehyde is "gloo-tuh-ral-duh-hahyd". Here's a breakdown of each syllable:

- The first syllable "gloo" rhymes with the word "blue".

- The second syllable "tuh" sounds like the letter T followed by an unstressed schwa sound.

- The third syllable "ral" rhymes with the word "pal".

- The fourth syllable "duh" sounds like the letter D followed by an unstressed schwa sound.

- The fifth syllable "ha" sounds like the word "ha".

- The sixth syllable "hyd" rhymes with the word "hid".

4. Tips for Pronouncing Glutaraldehyde Correctly

Pronouncing glutaraldehyde may seem challenging at first, but with a little practice, you can get it right. Here are some tips to help you pronounce it correctly:

- Break down the word into smaller syllables and practice saying each one separately.

- Pay attention to the stressed syllables (marked in bold in the above pronunciation guide) and make sure to emphasize them when saying the word.

- Listen to audio recordings or watch videos of people pronouncing glutaraldehyde to get a better understanding of how it should sound.

- Practice saying the word slowly at first, then gradually increase your speed until you can say it fluently.

5. Conclusion

In summary, glutaraldehyde is a chemical compound with strong disinfectant properties that is commonly used in various industries. Its name comes from the Greek word for "four-sided" and belongs to the family of aldehydes. To pronounce glutaraldehyde correctly, break down the word into smaller syllables and pay attention to stressed syllables. With practice, you will be able to say this word with ease

Examples of Glutaraldehyde in use and translations


1. Glutaraldehyde的含义


2. 如何读glutaraldehyde?


3. Glutaraldehyde的使用示例


- 医疗领域:作为消毒剂,可以用于灭活病毒、细菌和真菌。

- 农业领域:用于杀灭农作物上的病虫害。

- 工业领域:可用于制造染料、树脂和其他化学产品。


4. Glutaraldehyde的翻译


- 中文:戊二醛

- 西班牙文:glutaraldehído

- 法文:glutaraldéhyde

- 德文:Glutaraldehyd

Phrases and expressions using Glutaraldehyde

1. "Glutaraldehyde, the wonder chemical": This phrase is often used to describe the versatile and powerful properties of glutaraldehyde in various industries.

2. "Glutaraldehyde: The key to sterilization": In the medical field, this phrase highlights the importance of glutaraldehyde as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent.

3. "Say goodbye to germs with glutaraldehyde": Another popular use of glutaraldehyde is in household cleaning products, making this phrase a catchy way to promote its effectiveness.

4. "Glutaraldehyde: A potent fixative for tissue preservation": In scientific research, glutaraldehyde is commonly used as a fixative for preserving biological tissues, making it an essential component in laboratory work.

5. "From fumigation to embalming: The many uses of glutaraldehyde": This phrase showcases the wide range of applications for glutaraldehyde, from pest control to embalming fluids.

6. "The smell of success: Working with glutaraldehyde": While known for its strong odor, this phrase adds a humorous twist by linking it to success in various industries that rely on glutaraldehyde.

7. "Unlocking the potential of glutaraldehyde": As a highly reactive compound, this phrase highlights the potential uses and benefits of utilizing glutaraldehyde in different fields.

8. "Glutarawhat? A guide to pronouncing and understanding this chemical name": This playful phrase can be used as an introduction or guide for those unfamiliar with the term "glutaraldehyde."

9. "Breaking down barriers with Glutaraldehyde": This phrase plays on the word "glut" and emphasizes how this compound can break down barriers or obstacles in various processes or procedures.

10. "The power behind Glutaradehyde: Unleashing its full potential": Similar to the previous phrase, this one also plays on the word "glut" and highlights the strength and potential of glutaraldehyde in different applications

Synonyms for Glutaraldehyde

1. Glutaral: The Chemical Compound with Many Names

- Glutaraldehyde: What Does It Mean?

- How to Pronounce Glutaraldehyde? Let's Find Out!

2. What Else Can We Call Glutaraldehyde?

- Other Names for Glutaraldehyde

- Synonyms for Glutaraldehyde: A Comprehensive List

3. From "Glutardial" to "Gluteral": The Evolution of Glutaraldehyde's Name

4. What's in a Name? The Significance of Synonyms for Glutaraldehyde

5. Fun Facts About the Word "Glutaraldehyde"

6. Why Do We Need So Many Names for Glutaraldehyde?

7. A Chemical Compound by Any Other Name: Exploring the Different Synonyms for Glutaraldehyde

In conclusion, Glutaraldehyde is a chemical compound commonly used as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent in various industries. Its name may seem complicated, but its pronunciation is quite simple. As an editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning and pronunciation of Glutaraldehyde. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and don't forget to follow me for more interesting articles!


