

更新时间:2024-02-14 11:28:58作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of glues

1. What is the meaning of "glues"?

Glues, pronounced as /ɡluːz/, is a noun that refers to a strong adhesive substance used for sticking things together.


2. How do you pronounce "glues"?

"Glues" is pronounced as /ɡluːz/. The "s" at the end is silent.

3. Synonyms for "glues"

- Adhesive

- Bonding agent

- Cement

- Paste

- Gum

4. Example sentences using "glues"

- I used glues to fix the broken vase.

- The carpenter used glues to join the pieces of wood together.

- This type of glues is waterproof and can be used for outdoor projects.

- She accidentally got some glues on her fingers and had a hard time removing it.

- The label on this bottle says it contains non-toxic glues.

5. Tips for pronouncing "glues"

To correctly pronounce "glues", follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by making the sound /ɡ/ with your throat, similar to when you say "go".

Step 2: Keep your tongue behind your top teeth and make the sound /l/ by lightly touching the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

Step 3: Move your lips into a rounded shape and make the sound /uː/ as in "moon".

Step 4: End with an unvoiced /z/ sound by bringing your upper teeth close to your lower lip without touching them.

6. Common mistakes when pronouncing "glues"

Some common mistakes when pronouncing "glues" include:

- Pronouncing it as /ɡljuːz/ with a long "u" sound instead of /ɡluːz/.

- Adding an extra syllable and saying it as /ɡluːzɪz/.

- Not pronouncing the "s" at the end, making it sound like /ɡluː/.

7. Practice your pronunciation

To improve your pronunciation of "glues", try saying it out loud several times and pay attention to your mouth movements and the placement of your tongue and lips. You can also listen to audio recordings or watch videos of native speakers pronouncing "glues" to get a better understanding of the correct pronunciation.

In conclusion, "glues" is a noun that refers to a strong adhesive substance used for sticking things together. It is pronounced as /ɡluːz/ with a silent "s" at the end. Some synonyms for "glues" include adhesive, bonding agent, cement, paste, and gum. To correctly pronounce "glues", follow the steps mentioned above and avoid common mistakes such as adding extra syllables or not pronouncing the final "s". Practice regularly to improve your pronunciation skills

How to read glues

1. Glues是什么意思?


2. Glues怎么读?


3. Glues的同义词有哪些?


4. Glues的例句有哪些?

- Can you pass me the glues?(你能把胶水递给我吗?)

- I used glues to fix my broken vase.(我用胶水修理了我的破花瓶。)

- The strong bond between us is like a powerful glues.(我们之间牢不可破的关系就像一种强力胶水。)


Usage and examples of glues

1. What does "glues" mean?

Glues, also known as adhesives, refer to substances that are used to stick things together. They come in various forms such as liquid, paste, tape, and glue sticks.

2. How do you pronounce "glues"?

The word "glues" is pronounced as [gloo-ziz].

3. Synonyms for "glues"

- Adhesives

- Bonding agents

- Cements

- Sealants

4. Examples of glues:

- Super glue: This type of glue is known for its strong and quick bonding properties. It can bond various materials such as metal, plastic, and wood.

- White glue: Also known as PVA glue, it is commonly used in arts and crafts projects due to its non-toxic nature.

- Hot glue: This type of glue is melted using a hot glue gun and dries quickly, making it suitable for DIY projects.

- Tape: Adhesive tapes are commonly used for temporary fixes or to secure items together.

- Epoxy resin: This adhesive is made up of two components that need to be mixed together before use. It creates a strong bond and is often used in construction projects.

5. So next time you need something to stick things together, don't forget about the various types of glues available! From super glue to tape, there's always a suitable option for your needs

Phrases with glues

1. "Stick together like glues" - 意思是像胶水一样黏在一起,形容关系非常紧密。

例句:We've been best friends since kindergarten, we stick together like glues.

2. "Glue your eyes on" - 意思是专注地盯着某物,通常用于形容非常感兴趣或被吸引的情况。

例句:She glued her eyes on the TV screen, completely captivated by the movie.

