

更新时间:2024-02-14 11:03:44作者:自考教育网



1. globe的含义:globe是一个英文单词,意为“地球”,也可以指代“球体”或“球状物”。它来源于拉丁语的“globus”,意为“球”。


2. globe的定义:根据《牛津英语词典》,globe可以指代以下几种含义:

- 地球:指地球这个行星本身,也可以泛指地球上的所有事物。

- 球状物:如地球仪、雪花等。

- 圆形建筑物:如圆顶建筑、圆形剧场等。

3. globe的读音:globe的读音为/gləʊb/,其中字母o发音为长音。

4. globe的同义词及例句:

- sphere(n. 球体):The earth is a sphere.


- orb(n. 球形物):The moon is a bright orb in the night sky.


- world(n. 世界):We live on a beautiful world.



1. globe的发音


2. globe的读法


3. globe同义词


4. globe例句

- The globe is round in shape.


- The children were fascinated by the rotating globe.


- The world is depicted as a globe in most maps.


- She has traveled around the globe and visited many different countries.




1. globe的意思是“地球,球体”,它来自于拉丁语的“globus”,意为“球状物”。在英语中,globe也可以指代地图仪器或者球状物体。

例句:He has a globe in his room, which he uses to learn about different countries. (他的房间里有一个地图仪器,他用来学习不同的国家。)

2. globe的读音为/gləʊb/,其中字母“e”发音为/dʒi/。

例句:She pronounced the word “globe” with a soft “e” sound. (她读出单词“globe”时,“e”的发音很轻柔。)

3. globe的同义词包括sphere, orb, ball等。这些词都可以指代球体或者圆形物体。

例句:The crystal ball on the table glowed like a small globe of light. (桌子上的水晶球像一个小小的光球一样发光。)

4. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到globe这个词来指代地球或者世界。

例句:We must take care of our planet and protect it for future generations. (我们必须关心我们的星球,并保护它留给后代。)

5. 在学术领域,globe也可以指代全球范围内的事物。

例句:The professor's research on climate change has gained recognition across the globe. (这位教授对气候变化的研究在全球范围内获得了认可。)

6. globe也可以用作动词,意为“包围,覆盖”。

例句:The city was completely globed by a thick layer of smog. (城市被一层厚厚的雾霾所覆盖。)

7. 在双语例句中,我们可以看到globe在不同语境下的用法。

例句:The company's products are sold all around the globe. (这家公司的产品在全球各地都有销售。)

例句:The children were fascinated by the beautiful snow globe in the gift shop. (孩子们被礼品店里漂亮的雪球吸引住了。)


1. Earth - 地球:globe是英文中指地球的常用词汇,与之同义的中文词汇就是“地球”。例如:“The globe is getting warmer due to climate change.”(由于气候变化,地球正在变暖。)

2. World - 世界:globe也可以指整个世界,因此与之同义的英文词汇就是“world”。例如:“The globe is facing many challenges in the 21st century.”(在21世纪,世界面临着许多挑战。)

3. Planet - 行星:globe也可以指其他行星,因此与之同义的英文词汇就是“planet”。例如:“Mars is known as the red planet on the globe.”(火星被称为地球上的红色行星。)

4. Orb - 球体:globe可以用来形容一个球形的物体,因此与之同义的英文词汇就是“orb”。例如:“The crystal globe on my desk is a souvenir from my trip to Europe.”(我桌上的水晶球是我去欧洲旅行时带回来的纪念品。)

5. Sphere - 球体:和orb类似,sphere也可以用来形容一个球形的物体,因此也可以作为globe的同义词。例如:“The globe in the classroom helped us understand the concept of the earth's rotation.”(教室里的地球仪帮助我们理解地球自转的概念。)

6. Terrestrial globe - 陆地球:这是一个更具体的词汇,指的是用来表示陆地的地球仪。例如:“The terrestrial globe in the library is very detailed, it even shows the names of small towns.”(图书馆里的陆地球非常详细,甚至显示了小镇的名称。)

7. Celestial globe - 天体球:和terrestrial globe类似,这个词汇指的是用来表示天体(如星星、行星等)的地球仪。例如:“The celestial globe in the observatory helped us locate different constellations in the sky.”(天文台里的天体球帮助我们在天空中找到不同的星座。)

8. Orbicular - 球形的:这个形容词可以用来描述任何一个球形物体,也可以作为globe的同义词。例如:“The moon looks orbicular when it's full.”(满月时看起来像一个圆球。)

9. Spherical - 球状的:和orbicular类似,spherical也可以用来形容一个球形物体,也可以作为globe的同义词。例如:“The spherical shape of the earth can be seen from space.”(从太空中可以看到地球呈现出一个球状)


1. 地球 (Earth)

例句:The globe is a symbol of our planet Earth.

2. 球体 (sphere)

例句:The globe is a three-dimensional representation of the Earth, which is a sphere.

3. 世界 (world)

例句:The globe shows us the different countries and continents of the world.

4. 地图 (map)

例句:A globe is a more accurate representation of the Earth compared to a map.

5. 行星 (planet)

例句:The Earth is one of the many planets in our solar system, as shown on the globe.

6. 球形物体 (orb)

例句:The crystal ball looked like a small version of the globe.

7. 范围 (scope)

例句:The company's business extends to all corners of the globe.

8. 圆球体 (spherical object)

例句:The artist created a sculpture in the shape of a globe using various materials.

9. 国际的 (international)

例句:We have customers from all over the globe, making our business truly international.

10. 全球性的 (global)

例句:Climate change is a global issue that affects every corner of the globe


