

更新时间:2024-02-12 22:05:01作者:自考教育网



1. fear的定义



2. fear的含义



3. fear的同义词


- dread:指极度害怕或担心某事物。

- terror:指极度恐惧和惊慌。

- anxiety:指对未知或可能发生的事情所产生的担忧和焦虑。

- panic:指突然发生且令人恐慌的事情。

- phobia:指对某种特定事物或情况的病态恐惧。

4. fear的例句

- She has a fear of spiders. (她害怕蜘蛛。)

- He was filled with fear when he heard the strange noise. (当他听到奇怪的声音时,他充满了恐惧。)

- The thought of losing her job filled her with dread. (失去工作的想法让她感到恐惧。)

- The people were in a state of terror after the earthquake. (地震后,人们处于恐慌状态。)

- His constant anxiety about his health makes him unable to sleep at night. (他对自己健康的持续担忧使他晚上无法入睡。)

- The crowd panicked when they heard the loud explosion. (听到巨大的爆炸声,人群陷入恐慌。)

- She suffers from a phobia of heights, so she avoids tall buildings and bridges. (她有高处恐惧症,所以避免去高楼和桥梁。)



1. fear的发音:[fiər]

2. fear的读法:fee-er

3. 同义词:dread, terror, panic

4. 例句:

- I have a fear of heights, so I avoid tall buildings.


- The sound of thunder always fills me with fear.


- She couldn't hide her fear when she saw the spider crawling towards her.



1. 概念解释


2. 名词用法


- She has a fear of heights. (她有恐高症。)

- The fear of failure is holding him back. (对失败的恐惧让他退缩。)

- The unknown always brings fear to people's hearts. (未知总是让人们心生恐惧。)

3. 动词用法


- He fears for his family's safety in the war-torn country. (他担心自己家人在这个饱受战争蹂躏的国家的安全。)

- She fears that she won't be able to pass the exam. (她担心自己无法通过考试。)

4. 同义词


- Dread (害怕):通常指对某件事情的强烈恐惧或厌恶。

- Terror (恐怖):指极端的、强烈的恐惧。

- Panic (惊慌):指突然发生的、无法控制的恐慌。

- Phobia (恐惧症):指对某种事物或情况过度害怕的心理障碍。

5. 例句


- The children were filled with fear when they saw the ghost in the haunted house.


- She has a deep dread of public speaking, so she always avoids giving presentations.


- The terrorist attack on the city caused widespread terror among the citizens.


- The sudden loud noise caused a panic among the crowd, and everyone started running in all directions.


- She has a phobia of spiders, so she can't even look at pictures of them without feeling scared.




1. Dread - 害怕

例句:She had a sense of dread as she walked into the dark alley.


2. Terror - 恐怖

例句:The thought of being alone in the haunted house filled her with terror.


3. Panic - 恐慌

例句:He felt a surge of panic when he realized he was lost in the forest.


4. Anxiety - 焦虑

例句:She couldn't shake off the anxiety that something bad was going to happen.


5. Apprehension - 忧虑

例句:There was a sense of apprehension in the air as they waited for the test results.


6. Unease - 不安

例句:He couldn't shake off the unease he felt when walking through the abandoned building.


7. Phobia - 恐惧症

例句:Her fear of heights was so extreme that she couldn't even stand on a chair.


8. Dreadfulness - 可怕

例句:The dreadfulness of the situation hit her when she saw the car crash.


9. Horror - 惊悚

例句:The horror of the haunted house was too much for her to handle.


10. Fright - 惊恐

例句:She let out a scream of fright when she saw a spider crawling on her arm.



1. Live in fear: 生活在恐惧中

例句:She has been living in fear ever since the accident.

2. Fear for: 担心,忧虑

例句:I fear for my safety in this neighborhood.

3. Fear of heights: 恐高症

例句:He couldn't climb the ladder due to his fear of heights.

4. Fear factor: 恐惧因素

例句:The fear factor in horror movies is what makes them so popular.

5. Fearful of: 害怕,畏惧

例句:The child was fearful of the dark and refused to sleep alone.

6. Face your fears: 面对恐惧

例句:She decided to face her fears and go bungee jumping.

7. Instill fear: 引起恐惧

例句:The dictator instilled fear in his people through violent means.

8. No fear: 无畏的,无所畏惧的

例句:He is a no-fear kind of person and loves taking risks.

9. Fearful anticipation: 恐惧的预感

例句:She waited with fearful anticipation for the test results to come back.

10. Beyond fear: 超越恐惧,不被恐惧所困扰

例句:He has learned to live beyond his fears and pursue his dreams

fear是一种强烈的情绪,它可以促使我们做出勇敢的决定,也可以阻止我们前进的脚步。它的发音为/fɪr/,读者可以根据需要自行调整。在日常生活中,我们可以用同义词如anxiety、dread等来替换fear。例如,“I have anxiety about speaking in public.”(我对公众演讲感到焦虑。)除了以上提及的用法外,fear还有许多常见的搭配短语,如“face your fears”(面对你的恐惧)、“live in fear”(生活在恐惧中)等。作为网站编辑,我希望通过这篇文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用fear这个词汇。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢阅读!