3. "In a sticky situation" - 意思是处于困境中,形容局面不利或难以应对的情况。

例句:I'm in a sticky situation, I accidentally deleted all my important files and I have a deadline tomorrow.

4. "Be stuck like glue" - 意思是像胶水一样无法分开,通常用于形容关系紧密或无法摆脱的情况。

例句:Once you become friends with her, you'll be stuck like glue, she's just that lovable.

5. "Glue something together" - 意思是用胶水把两件东西黏在一起,通常用于手工制作或修复物品。

例句:I used super glue to glue the broken pieces of my favorite vase back together.

6. "Lick and stick" - 意思是舔一下就能黏上,通常用于形容易于使用的胶水或贴纸。

例句:These envelopes have a lick and stick seal, making it easy to seal them shut.

7. "Stick to like glue" - 意思是像胶水一样紧紧抓住,通常用于形容坚持不放弃的情况。

例句:Even when things get tough, I'll stick to my dreams like glue and never give up.

8. "Glue your butt to" - 意思是坐下来并保持不动,通常用于形容非常专注或沉浸在某件事情中。

例句:I had to glue my butt to the chair and study for hours before the exam

Synonyms of glues and example sentences

1. Adhesives:

Adhesives are substances that are used to stick two surfaces together. They can be natural or synthetic and come in various forms such as liquid, paste, or solid. Some common types of adhesives include glue, cement, and tape.

Example sentence: The carpenter used strong adhesives to join the pieces of wood together.

2. Bonding agents:

Bonding agents are materials that promote adhesion between two surfaces. They are often used in industrial settings for bonding materials such as metal, rubber, or plastic. Some examples of bonding agents are epoxy resins and polyurethane adhesives.

Example sentence: The company uses high-quality bonding agents to ensure strong bonds between different materials.

3. Sealants:

Sealants are substances that are used to seal gaps or joints between surfaces. They can be made from various materials such as silicone, rubber, or acrylic and are commonly used in construction and plumbing work.

Example sentence: The plumber applied a sealant around the edges of the sink to prevent any leaks.

4. Gum:

Gum is a sticky substance that is derived from plants and is commonly used as an adhesive in paper products and crafts. It can also refer to the act of sticking something together with gum.

Example sentence: She sealed the envelope with a small piece of gum.

5. Paste:

Paste is a thick, sticky substance made by mixing a liquid with flour or starch. It is commonly used as an adhesive for paper products and can also refer to any thick adhesive substance.

Example sentence: The teacher asked the students to make their own paste using flour and water for their art project.

6. Mucilage:

Mucilage is a sticky substance found in certain plants that acts as an adhesive when it comes into contact with water. It is commonly used in natural remedies and also has industrial applications such as in making paper products.

Example sentence: The herbalist used the mucilage from a plant to create a natural adhesive for her herbal remedies.

7. Resin:

Resin is a sticky substance that is produced by certain plants and trees. It is commonly used in the production of adhesives, coatings, and varnishes. Synthetic resins are also widely used in various industries.

Example sentence: The artist mixed resin with pigments to create a unique adhesive for her artwork.

8. Cement:

Cement is a fine powder made from limestone, clay, and other materials that hardens when mixed with water. It is commonly used as an adhesive in construction work and can also refer to any substance that binds materials together.

Example sentence: The mason used cement to hold the bricks together while building the wall.

9. Glue:

Glue is a sticky substance made from animal or synthetic sources that is used as an adhesive for various materials such as paper, wood, or fabric. It can also refer to the act of sticking something together with glue.

Example sentence: She carefully applied glue to each piece of paper before sticking them together to create a collage.

10. Tape:

Tape refers to any thin strip of material such as paper or plastic that has an adhesive on one side. It is commonly used for joining or sealing objects together and comes in various forms such as duct tape, masking tape, or double-sided tape.

Example sentence: The painter used masking tape to create clean edges while painting the walls



