

更新时间:2024-02-12 21:41:40作者:自考教育网


The meaning of FBI

1. FBI的全称及意义


FBI是美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)的缩写,是美国最主要的联邦执法机构之一。它的主要职责是调查和打击跨州和跨国犯罪活动,保护美国国家安全和维护公民权利。

2. FBI的发展历史


3. FBI的组织结构


4. FBI的工作内容


5. FBI的同义词

除了FBI,美国人还经常用缩写“G-men”来指代FBI特工。此外,一些人也会用“the Bureau”或“the Feds”来代替FBI。

6. FBI的读音

FBI的读音为[ef bi ai],其中每个字母都是单独发音,没有连读。

7. FBI在文学作品中的例子



How to pronounce FBI

1. FBI是什么意思?

FBI是Federal Bureau of Investigation的缩写,意为联邦调查局。它是美国联邦政府的执法机构,负责调查和打击跨州和跨国的重大犯罪活动,如恐怖主义、间谍活动、有组织犯罪等。

2. FBI怎么读?


3. FBI同义词及例句

- Synonyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau, the Feds

- Example sentences:

a) Local police have called in the FBI to help with the investigation.

b) The FBI has been monitoring the suspect's activities for months.

c) The Feds are offering a reward for any information leading to the capture of the fugitive.

4. 如何正确发音FBI?


a) 重读第一个音节“ef”,发音时要用力且清晰;

b) 第二个音节“bee”与英文字母B的发音相同;

c) 最后一个音节“eye”与英文单词“eye”的发音相同。

5. 常见错误发音


6. 如何练习发音?

a) 可以在网上搜索FBI的发音视频,跟着视频中的发音练习;

b) 也可以多听美国电影、电视剧或新闻中出现FBI时的发音,加强对其正确发音的印象;

c) 最重要的是要反复练习,直到能够流利地准确发音为止

Usage and examples of FBI

1. FBI是什么意思?

FBI是美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)的缩写,它是美国联邦政府的一部分,负责执法和调查联邦法律违规行为。

2. FBI怎么读?


3. FBI同义词


- Federal Bureau of Investigation

- The Bureau

- The Feds

- G-men (Government Men)

- Law enforcement agency

4. FBI的例句


- The FBI is responsible for investigating federal crimes and protecting national security.


- The suspect was arrested by the FBI after a thorough investigation.


- The FBI agent showed his badge and introduced himself as a member of the Bureau.


5. 结语:现在你已经知道了关于FBI的意思、发音、同义词及例句,希望这些信息能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词汇。记住,FBI不仅是一个机构的简称,更代表着美国政府对犯罪和国家安全的重视和保护

Phrases with FBI

1. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation. This is the full form of the acronym "FBI" and it refers to a federal law enforcement agency in the United States.

2. FBI agent: An FBI agent is a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who is responsible for investigating and enforcing federal laws.

3. FBI headquarters: This refers to the main office or headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, located in Washington D.C.

4. FBI director: The head or leader of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is known as the FBI director, who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

5. FBI field office: The field offices are regional branches of the Federal Bureau of Investigation located throughout the United States and in some international locations.

6. FBI Most Wanted: This term refers to a list maintained by the FBI which includes their most wanted fugitives, terrorists, and other criminals.

7. FBI informant: An individual who provides information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding criminal activities or investigations is known as an informant.

8. FBI surveillance: This refers to monitoring or observing individuals or groups suspected of involvement in criminal activities by agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

9. FBI raid: A sudden and forceful entry into a building or location by agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for investigative purposes is known as an "FBI raid".

10. CIA vs. FBI: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are both federal agencies involved in national security, but they have different roles and responsibilities.

11. Interpol vs. FBI: Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) and FBI are both law enforcement agencies that work together on international crimes, but they have different jurisdictions and functions.

12. NSA vs. FBI: The National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are both involved in intelligence gathering, but they have different focuses and responsibilities.

13. FBI sting operation: This refers to a law enforcement tactic where agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation pose as criminals to catch other criminals in the act.

14. FBI wiretap: A wiretap is a surveillance method used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to monitor phone calls or electronic communications of individuals suspected of criminal activities.

15. FBI fingerprinting: This refers to the process of collecting and analyzing fingerprints for identification purposes, often used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in criminal investigations.

16. FBI background check: A background check conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a thorough investigation into an individual's criminal history, employment history, and other personal information.

17. FBI polygraph test: Also known as a "lie detector test", this is a tool used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to determine if an individual is telling the truth or lying during an investigation.

18. FBI cybercrime division: The cybercrime division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation works to investigate and prevent cybercrimes such as hacking, identity theft, and online fraud.

19. FBI hostage rescue team: The hostage rescue team (HRT) is a specialized unit within the Federal Bureau of Investigation that responds to high-risk situations involving hostages or barricaded suspects.

20. FBI counterterrorism unit: The counterterrorism unit within the Federal Bureau of Investigation works to prevent and investigate terrorist activities within the United States and abroad

Synonyms of FBI with examples

1. What does FBI stand for? How do you pronounce it?

- FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation and it is pronounced as "ef-bee-eye".

2. What are some other words that can be used to refer to the FBI?

- The FBI can also be referred to as the "Bureau", "Feds", or "G-men".

3. Can you give some examples of how the word FBI is used in a sentence?

- The FBI is responsible for investigating federal crimes such as terrorism and cyber attacks.

- The local police department contacted the FBI for assistance in solving a high-profile murder case.

4. Are there any synonyms for the acronym FBI?

- Some synonyms for FBI include Federal Agency, Federal Police, and Federal Law Enforcement.

5. Can you provide some examples of how these synonyms are used in context?

- The Federal Agency has been monitoring potential threats to national security.

- The Federal Police were called in to handle a hostage situation at a bank robbery.

- The suspect was apprehended by Federal Law Enforcement officers after a nationwide manhunt.

6. Is there any slang terminology that is commonly used to refer to the FBI?

- Yes, some common slang terms for the FBI include "the Feds", "the G-men", and "the Bureau".

7. Could you give an example of how these slang terms are used in conversation?

- "I heard that the Feds are investigating that big drug bust last week."

- "Do you think we should call the G-men for backup on this case?"

- "The Bureau is cracking down on white-collar crime in our city."


