

更新时间:2024-02-14 10:01:17作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of "glassy"

1. What is the meaning of "glassy"?

- "Glassy" is an adjective that describes something that is smooth, shiny, and transparent like glass. It can also refer to someone's expression or eyes being cold and emotionless.


2. How do you pronounce "glassy"?

- The word "glassy" is pronounced as /ˈɡlæsi/ or "GLASS-ee". It has two syllables and the stress falls on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "glassy"

- Some synonyms for "glassy" are glossy, shiny, transparent, clear, smooth, and polished.

4. Examples of using "glassy" in a sentence

- Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears.

- The lake was so still that it looked like a sheet of glass.

- The vase had a beautiful glassy finish.

- After hours of polishing, the marble floor was left with a smooth and glassy surface.

- He stared at her with cold, glassy eyes.

5. Tips for pronouncing "glassy"

- Make sure to pronounce the letter "s" clearly in the word.

- The vowel sound in the first syllable is a short "a" sound like in the word "cat".

- The ending "-sy" should be pronounced as "-see".

- Practice saying the word slowly and then gradually increase your speed to improve your pronunciation.

In conclusion, "glassy" is an adjective used to describe something that is smooth, shiny, and transparent like glass. Its pronunciation is /ˈɡlæsi/ or "GLASS-ee", and it can be used as both a positive or negative description depending on the context. Some synonyms for this word are glossy, shiny, transparent, clear, smooth, and polished. With practice and attention to detail, you can easily master the pronunciation of "glassy"

How to say "glassy"

1. Understanding the meaning of "glassy"

- "Glassy" is an adjective that describes something that is transparent, smooth, and shiny like glass.

- It can also refer to something that is cold and emotionless, similar to the surface of glass.

- In some contexts, "glassy" can also mean having a glossy or reflective appearance.

2. Pronunciation of "glassy"

- The word "glassy" is pronounced as /ˈɡlæsi/ in American English and /ˈɡlɑːsi/ in British English.

- The stress is on the first syllable: GLASS-y.

3. Synonyms for "glassy"

- Some synonyms for "glassy" include shiny, glossy, transparent, smooth, reflective, and icy.

- In terms of emotions or expressions, synonyms for "glassy" could be cold, emotionless, blank, vacant, or unfeeling.

4. Example sentences using "glassy"

- Her eyes were glassy with tears as she watched her beloved pet pass away.

- The lake was so still and glassy that it perfectly reflected the surrounding trees.

- After hours of meditation, he finally achieved a glassy state of mind.

- Despite his calm demeanor on the outside, his eyes gave away a glassy emptiness inside.

- The artist's masterpiece had a beautiful glassy finish that caught everyone's attention.

5. Additional phrases related to "glassy"

- Glass-like: This phrase means resembling or having qualities of glass. For example: Her skin was so smooth and glass-like.

- Glassiness: This noun form of "glassy" refers to the quality or state of being like glass. For example: The water's glassiness made it difficult to see beneath the surface.

- Glassily: This adverb describes something being done in a smooth and shiny manner, like glass. For example: She stared glassily at her reflection in the mirror.

In conclusion, "glassy" is a versatile word that can describe physical appearance as well as emotions or expressions. It has a simple pronunciation and several synonyms that can be used to add variety to your writing or speech. Use the examples and related phrases provided to further expand your understanding of this word

Usage and examples of "glassy"

1. Definition of "glassy"

Glassy is an adjective that can be used to describe something that is made of or resembles glass in appearance, texture, or transparency. It can also refer to something that is smooth and shiny, like glass.

2. Pronunciation of "glassy"

The word "glassy" is pronounced as /ˈɡlæsi/ with the stress on the first syllable. The "s" in the middle is pronounced as a /z/ sound.

3. Synonyms of "glassy"

- Transparent: having the quality of being clear and see-through, like glass.

Example: The water in the lake was so transparent, you could see all the way to the bottom.

- Shiny: reflecting light or having a glossy surface.

Example: The polished marble floor was so shiny that it looked like glass.

- Smooth: having an even and level surface without any roughness or bumps.

Example: The glassy surface of the lake was perfect for skating.

4. Examples of usage

- The window panes were made of a special type of glassy material that allowed natural light to enter but kept out harmful UV rays.

- Her eyes were so glassy from crying that she couldn't even see straight.

- After polishing the table with wax, it had a beautiful glassy finish.

