

更新时间:2024-02-12 22:31:20作者:自考教育网



1. feckless的意思是没有效力或无能为力的,通常用来形容一个人缺乏决心和责任感,不负责任的态度。

2. feckless一词源于苏格兰语中的“feck”(意为价值或效用),加上后缀“-less”(意为没有)构成。


3. feckless的同义词包括irresponsible、useless、worthless等,都指一个人缺乏能力或责任感。

4. 例句:“他总是拖延做事,真是太feckless了!”

5. “这个公司的管理层太feckless了,导致业绩一落千丈。”

6. “她对自己的工作毫无兴趣,完全是个feckless的员工。”


1. feckless的发音


2. feckless的读法


3. feckless同义词

- irresponsible:不负责任的

- inept:不熟练的

- incompetent:无能力的

- careless:粗心大意的

4. feckless例句

- His feckless attitude towards his studies led to poor grades.


- The company's feckless management resulted in financial losses.


- She is tired of her husband's feckless behavior and is considering a divorce.



1. feckless的意思是没有效率或者无能的,常用来形容一个人缺乏决心和勇气,也可以指无力的或者不负责任的。

例句:She was a feckless girl who never finished anything she started. (她是一个无能的女孩,从来没有完成过她开始的任何事情。)

2. feckless还可以指缺乏重要部分或者组成成分,常用来描述一些事物或者计划的不完整性。

例句:The plan was feckless and failed to address the main issues. (这个计划缺乏重要部分,并且没有解决主要问题。)

3. 同义词包括:ineffective, incompetent, irresponsible, unreliable等。

例句:His feckless behavior caused a lot of problems for the company. (他不负责任的行为给公司带来了很多问题。)


1. Irresponsible - 不负责任的

例如:His feckless attitude towards his studies led to his failing grades.

2. Careless - 粗心的

例如:The feckless employee forgot to submit the important report on time.

3. Incompetent - 无能力的

例如:The company suffered losses due to the feckless management of its CEO.

4. Lazy - 懒惰的

例如:His feckless behavior resulted in him losing his job due to constant tardiness.

5. Reckless - 鲁莽的

例如:The driver's feckless driving caused a serious accident on the highway.

6. Negligent - 疏忽的

例如:The landlord was sued for his feckless maintenance of the rental property, causing harm to the tenants.

7. Worthless - 无价值的

例如:His feckless attempts at fixing the broken appliance only made it worse.

8. Useless - 无用的

例如:Her feckless efforts to study for the exam resulted in her failing grade.

9. Shiftless - 懒惰散漫的

例如:The company's downfall was caused by its feckless and shiftless employees who lacked motivation and drive.

10. Unreliable - 不可靠的

例如:The team lost the game due to their feckless goalkeeper who let in multiple goals without putting in much effort


1. Responsible


例句:His feckless behavior caused a lot of problems for the company, while his responsible colleague always took care of things.

2. Diligent


例句:The feckless student never bothered to study, while his diligent classmates always achieved top grades.

3. Competent


例句:The feckless manager couldn't handle the workload, while his competent assistant took charge and got things done.

4. Reliable


例句:Her feckless friend was always late and never kept her promises, while her reliable friend was always there when she needed help.

5. Capable


例句:The feckless employee couldn't handle the responsibility of managing a team, while his capable colleague excelled in the role.

6. Efficient


例句:The feckless government wasted a lot of resources, while the efficient one managed to achieve more with less.

7. Productive

反义词: unproductive

例句: His feckless attitude towards work resulted in low productivity, while his hardworking colleagues were much more productive.

8. Conscientious

反义词: careless

例句: The feckless driver caused an accident due to his careless driving, while the conscientious driver always followed traffic rules and drove safely.

9. Thorough

反义词: sloppy

例句: The feckless researcher didn't bother to check his facts properly, while the thorough researcher made sure all information was accurate before publishing.

10. Dependable

反义词: undependable

例句: The feckless employee often called in sick and couldn't be relied on, while the dependable employee always showed up and completed tasks on time


