

更新时间:2024-02-14 10:30:04作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of glimmer

1. What does glimmer mean?

Glimmer is a noun that refers to a faint or unsteady light, often one that flickers or shines intermittently. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to shine with a faint or unsteady light.


2. How do you pronounce glimmer?

The word glimmer is pronounced as "gli-mer", with the stress on the first syllable. The "gl" sound is similar to the beginning of the word "glow" and the "er" sound is like the end of the word "laser".

3. Synonyms for glimmer

Some synonyms for glimmer include gleam, shimmer, twinkle, flicker, and sparkle. These words all refer to a small amount of light that shines weakly or intermittently.

4. Examples of using glimmer in a sentence

- The only source of light in the dark cave was a small glimmer coming from a crack in the wall.

- As she walked through the forest at night, she could see tiny glimmers of light from fireflies.

- The stars shone with a faint glimmer in the clear night sky.

- His eyes sparkled with a mischievous glimmer as he told his joke.

- There was just enough light from the moon to catch a glimpse of her face, which had a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

5. Related words and phrases

Some related words and phrases to glimmer include:

- Glimpse: to see something quickly or briefly

- Glint: a brief flash or reflection of light

- Twinkle in one's eye: an expression used to describe someone's happy or mischievous mood

- Flicker of hope: a small amount of hope that may not last long

Overall, glimmer is often used to describe small amounts of light that shine weakly or intermittently. It can also be used figuratively to describe a small amount of something, such as hope or emotion. Remember to pronounce it as "gli-mer" and use some of the synonyms and related words in your writing to add variety and depth to your language

Is glimmer an idiom?





Usage and examples of glimmer

1. What does glimmer mean?

- Glimmer is a verb that means to shine faintly or flicker, often used to describe a small or weak light source.

- It can also be used as a noun to refer to a faint or unsteady light.

2. How do you pronounce glimmer?

- The word "glimmer" is pronounced as "glim-er", with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for glimmer

- Some synonyms for glimmer include gleam, shimmer, twinkle, and flicker.

- These words can be used interchangeably in certain contexts to convey a similar meaning.

4. Examples of glimmer in sentences

- The stars began to glimmer in the dark sky.

- A small glimmer of hope gave her the strength to keep going.

- The candle's flame continued to glimmer even as it burned out.

- His eyes held a glimmer of excitement as he talked about his new project.

- The city lights created a beautiful glimmer on the water.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, "glimmer" is a versatile word that can be used both as a verb and noun to describe faint or unsteady light. It can also be replaced by other similar words such as gleam and twinkle. So next time you see something shining faintly, don't hesitate to use the word "glimmer" in your descriptions!

Antonyms and synonyms for glimmer

1. Antonyms for glimmer:

- Darkness

- Dullness

- Obscurity

- Blackout

- Dimness

2. Synonyms for glimmer:

- Sparkle

- Twinkle

- Shine

- Gleam

- Flicker

3. Example sentences:

- The glimmer of hope in her eyes was quickly extinguished when she heard the bad news.

- The stars started to glimmer in the night sky as the sun set.

- The candle's glimmer provided a soft and warm light in the dark room.

- She could see a faint glimmer of recognition in his eyes as she approached him.

- The city lights created a beautiful glimmer on the water's surface.

4. Antonyms and synonyms explained:

Glimmer is a noun that refers to a faint or unsteady light, often associated with hope or a small amount of something. Its antonyms are words that have opposite meanings, such as darkness, dullness, obscurity, blackout and dimness. These words suggest the absence of light or brightness and can be used to describe situations where there is no hope or little of something.

On the other hand, synonyms for glimmer are words that have similar meanings, such as sparkle, twinkle, shine, gleam and flicker. These words all suggest a small amount of light or brightness and can be used to describe situations where there is a sense of hope or a small but noticeable presence of something.

5. How to pronounce "glimmer":

Glimmer is pronounced as /ˈɡlɪmər/, with emphasis on the first syllable "glim". It rhymes with words like simmer and timber.

6. Other forms of "glimmer":

The word "glimmer" can also be used as a verb, meaning to shine faintly or unsteadily. Its past tense form is "glimmered" and its present participle form is "glimmering". For example:

- The stars were glimmering in the night sky.

- A faint light glimmered in the distance.

7. Related words:

Some related words to glimmer are:

- Glow: a steady and warm light

- Glisten: to shine or sparkle with reflected light

- Radiance: a bright and glowing light

- Faint: lacking brightness or clarity

8. Conclusion:

In summary, glimmer is a word that refers to a faint or unsteady light, often associated with hope or a small amount of something. Its antonyms are words that suggest the absence of light or brightness, while its synonyms are words that suggest a small amount of light or brightness. Remember, the word is pronounced as /ˈɡlɪmər/ and can also be used as a verb. Other related words include glow, glisten, radiance and faint

Explanation of the meaning of glimmer

1. Glimmer的含义


2. Glimmer作为名词

作为名词时,glimmer指的是一种微弱的光线,通常是指夜晚或昏暗环境中看到的微小闪光。它可能来自于远处的灯光、星星或火焰等。例如,“The only glimmer of light in the dark forest came from the distant campfire.”(在黑暗的森林里,唯一一丝光亮来自远处篝火)。此外,glimmer也可以指希望或信号。“The glimmer of hope in her eyes gave him the courage to keep going.”(她眼中的一丝希望给了他继续前进的勇气)。

3. Glimmer作为动词

作为动词时,glimmer有闪烁、发出微光、若隐若现等含义。例如,“The stars glimmered in the night sky.”(星星在夜空中闪烁)。此外,glimmer也可以指显示出一丝迹象或希望。“A glimmer of understanding appeared on her face.”(她脸上露出一丝理解)。

4. Glimmer的发音


5. Glimmer的同义词

与glimmer意思相近的词有twinkle、sparkle、flicker等。它们都指微弱的闪光或光芒。例如,“The stars twinkled in the night sky.”(星星在夜空中闪烁)。但是,这些词也有着细微的差别。Twinkle通常指快速闪烁,sparkle指明亮而有规律地闪烁,flicker则指不稳定或间断地闪烁。

6. Glimmer的例句

1) The glimmer of hope in her eyes gave him the courage to keep going.

2) The stars glimmered in the dark sky, creating a romantic atmosphere.

3) A faint glimmer of light could be seen in the distance, indicating that they were getting closer to civilization.

4) The candle flickered and then went out, leaving only a small glimmer of light in the room.

5) As she walked through the dark forest, she could see a few glimmers of light coming from fireflies

In conclusion, glimmer is a versatile word that can be used as both a verb and a noun. Its pronunciation may vary depending on the region, but it is generally pronounced as "gli-mer". It is not considered an idiom, but rather a common word that can add depth and emotion to your writing or speech. Whether you are using it to describe a faint light or a small sign of hope, glimmer is a powerful word that can evoke strong imagery and feelings.

As the editor of this website, I hope this article has shed some light on the meaning of glimmer and how to use it effectively in your writing. If you found this article helpful, please consider following me for more language tips and tricks. Thank you for reading and happy writing!


