

更新时间:2024-02-12 22:08:26作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of feather

1. What does feather mean?


- Feather is a noun that refers to the light, soft, and flat growths that cover the body of birds and enable them to fly.

2. How do you pronounce feather?

- Feather is pronounced as /ˈfɛðər/ in American English and /ˈfeðə/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for feather

- Plume, quill, down, tuft, plumage

4. Example sentences:

- The peacock proudly displayed its colorful feathers.

- She gently stroked the soft feathers of the baby chick.

- The bird preened its feathers to keep them clean and smooth.

- He had a feather stuck in his hat as a symbol of his bravery.

- The pillow was filled with soft goose down feathers for maximum comfort

Is feather an idiom?

Feather is a common word in the English language, but is it considered an idiom? The answer to this question may not be as straightforward as you think. In this section, we will explore the meaning of feather, how it is pronounced, and its synonyms and examples to determine if it can be classified as an idiom.

Meaning of Feather:

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, feather can be defined as "one of the light horny epidermal outgrowths that form the external covering of the body of birds." In simpler terms, feathers are the soft, lightweight structures that cover the bodies of birds. However, feather also has other meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence.


The word feather is pronounced as "FEH-ther" with emphasis on the first syllable. It is a two-syllable word with a long "e" sound in the first syllable and a short "e" sound in the second syllable.


Some common synonyms for feather include plume, quill, down, and plumage. These words are often used interchangeably with feather in different contexts.


1. The bird's colorful feathers caught everyone's attention.

2. She brushed her hair with a soft feather.

3. He was feeling under the weather and had no energy.

4. The dancer gracefully moved her arms like feathers.

5. The pillow was filled with fluffy down feathers.

Is Feather an Idiom?

After exploring the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms and examples of feather, it can be concluded that it is not an idiom. An idiom is a group of words whose meaning cannot be understood by their individual words but has a different meaning as a whole. Feather does not fit this definition as its meaning can be easily understood by its individual words.

In conclusion, while feather may not be an idiom, it is a versatile word with multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. So the next time you come across the word feather, remember its different meanings and use it accurately in your sentences

Usage and examples of feather

1. Feather的含义:Feather是英语中的一个名词,指的是“羽毛”。它可以用来形容鸟类身上的轻盈、柔软和美丽,也可以用来指代某些物品或装饰品中的羽毛。

2. Feather的发音:Feather的发音为/fɛðər/,读起来像是“嘶”的声音加上“瑟”的音调,轻轻地吹出来就像是一片羽毛在飞舞。

3. Feather的同义词:Feather有许多同义词,比如plume、quill、down等。它们都可以用来表示羽毛这个意思。

4. Feather的例句:

- The peacock's feathers are so colorful and beautiful.


- The Native Americans used feathers to make headdresses.


- The ink in this pen comes from a bird's feather.


Antonyms and synonyms of feather

1. Antonyms of feather

- Lead: a heavy metal that is the opposite of feather, as it is dense and not light.

Example: The lead weight was the antonym of the feather, making it difficult for the bird to fly.

- Brick: a building material that is solid and heavy, unlike a feather which is light and delicate.

Example: The brick was the antonym of the feather, making it impossible for it to float on water.

- Boulder: a large rock that is heavy and solid, unlike a feather which is light and soft.

Example: The boulder was the antonym of the feather, causing it to sink to the bottom of the lake.

2. Synonyms of feather

- Plume: a long, soft feather used for decoration or as an ornament.

Example: The dancer's costume was adorned with colorful plumes that swayed with her every move.

- Quill: a writing instrument made from a bird's feather.

Example: In ancient times, scribes used quills made from feathers to write on parchment.

- Fluff: soft material resembling feathers or down.

Example: The pillow was filled with fluff from feathers, making it comfortable to sleep on.

3. Examples using "feather" in sentences:

- She gently stroked her cat's fur with a feather duster.

- The peacock proudly displayed its beautiful tail feathers.

- He plucked a white feather from his hat and handed it to her as a token of love.

- She felt like she was walking on air when she found out she got the lead role in the play. It was like being carried by feathers.

In conclusion, "feather" can have various meanings depending on its context. It can refer to something light and delicate or can be used metaphorically to describe feelings or emotions. Its antonyms include words like lead, brick, and boulder while its synonyms include plume, quill, and fluff

Explanation of feather

1. Feather的意思是羽毛,通常指鸟类身上的轻薄羽状物质。它们具有轻盈柔软的特点,常用于制作装饰品或者填充物。

2. Feather的发音为['fɛðər],其中的th读作/d/而不是/t/,容易让人念错。但是不要担心,大多数人都会犯同样的错误。

3. Feather的同义词包括plume、quill、down等。例如:The peacock's feathers are so colorful and beautiful.(孔雀的羽毛如此色彩缤纷美丽)

4. Feather也可以用来比喻某种特征或者特质。例如:She has a feather in her cap for winning the competition.(她因赢得比赛而增添了一项成就)

5. 在英语中,还有一个常用短语“birds of a feather”,意思是“志趣相投的人”。例如:They are birds of a feather, always hanging out together.(他们志趣相投,总是在一起玩耍)

6. 最后给大家分享一个有趣的事实:在英国传统上,把一根羽毛放在门口表示欢迎客人。所以如果你看到门口有一根羽毛,请放心进去吧!





