

更新时间:2024-02-14 10:58:04作者:自考教育网




1. globalize的发音是 [ˈɡloʊbəˌlaɪz],其中重音在第二个音节。

2. 它是一个动词,意为“使全球化”,也可作形容词,意为“全球化的”。

3. globalize的同义词包括internationalize、universalize、globalise(英式英语拼写)等。

4. 例句:

- The company aims to globalize its business by expanding into new markets.


- The effects of globalization can be seen in the increasing interconnectedness of economies and cultures around the world.


- Some critics argue that the push to globalize has led to a homogenization of cultures, while others believe it has promoted diversity and understanding.



1. globalize的定义


2. globalize的发音


3. globalize的同义词


4. globalize的例句

- The company aims to globalize its brand and expand into new markets.


- The internet has greatly contributed to the process of globalization.


- Some people argue that globalizing trade benefits developed countries more than developing countries.



1. globalize的意思


2. globalize的发音


3. globalize的同义词

- Internationalize:意为使国际化,也可用来表示全球化。

- Universalize:意为普遍化。

- Globalization:是globalize的名词形式。

4. globalize的例句

- The company aims to globalize its products and services in order to reach a wider market.


- The impact of globalization can be seen in the increasing interconnectedness of economies around the world.


- With the rise of social media, people are becoming more connected and globalized than ever before.


5. globalize的双语例句

- Chinese companies are increasingly globalizing their operations and expanding into international markets.


- The government is implementing policies to encourage and facilitate the globalization of local businesses.


- The impact of globalization on traditional cultures has been a topic of debate for many years.



1. "Go global": 这个词组常用于商业领域,意为拓展国际市场。

例句:Our company is planning to go global next year and expand our business to Europe and Asia.

2. "Globalization": 这个词指的是经济、文化和社会等方面的全球化趋势。

例句:The process of globalization has led to increased interdependence among countries.

3. "Global village": 这个词组源自加拿大学者马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的理论,指的是全球化时代人们彼此之间联系更紧密,就像住在一个村子里一样。

例句:Thanks to technology, the world has become a global village where we can easily communicate with people from different parts of the world.

4. "Think globally, act locally": 这句格言强调了在解决全球问题时,应该从本地做起。

例句:We need to think globally, but also act locally in order to make a positive impact on the environment.

5. "Global citizen": 指的是具有全球视野、关心世界事务并积极参与解决问题的人。

例句:As a global citizen, it is important for us to be aware of global issues and take action to make a difference.

6. "Global economy": 这个词组指的是世界范围内各国经济相互联系和影响的经济体系。

例句:The global economy has been greatly impacted by the recent trade war between the US and China.

7. "Global warming": 这个词组指的是地球表面温度上升的现象,也被称为气候变化。

例句:The effects of global warming can be seen in the melting of polar ice caps and rising sea levels.

8. "Global outlook": 这个词组指的是对全球形势的观察和分析。

例句:The UN Secretary-General gave a speech on the global outlook for peace and development at the General Assembly.

9. "Global perspective": 这个词组强调了从全球角度思考问题的重要性。

例句:Having a global perspective is crucial in today's interconnected world.

10. "Global impact": 这个词组指的是对全球产生重大影响的事件或行为。

例句:The pandemic has had a global impact on the economy, healthcare systems, and people's daily lives


1. Internationalize:国际化,将产品、服务或企业推广到全球市场。

例句:The company aims to globalize its business by expanding into new markets.

2. Standardize:标准化,统一规范某种产品、服务或流程。

例句:The organization is working to standardize its operations in order to globalize its services.

3. Expand:扩大,增加规模或范围。

例句:The company plans to expand its production facilities in order to globalize its reach.

4. Diversify:多样化,增加不同种类的产品或服务。

例句:The company needs to diversify its offerings in order to globalize and appeal to a wider audience.

5. Universalize:普及,让某种产品或服务在全球范围内普遍存在。

例句:The goal is to universalize access to education and globalize knowledge.

6. Homogenize:同质化,使不同地区的产品或服务变得相似。

例句:As companies globalize, there is a risk of homogenizing cultures and traditions.

7. Standardization of processes:流程标准化,统一规范公司内部的流程和操作方式。

例句:Standardization of processes is necessary for a company to successfully globalize and maintain consistency across different locations.

8. Global expansion:全球扩张,将业务拓展到世界各地。

例句:Global expansion requires careful planning and understanding of different markets.

9. Worldwide integration:全球整合,将不同地区的业务整合为一个整体。

例句:The company's goal is to achieve worldwide integration and globalize its operations.

10. Transnationalization:跨国化,将企业的业务扩展到多个国家。

例句:Transnationalization allows companies to globalize and take advantage of different markets



