

更新时间:2024-02-14 03:47:55作者:自考教育网



1. general的定义



2. general的含义


2.1 军事领域


2.2 普遍性和一般性

在日常生活中,我们经常会用到“in general”的表达方式来表示普遍性或一般性。例如,“In general, men are taller than women.”(一般来说,男性比女性高)这里,“in general”表示一种普遍现象或规律。

2.4 综合性、综合能力

General还可以用来表示一种综合性的能力或素质。例如,“She has a good general knowledge about history.”(她对历史有着很好的综合知识)这里,“general knowledge”指的是一般性的知识,而不是特定领域的专业知识。

3. general同义词及例句

- Synonyms: universal, common, overall, comprehensive

- Examples:

1) In general, people tend to prefer warmer weather.

2) The general consensus is that we should move forward with the plan.

3) The general public is invited to attend the event.

4) She has a general understanding of the subject, but not enough to teach it.

5) The general manager oversees all departments in the company


1. general的发音


2. general的读法

在英语中,general通常作为形容词使用,读作/dʒenrəl/。作为名词时,一般读作/dʒenrəl/或/dʒenrəl/. 在美式英语中,有时也会将其读作/jɛn(ə)r(ə)l/.

3. general同义词


4. general例句

(1) He has a general knowledge of history.


(2) In general, I prefer tea over coffee.

(3) The general manager of the company announced his retirement.


(4) The army was under the command of a brave general.


(5) The general consensus is that the project should be completed within a year.




1. general的含义及发音


2. general作为形容词


- In general, people are more health-conscious nowadays. (一般来说,现在人们更注重健康。)

- The general feeling among the employees is that the company is not treating them fairly. (员工们普遍认为公司对他们不公平。)

3. general作为名词


- The general led his troops into battle. (将军带领部队参加战斗。)

- The company's new CEO is a seasoned general in the business world. (公司新任CEO是商界经验丰富的高管。)

4. 同义词及例句


- This rule applies to everyone, it's universal. (这条规则适用于所有人,是普遍的。)

- It's a common belief that money can't buy happiness. (人们普遍认为金钱不能买来幸福。)

- The regular meeting will be held on Mondays. (定期会议将在周一举行。)



同义词:universal, general, overall, comprehensive, all-encompassing


1. The new policy aims to provide universal healthcare for all citizens.

2. The general consensus among the group was to move forward with the project.

3. The overall performance of the company has improved significantly in the past year.

4. We need to take a more comprehensive approach to solving this problem.

5. The new regulations are meant to be all-encompassing and cover every aspect of the industry.


同义词:common, universal, general, widespread, prevalent


1. It is a common belief that exercise is good for your health.

2. This is a universal truth that applies to everyone.

3. The general opinion seems to be in favor of the proposed changes.

4. This disease is widespread in developing countries.

5. In some cultures, it is prevalent for children to live with their parents until marriage.


同义词:generic, general, common, standard, typical


1. This medication has a generic name that is different from its brand name.

2. Can you give me a general idea of what your presentation will be about?

3. It's a common practice for companies to offer discounts during holiday season.

4. There are certain standard procedures that must be followed in case of an emergency.

5. His behavior was typical of someone who was nervous and anxious.


同义词:overall, general, total, complete, comprehensive


1. Overall, I think the meeting was a success.

2. My general impression of the city was positive.

3. The total cost of the project exceeded our initial budget.

4.The renovation project is now complete and we can move back into our home.

5.The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current market trends.


同义词:generic, general, common, standard, typical


1. This medication has a generic name that is different from its brand name.

2. Can you give me a general idea of what your presentation will be about?

3. It's a common practice for companies to offer discounts during holiday season.

4. There are certain standard procedures that must be followed in case of an emergency.

5. His behavior was typical of someone who was nervous and anxious.


同义词:broad, general, wide-ranging, all-inclusive, extensive


1. We need to take a broad approach to addressing this issue.

2. The general consensus is that the company needs to expand its product line.

3. The report covers a wide-ranging variety of topics related to the economy.

4. The all-inclusive tour package includes flights, accommodations, and meals.

5. She has an extensive knowledge of world history.


同义词:universal, general, widespread, common, prevalent


1. It is a universal truth that hard work pays off in the end.

2. The general opinion among the students was that the new dress code was too strict.

3. This type of crime is widespread in urban areas.

4. It's common for people to feel stressed during exams.

5. In some countries, corruption is prevalent in government institutions.


同义词:comprehensive, thorough, complete, all-inclusive, exhaustive


1.The company offers comprehensive training for new employees.

2.The report provides a thorough analysis of the current market trends.

3.We need to have a complete understanding of the situation before making any decisions.

4.The all-inclusive vacation package includes flights, accommodations, and activities.

5.The exhaustive research on this topic has been published in a book


1. General meaning:一般意义

2. General definition:一般定义

3. General interpretation:一般解释

4. General concept:一般概念

5. General understanding:一般理解

6. General sense:一般感觉

7. General implication:一般含义

8. General connotation:一般内涵

9. General significance:一般意义

10. General understanding of something:对某事的一般理解

11.General pronunciation: general的发音

12.General usage: general的用法

13.General characteristics: general的特征

14.General traits: general的特点

15.General features: general的特色

16.General qualities: general的品质

17.General attributes: general的属性

18.General nature: general的本质

19.General essence: general的精髓

20.General purpose: general的目的

21.General knowledge: 通识知识

22.General education: 通识教育

23.General principle: 通用原则

24.General rule: 通用规则

25.General law: 普遍法则

26.General theory: 通用理论

27.General concept of something: 对某事物的普遍概念

28.In general terms: 概括来说,总体上来说

29.In a more general sense: 更广泛地说,更普遍地说

30.Above all in general : 总之,总体而言

31.Be generally accepted as : 被普遍认可为

32.Generally speaking : 总的来说,一般来说

33.Generally acknowledged : 一般认为

34.Generally considered : 通常被认为

35.Generally perceived : 一般看法

36.Generally believed : 一般相信

37.Generally recognized : 一般承认

38.Generally agreed upon : 一般同意

39.Commonly known as : 通常被称为

40.Widely regarded as : 广泛被认为

41.Universal generalization:普遍概括

42.General consensus:普遍共识

43.General population:普通人口

44.General public:普通大众

45.General trend:普遍趋势

46.General practice:常规做法

47.General approach:一般方法

48.General opinion:普遍观点

49.General attitude:一般态度

50.General belief:普遍信念

51.In general use:通用的,普遍使用的

52.In general circulation:广泛流传的

53.In general demand:总体需求量大的

54.In general agreement with something:与某事物总体上保持一致

55.In general disapproval of something:对某事物总体上持反对态度



