

更新时间:2024-02-14 10:44:54作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of glitter

1. What does "glitter" mean?

- "Glitter" is a noun that refers to tiny pieces of shiny material, such as plastic or metal, used for decoration or to add sparkle to something.


2. How do you pronounce "glitter"?

- The word "glitter" is pronounced as /ˈɡlɪtər/, with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "glitter"

- Some synonyms for "glitter" include sparkle, shimmer, glisten, twinkle, and glimmer.

4. Example sentences

- The Christmas tree was covered in glitter and lights.

- Her dress was covered in glittery sequins that caught the light.

- The sun reflected off the water in a dazzling glitter.

- The stars in the night sky seemed to glitter and dance.

- She couldn't resist buying the glittery shoes that caught her eye in the store.

5. Tips for using "glitter"

- Glitter can be used as a noun or a verb.

- When using it as a verb, it means to shine with tiny flashes of light.

- Glitter is often associated with something festive or glamorous.

- Too much glitter can be overwhelming and messy, so use it sparingly.

- Some people are allergic to glitter, so be cautious when using it around others

How to pronounce glitter

1. Introduction to glitter

Glitter is a noun that refers to small, shiny pieces of material that are used in arts and crafts or as decoration. It is often made of plastic or metal and comes in various colors, such as gold, silver, and rainbow.

2. Pronunciation of glitter

The word "glitter" is pronounced as [glit-er], with the stress on the first syllable. The "t" sound is pronounced as a soft "t", similar to the sound in the word "butter". The second syllable should be pronounced quickly and lightly.

3. Synonyms for glitter

- Sparkle: This word can be used as a synonym for glitter when describing something that shines or reflects light.

- Glint: This word refers to a quick flash or gleam of light, similar to the effect of glitter.

- Shimmer: This word describes a soft, gentle shine that is often seen in fabrics or materials.

- Glisten: Similar to shimmer, this word refers to a soft shine that seems to come from within an object.

- Twinkle: This word can be used as a synonym for glitter when describing something that glimmers or shines intermittently.

4. Example sentences using glitter

- She added some gold glitter to her painting to make it more eye-catching.

- The disco ball was covered in sparkling glitter, creating a mesmerizing effect on the dance floor.

- The sunlight caught on the water's surface, making it glisten like a sea of diamonds.

- Her dress was covered in shimmering blue glitter that caught everyone's attention at the party.

- As she walked down the street, her shoes left behind trails of twinkling silver glitter.

5. Tips for using glitter correctly

When using glitter in your arts and crafts projects, it's important to keep these tips in mind:

- Use glue specifically designed for glitter to ensure it sticks properly.

- Apply glitter in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling the particles.

- Use a thin layer of glitter for a subtle effect, or layer it on thick for a more dramatic look.

- Be careful not to get glitter on your face or in your eyes, as it can be difficult to remove.

6. Conclusion

In summary, glitter is a small, shiny material used for decoration and crafts. It is pronounced as [glit-er] and has synonyms such as sparkle, glint, shimmer, glisten, and twinkle. When using glitter, remember to use the correct glue and apply it in a well-ventilated area. Now you know how to pronounce glitter and can use it confidently in your conversations and projects

The usage and examples of glitter

1. Glitter的意思


2. Glitter的发音


3. Glitter的同义词

Glitter有许多同义词可以替换使用,例如sparkle, shine, gleam等。它们都有着相似的意思:发出明亮的光芒或闪耀。

4. Glitter的例句

- The stars glittered in the night sky.


- Her eyes glittered with excitement.


- The diamond ring glittered on her finger.


- The Christmas tree was covered in glitter and lights.


5. Glitter的用法


6. Glitter作为名词的用法


7. Glitter作为动词的用法

作为动词时,glitter通常与介词“with”连用,表示物体表面反射出明亮的光芒。它也可以与其他动词搭配使用,如glittering eyes(闪亮的眼睛)、glittering diamonds(闪耀的钻石)等。

8. Glitter在文学作品中的运用


9. 与glitter相关的词汇

- Glittery:形容词,闪耀的,闪光的

- Glittering:形容词,闪耀的,发光的

- Glitterati:名词,指名流社会中的知名人士

- Glitzy:形容词,时髦华丽的

Phrases with glitter

1. Sparkle and glitter - Both words refer to a bright, shining quality, but "sparkle" is usually used for smaller, more subtle glimmers while "glitter" is associated with larger, more noticeable particles.