- The scientist observed how liquid turned into a solid state as it cooled down and became more and more glassy in appearance.

5. Common collocations with "glassy"

- Glassy eyes: used to describe eyes that are dull and expressionless.

Example: After taking medication, he had a hard time focusing and his eyes became glassy.

- Glassy stare/gaze/glimmer: used to describe someone's expression when they are deep in thought or lost in their own world.

Example: She sat by the window with a glassy stare, lost in her memories.

- Glassy surface/water: used to describe a smooth and shiny surface of water.

Example: The lake had a glassy surface, reflecting the beautiful sunset.

In conclusion, "glassy" is an adjective that can be used to describe something that is made of or resembles glass, or something that is smooth and shiny like glass. It has synonyms such as transparent, shiny, and smooth, and can be used in various contexts to describe different objects or situations. Remember to pronounce it as /ˈɡlæsi/ with the stress on the first syllable

Phrases with "glassy"

1. Glassy: (adj.) resembling glass in appearance or texture; shiny and smooth.

- The lake was so still and glassy, it looked like a mirror.

- Her eyes were glassy, reflecting the bright lights of the city.

2. Glassy-eyed: (adj.) having a blank or dazed look in one's eyes.

- After hours of studying, she emerged from her room with a glassy-eyed expression.

- The patient's glassy-eyed stare made the doctor concerned about his mental state.

3. Glassy surface: (n.) a smooth and shiny surface that resembles glass.

- The ice skaters glided gracefully across the glassy surface of the frozen lake.

- The artist used a special technique to create a glassy surface on his painting.

4. Glassy water: (n.) calm and still water that reflects light like glass.

- The early morning sun shone on the glassy water, creating a beautiful reflection.

- We canoed across the lake, enjoying the peacefulness of the glassy water.

5. Glassy look: (n.) a distant or unfocused look in one's eyes.

- When she heard the bad news, her face took on a glassy look as if she couldn't believe it.

- Some people get a glassy look when they are deep in thought.

6. Glass-like: (adj.) resembling or having qualities of glass; transparent and brittle.

- The vase was made of a delicate, almost glass-like material that sparkled in the sunlight.

- The ice sculpture had a beautiful, almost ethereal quality to it with its smooth and glass-like appearance.

7. Glass-clear: (adj.) completely transparent; crystal clear like glass.

- The water in this lake is so pure and clean, it's almost as clear as glass.

- She had blue eyes that were as bright and glass-clear as the ocean.

8. Glassy smooth: (adj.) having a very smooth and shiny surface.

- The marble countertop was polished to a glassy smoothness, reflecting the light in the kitchen.

- The dancer's movements were fluid and graceful, her body moving with a glassy smoothness.

9. Glassy finish: (n.) a glossy and reflective surface.

- The car was painted with a special coating that gave it a glassy finish.

- The artist added a final layer of varnish to give the painting a glassy finish.

10. Glassy-eyed stare: (n.) an intense or vacant gaze.

- He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under her glassy-eyed stare.

- The hypnotist's patient had a glassy-eyed stare as she went into a trance

Synonyms of "glassy" and their usage examples

1. Definition of "glassy"

- Meaning: having a smooth, shiny, and transparent surface like glass

- Example: The lake was so still and glassy, it reflected the surrounding trees perfectly.

2. How to pronounce "glassy"

- Pronunciation: /ˈɡlæsi/

- Example: She pronounced the word "glassy" with a slight lisp.

3. Synonyms of "glassy"

a. Shiny - having a smooth and glossy appearance

Example: Her hair was shiny like silk.

b. Reflective - able to reflect light or images clearly

Example: The mirror was so reflective that I could see my own reflection clearly.

c. Transparent - allowing light to pass through, clear

Example: The glass window was transparent, giving us a view of the city skyline.

d. Smooth - having an even surface without any bumps or roughness

Example: The table was smooth, making it perfect for writing on.

4. Usage examples of synonyms:

a. Her shiny eyes were filled with tears as she watched the sunset.

b. The reflective surface of the lake made it look like a mirror.

c. The transparent water allowed us to see the colorful fish swimming beneath.

d. He ran his hand over the smooth surface of the marble countertop.

In conclusion, "glassy" is an adjective used to describe something that is smooth, shiny, and transparent like glass. It can be pronounced as /ˈɡlæsi/ and has synonyms such as shiny, reflective, transparent, and smooth with their own unique usage examples



