

更新时间:2024-02-12 22:53:53作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of feeder

1. What does feeder mean?


Feeder is a noun that refers to a person, animal, or thing that feeds or is used for feeding. It can also refer to a device that supplies material for a machine or process.

2. How do you pronounce feeder?

The word "feeder" is pronounced as "fee-der." The first syllable is stressed and the second syllable is pronounced with a short "e" sound.

3. Synonyms for feeder

Some synonyms for the word "feeder" are:

- Supplier: someone or something that provides what is needed.

- Contributor: someone or something that adds to or helps create something.

- Nourisher: someone or something that provides sustenance or nourishment.

- Conduit: a channel through which something flows; in this case, food or materials.

- Conveyor: a mechanical device used to transport materials from one place to another.

4. Examples of using feeder in a sentence

- The bird feeder was filled with seeds, attracting many colorful birds to the backyard.

- The automatic feeder dispensed the perfect amount of food for the fish in the aquarium.

- As a supplier of raw materials, the company plays an important role as a feeder for various industries.

- The river serves as a natural feeder for the lake, constantly replenishing its water supply.

- The conveyor belt carried the goods from the factory's feeder system to be packaged and shipped out.

In conclusion, "feeder" can refer to various things such as someone who feeds, a device used for feeding or supplying material, and even natural sources like rivers. Its pronunciation is straightforward and there are several synonyms that can be used interchangeably depending on context. Hopefully, this has helped clarify any confusion about what "feeder" means and how it should be pronounced

How to pronounce feeder



1. The bird feeder was full of seeds, attracting many different types of birds. (鸟食器里装满了种子,吸引了许多不同种类的鸟类。)

2. The farmer used a feeder to water his crops. (农民用水龙头给作物浇水。)

3. The factory installed a new feeder to increase production efficiency. (工厂安装了新的输送设备来提高生产效率。)


The usage and examples of feeder

1. Feeder的含义


2. Feeder的发音


3. Feeder的同义词


4. Feeder的例句

- The bird feeder in my backyard attracts many different types of birds.


- The automatic feeder ensures that my cat is fed on time every day.


- As a language model, I act as a feeder of information to the AI system.



Phrases with feeder

1. Definition of feeder

- Feeder refers to a person, animal, or thing that supplies or provides something to another.

- In the context of animals, a feeder is someone who feeds and takes care of animals, usually in a farm or zoo setting.

- In terms of machines, a feeder is a device that supplies materials or parts into a machine for further processing.

2. How to pronounce feeder

- Feeder is pronounced as "fee-der", with the stress on the first syllable.

- The "ee" in the first syllable should be pronounced as a long "e" sound, similar to the word "see".

3. Synonyms for feeder

- Supplier: This word has a similar meaning to feeder, referring to someone or something that provides or supplies something to another.

- Contributor: This word can also be used in place of feeder, emphasizing the act of giving or providing something.

- Nourisher: This term has a more nurturing connotation and can be used to describe someone who feeds and takes care of others.

4. Example sentences using feeder

- The bird feeder in our backyard attracts many different types of birds.

- The automatic fish feeder dispenses food at regular intervals throughout the day.

- As an animal lover, I volunteered to be a feeder at the local zoo during my summer break.

5. Feeder industries

- A feeder industry refers to an industry that supports or supplies materials and components for another industry's production process.

- For example, the steel industry is considered a feeder industry for the automotive industry because it supplies steel parts and materials used in car production.

6. Feeder school

- A feeder school is a primary or secondary school that sends students on to another specific school for further education.

- For instance, many high schools are considered feeders for prestigious universities such as Harvard or Yale.

7. Power line feeders

- Power line feeders are the cables or wires that carry electricity from a power plant to substations, which then distribute the power to homes and businesses.

- These feeders are essential for providing electricity to communities and keeping the lights on.

8. Feeder bus

- A feeder bus is a small bus that transports passengers from a remote location to a main transportation hub, such as a train station or airport.

- These buses help connect people from different areas to major transportation networks.

9. Feeder road

- A feeder road is a small road that connects to a larger road or highway, providing access to smaller towns and villages.

- These roads are important for connecting rural areas and facilitating transportation for goods and services.

10. Feeder cattle

- Feeder cattle refers to young cattle that are raised for beef production.

- These animals are typically fed with high-quality feed in order to increase their weight and prepare them for slaughter

Synonyms for feeder with examples

1. What does feeder mean?

Feeder is a term used in the translation and interpretation industry to refer to a person or source that provides information or materials for a specific purpose.

2. How do you pronounce feeder?

Feeder is pronounced as "fee-der."

3. Synonyms for feeder

- Supplier: Someone who supplies or provides something.

Example: The supplier of raw materials for our company has increased their prices.

- Contributor: A person who contributes or gives something, especially towards a common goal.

Example: The contributor of this article has shared valuable insights on the topic.

- Source: A place, person, or thing from which something originates.

Example: The source of information for this project was the company's annual report.

- Provider: Someone who provides something for someone else's use or benefit.

Example: The provider of this service has been rated highly by its customers.

4. Examples of using synonyms for feeder:

- Our team relies on various suppliers to provide us with the necessary equipment and materials to complete our projects.

- As a contributor to the company's success, I am proud to have played a role in its growth and development.

- The source of inspiration for my art comes from my travels and experiences around the world.

- As a service provider, it is our responsibility to ensure that our clients receive top-notch quality and satisfaction.

In conclusion, feeder can be understood as someone or something that supplies, contributes, provides, or serves as the source of information or materials. Other words that can be used interchangeably with feeder include supplier, contributor, source, and provider



