

更新时间:2024-02-14 10:25:48作者:自考教育网



1. glider的发音是什么?



2. glider的含义是什么?


3. glider在不同语境下的意思


4. 如何正确地念出glider这个词?


5. glider和gladiator的发音有什么区别?


6. 如何正确地使用glider这个词?

如果你想用英语表达“滑翔机”这个意思,那么可以说:“I saw a glider flying in the sky.”(我看到一架滑翔机在天空飞行。)如果你想用来指代其他含义,可以根据具体语境进行使用


1. 什么是glider?


2. glider的历史


3. glider的结构


4. glider与其他飞行器的区别


5. glider的使用范围



1. 简单介绍


2. 用法示例

- The glider soared through the sky gracefully, giving the pilot a breathtaking view of the landscape below.


- The sugar glider is a small marsupial that can glide from tree to tree using its skin flaps.


- My son loves playing with his toy glider in the park, pretending to be a pilot.


3. 其他表达方式


- The bird effortlessly glided through the air, searching for its prey.


- The glider pilot skillfully maneuvered the aircraft through the narrow canyon.


- The glider competition was full of excitement and adrenaline.



1. 飞行器 (aircraft)

2. 滑翔机 (sailplane)

3. 飞行翼 (flying wing)

4. 空中滑翔器 (aerial glider)

5. 飞行滑板 (flying skateboard)

6. 滑翔伞 (paraglider)

7. 滑翔机场 (glider airfield)

8. 高空滑翔 (high-altitude gliding)

9. 热气球滑翔 (hot air balloon gliding)

10. 动力滑翔机 (powered glider)

11. 轻型飞机 (light aircraft)

12. 无动力飞行器 (unpowered aircraft)

13. 空中运动项目 (aerial sports)

14. 自由飞行运动会 (aerobatic competition)

15. 高空跳伞活动 (skydiving activities)


1. Soaring device

Glider is a soaring device that uses air currents to stay aloft without the use of an engine. It is also known as a sailplane or a gliding plane.

2. Non-powered aircraft

Glider can be referred to as a non-powered aircraft, as it does not have an engine and relies on natural forces to fly.

3. Silent aircraft

Since gliders do not have an engine, they are often described as silent aircraft. This allows for a peaceful and serene flying experience.

4. Sailcraft

Another synonym for glider is sailcraft, as it uses the wind and air currents to glide through the sky.

5. Aerotow plane

In order for gliders to reach higher altitudes, they are often towed by an aerotow plane, which is a powered aircraft that pulls the glider into the air.

6. Soaring plane

The term soaring plane can also be used to describe a glider, as it relies on soaring techniques such as thermals and ridge lift to stay aloft.

7. Hang glider

A hang glider is a type of glider that is piloted by hanging from a frame with the body suspended beneath a fabric wing.

8. Paraglider

Similar to a hang glider, a paraglider is also unpowered and controlled by shifting body weight while suspended beneath a fabric wing.

9. Ultralight aircraft

Although not commonly used, ultralight aircraft can also be used to describe gliders, as they are lightweight and unpowered flying machines.

10. Gliding craft

Lastly, another synonym for glider is gliding craft, which accurately describes its function of using natural forces for flight rather than an engine or motor

glider是一种飞行器,它可以在没有动力的情况下滑翔飞行。它的发音是[ˈɡlaɪdər],可以用作名词和动词。例如,“The glider soared through the sky.”(滑翔机在天空中翱翔。)相关词汇还有glide(滑行)、gliding(滑翔)、glide path(下滑道)等。同义词示例有sailplane、hang glider等。作为网站编辑,我希望通过这篇文章向大家介绍了glider的意思和用法,并且能够增加大家对这种神奇飞行器的兴趣。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣的知识和信息。谢谢阅读!

