

更新时间:2024-02-14 01:12:21作者:自考教育网



1. 拼写:garage,读作/gəˈrɑːʒ/,重音在第二个音节。


2. 发音:garage的发音和英语单词"garage"相似,但是重音位置不同。在英语中,重音在第一个音节,而在法语中,重音在最后一个音节。因此,在英语中发音为/gəˈrɑːʒ/,而在法语中发音为/gaˈraʒ/。

3. 翻译为:garage是一个法语单词,意思是“车库”。它也可以指代汽车修理厂或停车场


1. garage的基本含义


2. garage的发音及读音


3. garage作为名词的用法

(1) 指存放汽车的建筑物:The car is parked in the garage.

(2) 指汽车修理厂:I took my car to the garage for a check-up.

(3) 指停车场:There is a big garage near the shopping mall.

(4) 指仓库:The company has a large warehouse with multiple garages.

4. garage作为动词的用法


(1) I always garage my car at night.

(2) The hotel offers free parking, so you can easily garage your car.

5. 衍生词汇


(1) garage sale:指在车库内举行的旧货出售活动。

(2) garage band:指在车库内练习和表演音乐的乐队。

(3) garage door:指车库门。

(4) garage rock:指起源于60年代美国的一种流行音乐风格。

6. 用于比喻的意义


(1) He garaged his emotions and didn't show any sign of sadness.

(2) The artist garaged his paintings for years before finally exhibiting them.



1. "Garage" is a French word meaning "shelter" or "protection". (《Garage》是一个法语单词,意思是“庇护”或“保护”。)

2. In the automotive industry, "garage" refers to a building or structure used for storing and repairing vehicles. (在汽车行业,“garage”指的是用于存放和修理车辆的建筑物或结构。)

3. Some people also use the term "garage" to refer to a car park or parking lot. (有些人也用“garage”来指代停车场或停车位。)

4. The pronunciation of "garage" is often debated, with some pronouncing it as "ga-raaj" and others as "ga-rahj". (关于“garage”的发音存在争议,有些人发音为“ga-raaj”,而另一些人则为“ga-rahj”。)

5. In British English, "garage" can also refer to a workshop where cars are repaired and serviced. (在英式英语中,“garage”也可以指代修理和维修汽车的工作室。)

6. The term "garage band" originated in the 1960s and refers to a group of amateur musicians who practice and perform in someone's garage. (“Garage band”这个词是在20世纪60年代产生的,指的是一群业余音乐家在某人的车库里练习和表演。)

7. In some countries, such as Canada and Australia, the term "carport" is used instead of "garage" to refer to a covered structure used for parking vehicles. (在一些国家,比如加拿大和澳大利亚,“carport”这个词被用来代替“garage”,指的是一个用于停放车辆的有顶棚的结构。)

8. The word "garage" can also be used metaphorically to refer to a place where someone keeps their thoughts or ideas hidden. (“Garage”这个词也可以比喻地指代某人隐藏自己的想法或主意的地方。)

9. In the United States, "garage sales" are popular events where people sell unwanted items from their homes. (在美国,“garage sales”是一种流行的活动,人们在家中出售不需要的物品。)

10. The French phrase "en garage" means "in storage" or "in the garage". (法语短语“en garage”的意思是“存放”或“在车库里”。)


1. Garage sale - 车库拍卖,指在车库或院子里举行的低价出售旧物的活动。

2. Garage door - 车库门,指用于车库的大型可移动门。

3. Garage band - 车库乐队,指在车库里练习和表演音乐的业余乐队。

4. Garage rock - 车库摇滚,指起源于20世纪60年代美国的一种原始、简单的摇滚音乐风格。

5. Parking garage - 停车场,指专门用于停放汽车的建筑物或区域。

6. Garage apartment - 车库公寓,指建在车库上方的一种住宅结构。

7. Motor garage - 汽修店,指提供汽车维修和保养服务的商店或机构。

8. Car garage - 汽车修理厂,指专门从事汽车维修和保养的工作场所。

9. Garage keeper - 停车场管理人员,指负责管理停车场及其收费等工作的人员。

10. Garage door opener - 车库门开启器,指用于自动打开和关闭车库门的装置


1. Workshop - 车间

2. Carport - 车棚

3. Parking lot - 停车场

4. Repair shop - 修理厂

5. Service station - 加油站/维修站

6. Auto shop - 汽车店

7. Motor pool - 汽车库/机动车队

8. Maintenance facility - 维修设施

9. Vehicle storage facility - 车辆存放设施

10. Mechanic's garage - 技师的汽车修理店