Example: The dress was covered in sparkling sequins and glittering beads.

2. Shimmering glitter - This phrase emphasizes the movement of light on the glitter, creating a shimmering effect.

Example: The Christmas tree was decorated with shimmering glitter that caught the light beautifully.

3. Glitter and glamour - These words are often used together to describe something that is both shiny and luxurious.

Example: The Hollywood starlet dazzled on the red carpet in her glittering gown and glamorous jewelry.

4. Glittery eyes - This phrase refers to eye makeup that has been applied with glitter or has a shiny, sparkly finish.

Example: She completed her look with a touch of glittery eyes, making her stand out in the crowd.

5. All that glitters is not gold - This popular phrase means that not everything that appears attractive or valuable on the surface is actually worthwhile.

Example: He thought he had found his dream job, but soon realized that all that glitters is not gold.

6. Glittering career - This phrase describes a highly successful and prestigious career.

Example: She worked hard to achieve her goals and now has a glittering career as a top executive.

7. Glitterati - This term refers to wealthy or famous individuals who are often seen at glamorous events.

Example: The exclusive party was filled with Hollywood's glitterati, including A-list celebrities and influential businesspeople.

8. Glitz and glamour - Similar to "glitter and glamour," this phrase describes something flashy and extravagant.

Example: Las Vegas is known for its glitz and glamour, with its bright lights and luxurious casinos.

9. Glitter bomb - This term refers to a prank where someone is covered in glitter, often as a surprise or joke.

Example: The birthday girl was not amused when she opened her gift and it turned out to be a glitter bomb.

10. Glittering water - This phrase describes the sparkling effect of sunlight on water, often used to describe a beautiful beach or lake.

Example: The crystal clear lake was surrounded by glittering water, making it the perfect spot for a summer vacation.

In conclusion, "glitter" can be used in various phrases to describe shiny, sparkly, and glamorous things or situations. Remember to use these phrases accurately and sparingly for maximum impact in your writing

Synonyms of glitter with examples

1. Sparkle

- Definition: to shine brightly with flashes of light

- Example: The diamond on her ring sparkled in the sunlight.

2. Gleam

- Definition: to shine brightly, often with a reflected light

- Example: The polished floors gleamed under the bright lights.

3. Glint

- Definition: a small flash or gleam of light

- Example: The glint of gold caught my eye as I walked by the jewelry store.

4. Glimmer

- Definition: a faint or unsteady light, usually in the distance

- Example: The glimmer of hope kept her going during tough times.

5. Twinkle

- Definition: to shine with a flickering or intermittent light

- Example: The stars twinkle in the night sky.

6. Shimmer

- Definition: to shine with a soft, wavering light

- Example: Her dress shimmered under the disco ball lights.

7. Radiance

- Definition: a warm and bright glow

- Example: The sun's radiance lit up the entire room.

8. Luster

- Definition: a gentle sheen or glow, especially on a surface

- Example: The luster of the pearl necklace added elegance to her outfit.

9. Glittery

- Definition: characterized by glitter; sparkling and shiny

- Example: She wore a glittery dress to the New Year's Eve party.

10. Scintillating

- Definition: sparkling or shining brightly; brilliant and lively in conversation or performance

- Example: Her scintillating personality always lights up the room

glitter是一个多音节的英语单词,读音为/ˈɡlɪtər/,意为“闪光,闪烁”。它常用于形容光芒四射、耀眼夺目的景象,也可以用来比喻某种令人愉悦或吸引人的事物。除了作为动词和名词使用外,glitter还可以构成许多常用短语。例如,“glittering lights”(闪耀的灯光)、“glittering jewels”(闪耀的珠宝)等。此外,与glitter意思相近的单词还有sparkle、shine、glisten等。希望通过本文的介绍,您对glitter有了更深入的了解,并且能够在日常生活中更加自如地运用它。最后,我是网站编辑小明,在这里我会为大家带来更多有趣的英语学习内容,请持续关注我哦!


