

更新时间:2024-02-14 10:39:32作者:自考教育网



1. glittering的拼音为"glit-uh-ring"

2. "glittering"是动词"glitter"的现在分词形式,意为闪耀、发光。


3. 在英语中,"glittering"也可以用作形容词,表示闪闪发光的、耀眼的。

4. 这个词源于古英语中的"gletenian",意为闪烁、闪耀。

5. 在日常生活中,我们常用这个词来形容珠宝、钻石等物品的闪耀光芒。

6. 除了物体本身的光芒,"glittering"也可以用来形容某种氛围或场景,比如一场华丽的晚宴或一次盛大的庆典。

7. 在文学作品中,这个词也常被用来形容美丽而奢华的景象。

8. 此外,在口语中,我们也可以用"glittering"来表示某人衣着华丽、打扮精致。例如:"She arrived at the party in a glittering gown."(她穿着一袭华丽的礼服来参加晚会。)

9. 总而言之,"glittering"是一个多义且富有想象力的词汇,在不同情境下都有不同的含义和表达方式


1. 闪亮的是什么意思?


2. glittering的意思是什么?

言归正传,我们来看一下glittering这个词的意思。除了我们刚才提到的“闪亮”之外,它还可以表示“熠熠生辉的”、“华丽的”、“富裕的”等含义。比如,“The glittering lights of the city at night are truly breathtaking.”(夜晚城市中闪烁的灯光真是惊艳),“She wore a glittering dress to the party.”(她在派对上穿了一件华丽的裙子)。

3. glittering与其他词汇搭配

如果你想要更加准确地使用glittering这个词,可以结合其他词汇来表达更多含义。比如,“glittering jewels”(闪亮的珠宝)、“a glittering career”(辉煌的事业)、“glittering snowflakes”(闪亮的雪花)等等。这样不仅可以丰富你的词汇量,还能让你的表达更加生动有趣。



1. glittering的含义


2. glittering的用法

- 作为形容词,glittering可以修饰名词,如:a glittering diamond (一颗闪亮的钻石)。

- 也可以作为动词的现在分词形式,如:The stars are glittering in the night sky. (夜空中星星闪烁着光芒。)

- 在口语中,glittering还可以用来表示某人或某物具有吸引力或魅力,如:She looked absolutely glittering in her new dress. (她穿着新裙子看起来非常迷人。)

3. 双语例句

- The glittering lights of the city at night make it a popular tourist destination.


- The ballroom was filled with glittering decorations and lively music.


- The actress wore a glittering gown to the red carpet event, stealing all the attention.


- The glittering snow on the mountaintop was a breathtaking sight.


- The politician's glittering promises were soon forgotten by the public.



1. Glittering jewels: 闪耀的珠宝

2. Glittering lights: 闪耀的灯光

3. Glittering snow: 闪耀的雪花

4. Glittering stars: 闪耀的星星

5. Glittering water: 闪耀的水面

6. Glittering eyes: 闪亮的眼睛

7. Glittering gold: 闪亮的黄金

8. Glittering cityscape: 灯火辉煌的城市景观

9. Glittering costumes: 华丽的服饰

10. Glittering performance: 震撼人心的表演

11. Glittering fireworks: 炫目的烟火

12. Glittering champagne: 泡沫飞溅的香槟

13. Glittering celebration: 灿烂的庆祝活动

14. Glittering success: 辉煌的成功

15. Glittering career: 光彩夺目的职业生涯

16. Glittering reputation: 赫赫有名的声誉

17. Glittering opportunity: 前途无量的机会

18. Glittering future: 光明灿烂的未来

19.Glittering personality:迷人魅力

20.Glittering smile:灿烂笑容


1. Sparkling - glittering is often used to describe something that sparkles or shines, so sparkling can be a good synonym. For example, "The glittering stars lit up the night sky."

2. Dazzling - this word also conveys the idea of something shining or sparkling, but with a stronger emphasis on its brightness and beauty. For instance, "The dancer's glittering costume was truly dazzling on stage."

3. Shimmering - similar to glittering, shimmering refers to something that glimmers or has a soft shine. It can also suggest movement, as in "The water was shimmering in the sunlight."

4. Glinting - this word is often used to describe a quick flash of light or shine, like a glimmer or twinkle. For example, "The diamond on her finger was glinting in the sunlight."

5. Radiant - while not directly related to the idea of shining or sparkling, radiant can be used to describe something that emits light and energy, giving off a similar effect as glittering. For instance, "The bride looked radiant in her glittering wedding dress."

6. Glistening - another word that conveys the idea of shining or reflecting light, glistening can also suggest moisture or wetness. For example, "The glistening dewdrops on the grass made it look like a field of diamonds."

7. Glittery - this is simply another form of the word glittering and can be used interchangeably in most cases. However, it may have a slightly more casual or informal tone.

8. Lustrous - this word refers to something having a soft sheen or shine, often associated with high-quality materials such as silk or pearls.

9. Resplendent - similar to radiant and dazzling, resplendent suggests something shining brightly and beautifully.

10. Scintillating - while not commonly used in everyday language, this word can be used as a synonym for glittering to describe something sparkling or shining brilliantly. For example, "The scintillating lights of the city at night were a sight to behold."


